Lord of Pets

Chapter 257: Automatic Arming

Three days passed in a hurry.

By the afternoon of the fourth day, Bai Wushang received a notification.

——The Thunder Armor, the production is complete!

With some anticipation, he came to Aran's private forging room.

As soon as he entered the door, Bai Wushang saw a mimetic doll with a height and shape similar to him, and even his appearance was three-pointed.

On it, wearing a set of silver-gray armor, it looks a little gray and not very eye-catching.

"How is it? According to your request, the colors have been deliberately adjusted. Is it low-key and simple enough?"

Ah Ran laughed loudly, carrying a half-human-sized hammer on his shoulders, clapping his chest with the other hand, and was in high spirits.

For this work, he devoted all his skills and painstaking efforts, and was quite confident.

“Satisfied, very satisfied!”

Bai Wushang admired from the bottom of his heart, and he didn't move his eyes, always staying on the armor.

Looking around, this thunder-proof armor is roughly composed of eight parts.

From top to bottom, they are helmet, neck guard, shoulder guard, arm guard, chest guard, heart guard, war skirt, and war boots.

It is lined with metal guards, an outer ring-locked battle suit, and a very shallow array of winding patterns, which can't be seen unless you get close.

Bai Wushang nodded frequently, just looking at the appearance, it did meet all his needs.

This is an expensive armor with a total cost of 100,000 gold coins. If it is made into a golden appearance, it is too ostentatious.

So he would rather give up being handsome and pursue absolute practicality.

After all, there is such a body armor.

Even if he doesn't ride Xiaoci, he will wear it for a long time for safety.

After observing for a few minutes, Bai Wushang raised his head and asked curiously, "How many patterns are there?"

This is very important data, second only to material and forging process.

The better the armor, the better the inlaid pattern, and the stronger the additional effect.

"Five." Ah Ran responded without explaining in detail. Instead, he sold a pass and urged:

"Come, come,

Brother Bai, quickly drop the blood to recognize the Lord, and you will know after experiencing it. "

According to the words, Bai Wushang scratched his finger, and a string of blood beads fell off, hitting the chest of the armor.

In the dark, in addition to the storage ring, there is another thing in the mind.

When I looked again, I only felt that the silver-gray armor was very kind, as if it was a part of the body.

"Brother Bai, you will be pleasantly surprised when you visualize the wearing picture in your mind!" A Ran smiled mysteriously.

Bai Wushang raised his brows, as if remembering something, and followed suit.

"Crack clap-"

The main light in the forging room comes from one large, two small, three tripod flame furnaces.

At this time, the firelight flickered, and the armors on the mimetic dolls peeled off and flew up one by one.

Then it flew in the direction of Bai Wushang, from the inside out, from top to bottom, automatically wearing it.

Apart from raising his legs and putting on his boots and spreading his arms and putting on his breastplate, Bai Wushang didn't do much movement.

"You actually have "positioning" and "automatic weaponry" inlaid? ! It's so cruel! ! "

Bai Wushang looked surprised.

This is a set of matching patterns, and the final effect is to assist wearing, basically no need to do it yourself.

You know, combined equipment like this.

Whether it is putting on or taking off, it still takes 5-15 seconds for the Master.

With these two arrays, it can be shortened to 2-3 seconds!

It really is a combination of divine help, magical and easy to use.

Only the engraving of this array pattern is not simple, and it rarely appears on Soul Servant-level equipment.

One is a technical difficulty, and the other is a material limitation.

A Ran scratched his head and explained: "I was thinking, this armor is so good, it's definitely no problem to add a few more lines."

"So I hired the best array pattern master in the village, and spent some effort to brand it."

"Otherwise, I always feel that it is flawed, not perfect, and does not meet its due value."

Bai Wushang thanked him again, feeling the armor on his body, he really couldn't put it down.

First of all, in terms of weight, this armor is neither heavy nor light, and it is at a very moderate limit.

A Ran introduced next to him: "This is the effect of reinforcement and lightness. These two array patterns are standard for most protective gear."

Bai Wushang nodded, and then judged from his mouth, nose, ears and other facial senses.

Since the entire head is under the protection of the helmet, the sight and hearing are slightly damaged, but this range is acceptable and not a big obstacle.

Then, tentatively swing your arms, bend your thighs, and make a series of movements such as turning around, bouncing, and bending over.

Some are slightly restricted, but many are unaffected.

This is due to the armor's strong toughness, a mix of leather and metal, cool and dry, and a good fit.


As early as a few minutes ago, the bunny was forced to wake up from his sleep and squat beside him to observe.

His eyes were dazed, trying to think about where to hide in the future.

"This big metal bump...where should I sleep...it's embarrassing..."

Yinhe drooped his ears, a little unhappy, but knew that the owner needed this equipment very much.

For a long time, it locked the soft metal storage bag on Bai Wushuang's waist, which seemed to have a certain ductility, barely able to fit it.

After a while, the little guy suddenly felt that being small is not bad, and he also has his own advantages.

"Little elephant, come out!"

On the other side, Aran began to test.

Summon the scarlet book of oath, and summon your main pet, the little fire elephant.

Elite 1 star, late stage mature body, aptitude is acceptable.

"Little elephant, breathe fire!"


Following A Ran's order, Huo Yan Xiaoxiang's long trunk shot a pillar of fire the thickness of his thigh, and Bai was not injured in the middle.

The temperature of the flame was obviously high, and the light was more dense, but Bai Wushang didn't feel much.

Looking down, there is a layer of crystal on the surface of the armor, which is derived from the "Stainless Stone"'s super resistance to low-level elements.

After a full ten minutes, the armor finally had a hint of red.

But when the flame went out, it returned to normal in the shortest time.

Next, A Ran tested the sharp weapon stab, the heavy hammer, and the poisonous gas erosion... and won the praise of Bai Wushang one after another.

Especially, when summoning the Electric Blade Mantis Xiaoci and letting it trigger the lightning electromagnetic field with all its strength.

The armor remained unmoved, and all the purple arcs were blocked from the outside.

"For thunder and lightning, not only there is no scale stone, I also inlaid the fifth pattern - "Lightning Protection"! "

Aran was triumphant, swept away his shyness and honesty, showing a bit of excitement:

"So if it is used against the thunder attribute, the effect of this armor is the most prominent, much higher than other attributes."

Bai Wu was saddened and gave a strong affirmation to A Ran's craftsmanship and pursuit of perfection.

On the whole, this armor is more inclined to "anti-magic", and has a strong defense ability against elemental damage.

Even the flames of Zhu Qin's Great Flame Sparrow might be able to carry on well.

However, for melee combat, for physical attacks, it is a little weak.

For example, Xue Zilin's terrifying claw bear, at the peak of his mature body, can't stand it if his giant claws are shot down three or five times.

According to A Ran's vision, the physical defense of this armor is aimed at the ordinary late stage of the mature body.

But once the touch is stronger, or the ability is special, it will still be damaged when it is damaged.

Therefore, Bai Wushang must be careful, and he can't just head-to-head with pet beasts when he has armor.

The cost of repairs...not cheap after all!

Temporarily store the armor in the storage ring.

Bai Wushang thanked Aran, went to the village to make a profit, and said goodbye to Old Man Gang and others one by one.

Afterwards, he put on his armor again, and when the night fell, he rode the Electric Blade Mantis to leave Xingtie Town.


The purple electric arc flickered, and the thunder-like sound disappeared from near and far into the distant sky.

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