Lord of Pets

Chapter 254: Situ Chao

Mu Tianxing's expression was calm, but his tone was much more solemn:

"Situ Chao is not just an autonomous awakener."

"He is one year younger than me. He is currently in the third grade of Chilong, and he is also the fourth-ranked 'Qianlong'."

Bai Wu's heart stunned, and he was solemn.

Qianlong, this is the title of the Chilong Royal Academy for the top and strongest students.

Its status and identity are only higher than that of the top ten heroes of mountains and seas.

Because the number of Qianlong is only six at most, the competition is even more intense.

Mu Tianxing pursed his lips and said, "I have the advantage of being one year older, but with my current strength, I may not be his opponent."

"If his talent and pet beasts are placed in the mountains and seas, he might be able to compete with the third seat Xia Wanlong."

At this time, Bai Wushang's understanding of the true combat power of the top ten heroes of the mountains and seas was still very one-sided.

But everyone pointed out that the top three seats are very strong and invincible.

Since the ranking was mentioned, Bai Wushang couldn't help but ask:

"Brother Mu, with your strength, why are you only ranked eighth? Why do I feel so much more than that."

Mu Tianxing laughed dumbly, "This ranking was decided at the end of last year, that is, before you entered the academy."

"At that time, my Bai Shahu hadn't evolved yet, and his strength was not enough, so naturally he could only get eighth."

"Now, it should be able to rise by one or two."

"Be smooth and be able to compete for fifth place."

"Can only fight for fifth?"

Bai Wushang clicked his tongue in secret, according to this meaning, the fifth is not completely sure.

The water of these ten heroes is indeed a bit deep!

What kind of monsters are those people in front? !

"Yu Liang, the arrow of the wind, Mo Yu, the violent Shura flower, and Xia Wanlong, the steel caster."

"These are the top three, the three strongest in Shanhai, and they are all one year younger than me."

"Since they climbed to this position, there has never been a change of rankings,

It can be said that it is rock solid and has to be obeyed. "

"The fourth is also very ferocious, I am not an opponent."

"The fifth word, I can only say that there are some opportunities, but I don't know how his growth progress is now..."

Through Mu Tianxing's simple explanation, Bai Wushang established a clearer understanding.

Then there is a concept of Situ Chao's strength.

In other words, Situ Chao, an opponent at the level of Xia Wanlong, is a genius Master who is evenly matched.

It's not too much to say it's a monster.

"Situ Chi didn't go to Chilong. I think it was largely influenced by Situ Chao."

"He doesn't want to come over to 'seek abuse', and he doesn't want to be frequently compared to measure the gap between an excellent older brother and a mediocre younger brother."

"Furthermore, he has extreme behavior towards the self-awakened person, and he is born with disgust and jealousy, which seems to be able to prove this concept sideways."

Bai Wushang solved a confusion.

Think about it carefully, always live under the pressure of the genius brother.

The character is a little dark, but it seems to be understandable.

But understanding is understanding, and potential dangers should always be eliminated as much as possible.

There is a saying how to say, plan ahead and take precautions before it happens.

At this stage, Bai Wushang would rather think of the other party in a worse, more extreme way.

It's better than being paralyzed and giving up all the initiative.

His wings are now plump little by little.

The available means, methods and channels are also increasing little by little.

For example, at this time, taking advantage of the opportunity, Bai Wushang asked Mu Tianxing for some better ideas.

"Brother Mu, my feud with him is over."

"Even if for various reasons, the black hand didn't succeed."

"But what should I do if I encounter him again in activities such as the Thorns Tournament?"

Bai Wushang asked this question from the bottom of his heart.

He really couldn't find the best solution and didn't know how to deal with it properly.

Not to mention that Situ Chi obtained the mutant "Sword Demon of Light", which greatly increased his strength.

Assuming that Bai Wushang's current combat power can defeat or even severely suppress the opponent.

So, what should he do?

People want to kill, but it is impossible to kill them openly.

Especially in academy, it's hard to do that.

No matter what the competition system is, the protection of people is far higher than that of pets.

The beast is gone, and there is still a chance to come back again.

If there are no people, it will be really cold.

In addition, even within reasonable rules, successfully beheading Situ Chi.

As long as the news is exposed, that is to offend the Sixth Royal Family and cause great trouble for himself.

After all, the security provided by the academy is limited to Shanhaicheng.

Leave this range, there is no background enemy.

Maybe they will be afraid of the law enforcement team and the backbone of the hospital.

But as the Situ family of the sixth royal family, in terms of strength, aptitude, and status, they were on an equal footing with the academy.

Even if it is bound by the laws of the Dagan Dynasty, there are too many disgraceful means to use.

When referring to him, Bai Wushang didn't know when or where the disaster would come.

But don't kill it.

This guy doesn't seem like someone to make peace with easily.

Instead of believing that he will behave and live in harmony.

It's better to believe that he is temporarily avoiding the edge and surviving in the music.

Come back to pit you again, and secretly give you a black hand, Bai Wushang is equally unbearable.

In addition, killing his pet beast, eliminating him according to the rules of the competition system, and expelling him from the academy are also methods.

But the grudges are still there, and Liangzi is still there. After all, it is not a problem to treat the symptoms but not the root causes.

Therefore, Bai Wushang was always in a dilemma.

As a royal family, there are too many resources to mobilize.

Leaving the academy may intensify and become more reckless.

Bai Wushang knew from the beginning that with such an opponent, it would be a big trouble.

Really headache.

Mu Tianxing first stated his attitude and agreed with Bai Wushang's point of view:

"The direct line of the royal family, even if it's me, can't provoke me if I don't provoke it."

"Especially this kind of favored person is closely related to the strongest in the clan. If you kill him, the old man will definitely come out and find fault."

Mu Tianxing took out the background of the two to compare.

On one side is the sixth royal family, which has accumulated for thirty years.

On the other side is the newly promoted royal family, which is still weak in all aspects.

Even if Bai Wushang used 'promise' and the two rivals met, it would be a thankless thing.

Furthermore, the Chilong Emperor would not tolerate large-scale turmoil within the dynasty.

Especially between the royal family and the royal family, he will definitely intervene, and then each will make a big deal.

"No injury, if it is really impossible to achieve peaceful coexistence and have to find a way to solve this person, I also support it."

Mu Tianxing gave his own judgment, "However, there are two situations."

"The first, the best result, you have to complete the kill in a specific situation."

"There can't be any bystanders, there can't be any possibility of leaking information."

"You have to take care of all your hands and feet, preferably without arousing suspicion from anyone."

"In a little more detail, you have to imagine the Iron Scythe King to be more mysterious and powerful."

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