Lord of Pets

Chapter 256: Desperately Sushi and White Crystal Jade Hand

Treasure Chest No. 1, the extraordinary recipe "Poisonous Rice Balls".

Taking the condition, the mature body carrying the toxin.

The final effect is to strengthen toxins, prompting individuals to trigger mild benign mutations, and steadily improve the quality of bloodline of 1 star.

Treasure Chest No. 2, the extraordinary recipe "Flaming Octopus Balls".

After the mature body takes it, it strengthens the damage of fire skills, increasing by 10%-50%, lasting 5-30 minutes.

Treasure Chest No. 3, the extraordinary recipe "Desperate Sushi".

After taking it, the more serious the injury, the worse the state.

The more powerful the outbreak of combat.

The limitation is that the mature body, and the same individual can be once for life.

"Hey, this recipe is kind of interesting..."

Bai Wushang read it carefully and found that this recipe can be eaten whether it is Aju or Xiaoci.

The reference increase value actually reached a maximum of 300%!

The higher the limit, the closer to death, the more terrifying the power.

But unfortunately, making this recipe requires soul power of the late Soul Servant level and above.

Bai Wushang did not meet the conditions and could only be idle for the time being.

"Auxiliary items such as the Ethereal Stone will not be interrupted. It will probably take nearly 3 months before the soul power can go further?"

This is a rough estimate of the arc of growth, theoretically close to the truth.

Bai Wushang shook his head, his thoughts dragged in front of him.

This can't be rushed, but he can get a valuable item every time he draws in a row, and he is satisfied enough.

Chest No. 4 is still a recipe.

It's called "Joker Birthday Noodles", which greatly reduces the appearance after taking it.

However, it can increase the lifespan by 1-5 years, and is suitable for mature organisms that are close to old age and death.

"Prolonged life?!"

Bai Wushang's eyes shone brightly, and this was the first time he had encountered such an effect.

I can't help but sigh that the range of recipes covered is really too wide.

Simply omnipotent.

It just takes luck and a little bit of strength from your own character to get a style that suits you.

"the last one……"

A second ago, Bai Wushang was still thinking, but today's harvest is okay.

All four recipes are more or less good value, the only thing missing is the timing and who to use.

The next second, his soul body was stunned, surprised and happy.

In Chest 5 - Not a Recipe!

What a surprise!

Inside is a white jade scroll-shaped item.

Bai Wushang reached out and touched it, but before he had time to react, he was forcibly kicked out by the God of Cookery Altar again and returned to the real world.

And then, something more in the pupil, something more in the body.

[Congratulations to the host, I have drawn a 0.7% probability of eating mysticism items. 】

[Hint: This item is called "White Crystal Jade Hand", which is a unique growth skill of the God of Cookery. 】

[After the host has mastered it, it can assist in the processing of the ingredients to ensure the cleanliness of the ingredients as much as possible without additional contamination. 】

Bai Wushang's thoughts stagnated for a moment, Bai Jingyu's hand? Growable? !

Subconsciously, according to a certain way of operation, to stimulate the soul power.


The little rabbit raised his head, widened his eyes, and looked "wow".

I saw that the owner's palms changed from a healthy wheat color to a white like suet jade.

Whether nails or skin, all form a uniform tone.

The texture is delicate and lustrous, as if it is the best jade, which makes people unable to look away.

"So beautiful~"

The little rabbit was talking on the contract side.

Bai Wushang also checked and experimented over and over again.

Try making a fist, claws, or snapping your fingers and grabbing objects.

No obstacles, no strange feeling.

But he knew very well that the size of these palms remained the same, but they could no longer be described with flesh and blood.

Its internal and external hardness has doubled tenfold in a special way, comparable to that of stainless steel.

And not afraid of severe cold, not afraid of heat, not afraid of corrosion, not afraid of poison.

What's more, it is difficult to exert influence on the objects that the palm comes into contact with, thereby leaving foreign objects such as residue, mucus, powder, etc.

It is similar to the "clean body" of the little rabbit, and even more powerful.

Residues are immediately decontaminated, ensuring hands are clean, sterile and dust-free.

"It turns out that, it seems that whether it is the God of Cooking talent or the mystery of food, they are essentially derived from recipes and ingredients."

Innocent Bai froze.

This is the first food mystery technique he has harvested, so far it can be regarded as filling the last blank of the whole lottery.

Recipes, props, talents, and secret techniques are currently these four categories.

He was speculating at first, but now he is more certain.

The food mystery technique and the normal mystery technique can be equated with an appointment, but they are even more magical.

Just like when absorbing "Cold Storage", once you get "White Crystal Jade Hand", you will master all usage conditions and instructions.

If you are familiar with it a little, you can wave it like an arm.

It is worth mentioning that Bai Wushang was two days ago, the day before he went deep into the Goblin Queen's lair.

Thanks to a large number of actual combat applications, he has completely mastered the secret technique "Insect Wing".

So, he took advantage of the hunting break.

Read another scroll "Eye of the Bee" and start a new study.

According to the established principle, when the master has not yet mastered the first scroll, but has rashly absorbed the second.

The inheritance of the previous secret technique will be completely erased from the body and will no longer exist.

However, after absorbing the mysterious technique "Bai Jing Jade Hand", Bai Wushang found no negative effects.

This proves once again that the way to obtain the Altar of the God of Cookery is biased towards "gifts".

There will be no additional side effects, and a lot of practice time will be reduced, and the efficiency is extremely high.

"With this secret technique, I no longer need items such as sterile gloves, and I can maximize the freshness of the ingredients and avoid potential contamination."

"Indirectly, it can help improve the completion of the recipe, which is conducive to triggering the mystery of the God of Cooking, and strengthens the final effect of the recipe..."

Bai Wushang's thoughts turned.

Combining the inheritance in his mind, he deeply realized that this secret technique seems to be inconspicuous, and there are really many derived uses.

Processing food, this is the main purpose.

This secret technique can be activated, and the hands are like copper skin and iron bones, invulnerable to swords and guns, and invulnerable to all poisons.

Within the scope of the same level, it is difficult to erode the filth, and it is simply to improve the defense in all aspects.

Converted to the actual situation, whether it is fighting or dealing with the corpse of the prey, it can provide a lot of help.

Also, there is one more important point.

For the food mystery technique "White Crystal Jade Hand", the hint given by the altar is "Growthable".

Generally speaking, the secret arts of the Master World are graded.

Starting from the Soul Servant level, there are classifications for each stage.

If you don't have enough soul power, you can't learn higher levels. This is common sense.

But there are always some secret techniques that are special, not limited to a specific level, but have the ability to grow.

It will increase with the improvement of soul power and strengthen its effect, so that it will not gradually lose its value after raising one or two great realms.

This type of secret technique is extremely precious and extremely rare.

Bai Wushang had no way of knowing whether all food mystical arts had this feature, or whether it was just "White Crystal Jade Hand".

It takes more time, and more gourmet cells to test.

Well, anyway.

This time, the five consecutive draws, the harvest is huge, and it is extremely satisfying.

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