Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 169 The Intention of the Dragon Witch Cult

A powerful force descended from the sky. Even the dimensional anchor released by Imric could not stop this strange conjuration. The horn disappeared instantly in the light of power.

Imric looked gloomily and looked at the empty ground in front of him. It was obvious that an unknown opponent had snatched the horn away in front of him.

But what he is more concerned about is what kind of magic that power is, or the existence of non-magic, which can break through the limitations of the dimensional anchor and teleport the horn away. This is not something ordinary people can do!

However, at this time, it is obvious that the only force that can give such precious power to the horn is the Dragon Witch Cult.

"It doesn't matter, you can't escape." Imrik looked at the sky in the distance. For a mage, it is easy to find something. The Dragon Witch Cult is an enemy that must be faced sooner or later. In this case, just wait. It's better to get this artifact back during the final battle.

Imrik looked at the other side of the battlefield. After he sent the white dragon back to the demiplane, Jerome and the others were still fighting hard against the ice trolls and kobolds. The ice trolls paid a heavy price before using The sea water sends the large fire elemental back home.

"Hamlein, hurry up and use the fireball technique!" Zach smashed the head of an ice troll with all his strength and kicked it to the ground, but the troll's head soon regenerated.

Zach was so depressed that he shouted at Hamlein that only the holy sword in Jerome's hand could hurt these guys, and Zach and Domira could only deal with the kobolds.

"I've run out of third-level spell slots!" Hamlein shouted.

"Extremely effective expansion—ribbon technique." Imrik's chant came from the horizon, and several ribbon-shaped energy condensed by high-temperature flames floated into the ice troll.

The ribbon passed through the heads of the ice trolls, burning their heads. Then two more [Fireball Techniques] fell from the air, causing a violent explosion among the ice trolls. The flames soaring into the sky burned the ice trolls. Devour them all, even with their super recovery ability, they can only die wailing in the flames.

"Imrik! Have you dealt with the white dragon?" Domira asked in surprise when she saw the savior coming.

Imric nodded and released a large number of scorching rays. Each laser accurately penetrated all the kobolds present. At this point, the entire monster on Iceland was completely destroyed.

"Drac's horn is missing, let's go back first." Imrik said with a frown. The fragments of the iceberg were close to collapse due to multiple explosions. At this time, only the glacier standing under the feet of Imrik and others was left. It covered an area of ​​several hundred meters in radius.

Imric took out a bottle, put away the giant ship on the sea, and then took the four people back to Deepwater City.


Waterdeep, Blackstaff Tower.

"A teleportation spell that can break through the dimensional anchor."

Kelben Blackstaff frowned slightly when he heard Imrik's description. He didn't quite know what spell could achieve this effect.

"Yes, that force took away the Drak Horn in front of me. Obviously, no matter what the purpose of the Dragon Witch Cult, the role of this artifact is incomparably important to them." Imrik deduced.

Black Staff nodded and said: "Come with me, the second summit has begun, and the Zhentarim will bring some news."

"Zhentarim?" Imrik said in surprise.

"Yes, the Zhentarim helped us, because the Dragon Witch Cult also has a powerful ally, the red-robed wizard from the Kingdom of Ser." Black Staff said word by word, and the amount of information shocked Imric. Unexpectedly, behind the Dragon Witch Cult, there is actually the existence of a behemoth like Serge.

The Zhentarim will always be at odds with the red wizards, no wonder they help the Sword Coast.

The two then teleported to the secret meeting room. Different from the last time, there were many new faces in this meeting.

Imric squinted at the strange people and asked softly: "Are those the allies you found?"

Kelben nodded calmly, and Imric felt even more confident when he saw this. Even if the Dragon Witch Cult has the help of the red-robed wizard, and with the addition of this group of powerful teammates, the balance of the war is still in their favor. .

After Kelben announced the start of the summit, the first person to speak was a man wearing a mysterious black robe.

"We captured a snake man. He calls himself White Varam and is a member of the Dragon Witch Cult. He is willing to reveal information about the Dragon Witch Cult to us in exchange for his life."

Imric knew clearly that this man was a member of the Zhentarim.

A white snake man was brought up. His hands were wearing magic-forbidden shackles, and his eyes were vertical lines like snakes.

The snake man spit out the letter and said: "Dear human masters, I am willing to use the information I know in exchange for freedom and life. Otherwise, I will not say a word."

All the representatives looked at each other and agreed. Upon seeing this, the snake man said with confidence: "The Dragon Witch Cult is going to hold a sacrifice ceremony."

"Sacrifice?" Dra'an, the representative of Emerald Leisure Court, said curiously. He originally thought that the group of lunatics from the Dragon Witch Cult wanted to transform those giant dragons into undead creatures.

The snake man nodded and said: "Drac's horn is the bait, calling the colorful dragons to come, and the five dragon masks worn by the dragon whisperer I represent are the keys to control them, and they will be controlled to come. In the Dragon's Well, I sacrificed my flesh, blood and soul for the revival of a certain great being."

After hearing this, the Thunder Controller quickly asked: "What are the Five Dragon Masks? And the Well of Dragons?"

The snake man replied: "The Five Dragon Mask is a kind of dragon artifact. It is divided into five colors: red, blue, green, black and white. When they are combined together, they will become a powerful treasure. As for the Dragon Well, I don't know much about it either." clear."

"The mask I represent is the White Dragon Whisperer. When I left the Dragon Well, I left the mask in the camp, so I don't have it with me. The Blue Dragon Whisperer, the Black Dragon Whisperer and the Red Dragon Whisperer Already in the Dragon Well, the only missing Green Dragon Whisperer should appear soon."

"Human leaders of Waterdeep City, if you want to stop them, please do it as soon as possible. Otherwise, when the sacrifice is completed, you will face a catastrophe." The snake man said vaguely.

Antar Frum, the representative of the Iron Hand Order, slammed the table and said: "Stop being mysterious, Snake Man, tell me, what is it that you are trying to summon? What is its purpose?"

The snake man did not speak. Even Imrik's [Mind Reading] could not read the secret deep in his heart. Obviously, this was a secret that was absolutely forbidden to be told.

"We probably have an idea about the one they're going to summon."

During the meeting, the group of strange "allies" invited by Kelben stood up, and a man with golden dragon pupils in his eyes said.

There is another chapter that will be posted at noon to increase traffic. Forgive me

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