Lord of Pets

Chapter 253: 10 Jealings

The most important thing was finalized, and the conversation between the two became a little easier.

Mu Tianxing drank the tea in the cup and calmly said:

"No injury, I will return to Mu's house in the next few days."

"The various matters of promotion to the royal family are quite cumbersome."

"Only when everything is ready can the entire dynasty be announced."

Bai Wushang responded, and then saw Big Brother Mu take out an item and handed it over.

It was a golden token with an "eight" engraved on the front and the emblem of Shanhai College on the reverse.

"As short as half a month, as long as two months, I should not be able to leave and return to the academy."

Mu Tianxing said nonchalantly and disapprovingly: "So this ten outstanding order is temporarily handed over to you, just in case."

"The Ten Commandments..."

Holding the heavy token, Bai Wushang frowned slightly.

After being in the hospital for several months, it is natural to know what this is.

In principle, this is a symbol of the status of the ten heroes, and the nature of honor is far higher than the actual role.

However, in some special cases, this token can also come in handy.

"You keep it, the upcoming Thorns Competition seems to be a bit special compared to the past."

Mu Tianxing reminded: "The specific news is very tight, and it has not been passed on, and I have no way of knowing it."

"Anyway, with the Ten Commandments, I can still make decisions on my behalf when I am not present at the critical moment."

Bai Wushang nodded lightly, this is a very special item.

After obtaining the authorization of the ten masters, the rest can also use it, but only one chance.

However, compared to the ten heroes, Bai Wushang's attention was quickly attracted by the changes in the Thorns Competition.

Mu Tianxing held his chin and commented:

"Over the years, in addition to the freshmen's trials, Shanhai College has a variety of ways to eliminate it."

"No surprise, this competition is still coordinated and arranged by Xia Wanlong, and then some of the ten heroes will participate in collaboration."

"They could be spectators,

It could also be a referee, or even a participant, with no limitations. "

"This is also one of the 'happy' among the top ten. It is very interesting to observe the growth of the juniors and juniors and the transformation of the newcomers."

"Of course, it is not ruled out that there are ten heroes influencing the rules, or amending the rules."

"As long as it is within a reasonable range, it can basically be done."

Mu Tianxing seemed to recall something and smiled lightly:

"I've done this too. How can I put it, sometimes it's annoying."

"But really smart people, really talented people, people who can really persevere, will only gain more."

"You know, among the four famous courtyards, Shanhai and Chilong are the most outstanding."

"But Chilong relies on the royal title and has more resources."

"This also led to the fact that most of the people who go to study there are children of aristocratic families."

"Resources plus talent plus background, it is difficult for Chilong to fall out of the first place."

"In a college-level confrontation such as the Four-House League, 70% of them won the top spot."

"Even so, Shanhai College always ranks second, and occasionally can fight for the first place."

"What do you rely on? It's just this elimination system."

I have to say, chat with Brother Mu.

The information obtained is far more accurate and reliable than those from Ouyang Yuan, Jiang Feng and others, and it can be thought-provoking.

After all, he stood at the peak of the academy, from different angles and positions, and what he saw was the most real.

Bai Wushang pondered for a moment, did not hide it, and asked a few questions calmly.

After this village, there is no such shop.

The more information, the more confidence and leverage.

The first question he raised was directed at the two most noteworthy people in the same period, Situ Chi and Zhu Qin.

Especially the former, this person's personality is a little extreme and a little dark.

Coupled with the identity of the royal family, in fact, it has always been a thorn in Bai Wushen's head.

Not unplugging, or not solving this trouble, such as sitting on needle felt, is very unreliable.

Just ask, just because of the identity of the self-awakened person.

In the proving ground, with the help of Xue Ji's talent sneak attack, one blow pierced the head of Aju.

If it weren't for the blessing of the recipe, Bai Wushang would not have made it to today, and would have been eliminated long ago.

Perhaps from a competitive point of view, the opponent's methods are a bit ruthless at best.

But as the attacked person, as the master of Aju, Bai Wushang is very worried, and it is difficult to let go of this grievance.

"Is Situ late..."

Mu Tianxing said it again, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

"Have you ever had a grudge with him? For what?"

Bai Wushang was slightly surprised. Big Brother Mu seemed to have a lot of information. This is what he said, has he been paying attention to himself?

After roughly explaining the cause and effect, Mu Tianxing pondered:

"This person... In fact, I don't like it very much, and I don't like it very much."

"He's not a complete dude, but it's mostly because he's over-favored, he wants whatever he wants, he's pretentious, and he's used to it."

"It's a pity that such a person cannot walk sideways in the mountains and seas."

"Let's not talk about the academy system, just pull one of the top ten, which one has no background, and which one is weaker than him?"

Bai Wushang agreed, and when he heard Big Brother Mu's next sentence, his face became a little dignified.

"No injury, nothing to hide, I'll tell you straight."

"This person has a lot of background, so even if he is a freshman, he can make many friends in the senior year in the academy."

"He once stumped you behind your back, and asked someone to go to the Colosseum to jointly snipe you, and was stopped by me secretly."

"What else?" Bai Wushang couldn't help frowning, feeling nauseated as he picked out flies while eating.

I also think that after Luo Bing and Situ Chi "cooperated", they used the same method to target Luo Youyuan.

I have always been safe and sound, and when I think about it in hindsight, I feel more or less strange.

It turned out that it was not that he was not targeted.

Instead, Mu Tianxing grabbed a hand from behind and protected him faintly.

Bai Wushang was in a delicate mood, and this feeling of being silently cared for was quite warm.

"Do you know why he came to Shanhai instead of Chilong?"

Mu Tianxing shook the tea cup in his hand, and his tone was a little disdainful:

"Because, as the youngest son of King Iron Scythe, Situ Chi is favored."

"But the real powerhouse of the younger generation of the Situ family, the real talented person, is not him at all, there is someone else."

Bai Wushang's eyes narrowed slightly, some suddenly and some relieved.

This makes sense, if someone like Situ Chi can fully represent the future of the Situ family.

Then this royal family is too child's play, completely inconsistent with the status.

"Iron sickle king Situ Xuance has a lot of children, and there are also many mediocre people."

"In terms of talent alone, Situ Chi's initial soul power has reached the late stage of the spirit level, and he has awakened the blood following talent in the freshman trial."

"This kind of qualification is very good."

"But compared with his second brother "Situ Chao", it's really not worth mentioning. "

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