Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 170 Obtaining the Green Dragon Mask and Attacking

The man with golden dragon eyes said: "The person that those madmen from the Dragon Witch Cult want to sacrifice and summon is most likely the legendary Mother of Evil Dragons, the Queen of Chaos and the Queen of Immortality. I cannot say her name out loud, but What you should know is that it is an existence beyond mortals, a great terror that dwells deep in the nine hells."

The man's words made everyone present break out in cold sweat. What is a being that transcends mortals and is not a god?

Draan asked with suspicion on his face: "Who are you? How do you know such secret information?"

Kelben stood up at this time and announced to everyone: "In order to fight against the evil Dragon Witch Cult, a powerful ally decided to join us recently. They are the mortal enemies of the chromatic dragons, the Metal Dragon Council!"

The whole meeting room was in an uproar, looking at the man with dragon eyes in shock. The man looked at everyone with a smile and said: "I am the ancient golden dragon Protunse Zhuoyan, representing the Metal Dragon Council to participate in the war against the Dragon Witch Cult."

The four men and women behind him were also noticed by everyone. They were one of the five-color metal dragons. Five ancient metal dragons participated in the battle. This was undoubtedly great news. All the representatives in the conference room also raised their smiles. At this critical moment , these kind-hearted true dragons are really reliable.

After settling the issue of the metal dragon joining, Dra'an of the Emerald Green Garden stood up again and spoke: "I participated in the investigation of the recent dragon attack in the misty forest. There was a green dragon next to him wearing a green... Masked humans.”

Elf King Melandrach waved away Draan's worries: "Since I sent elves to increase patrols and strengthen their positions, the dragon attacks in the area have stopped. There is no need to worry about this matter anymore."

At this time, the snake man suddenly said: "It's Green Nellovi, the last Green Dragon Whisperer has appeared."

All the representatives looked at each other in shock when they heard this, because the Elf King's son's name was Nalovi.

The Elf King said angrily: "Are you sure? If this is true, then I must send the elite elves in the forest to capture the traitor. If one of the Five Dragon Masks is missing, the sacrifice will not be able to continue, right? ?”

Jerome stretched out his hand and said: "I am willing to help the elves kill that evil dragon!"

The snake man shook his head and said: "The five dragon masks are not necessary. Even if one is missing, the ceremony will continue, with some changes at most."

A representative of the Zhentarim stood up and said: "We find ourselves bound together by a common cause, against a common enemy. Those who wanted to destroy us in the past now want to destroy you.

Our enemies have become your enemies. We know their weaknesses and ways to destroy them forever without destroying their usefulness. You have the opportunity to discover their hideouts while fighting against the cult alliance. Together we can eliminate the threat they pose to both of us. "

There was cunning in the representative's eyes. He bowed to Kelben and said, "As long as you allow the Zhentarim to enter Waterdeep again."

Kelben frowned, but to deal with this Dragon Witch Cult that may summon gods, there can never be too many allies. The addition of the Zhentarim can bring them all kinds of secret news, like this This time, without them, it would have been impossible for him to catch the White Snake Man.

"Okay, I agreed, bring us the Green Dragon Mask, and I can allow you to enter Waterdeep City again." Kelburn said in a deep voice.

The representative of the Iron Hand Order frowned, but said nothing. He was not the lord of Waterdeep City and was not qualified to interfere with Kelben's decision.

The Zhentarim representative bowed and disappeared.


A few days later, Jerome and others cooperated with the Zhentarim and the elves to kill the green dragon that was raging in the misty forest. Green Nelovi was also captured by them. The green dragon mask, one of the five artifacts of the dragon mask, was intercepted by the summit. .

The third summit was held again in the secret meeting room, and all representatives agreed to take the opportunity to launch an attack and set off towards the Dragon's Well, the Tomb of the Warlock.

The arcane knights of the elves, the warrior troops of the dwarves, the golden dragon Protunse Yanyan, and a large number of soldiers and Imric on the human side.

In order to invite a legendary mage to take charge, Kyle could have spent a lot of money and announced in front of everyone that the intercepted artifacts would be owned by Imrik. This allowed the army to have a legendary mage as its leader. .

"I'm really curious, what are the capabilities of Drac's Horn and the Five Dragon Masks?" Imric, riding a black horse in front of the army in front of Waterdeep City, muttered to himself as he looked into the distance.

"Master Mage, we can set off." A Zhentarim advisor said respectfully next to Imrik.

Imrik nodded, waved his hand, and the army set off!

At this time, the golden dragon Protunser Jianyan transformed into a human form and walked side by side with Imrik. He was the only creature in the entire army whose combat power could rival Imrik. As an ancient golden dragon, Protunser's challenge The level is as high as level 24, the life level is 37, the owner has a level 15 warlock profession and strong physical strength, and also has a large number of precious spell-like abilities such as [Command Technique] or [Sun Flame Explosion].

"Mage, why do I feel a familiar smell from your body?" Protonser approached Imric and said, his nose twitching, as if he was smelling something hard.

Imrik remained calm. He knew that it was probably because he had swallowed the white dragon that he had a unique smell of a real dragon. He shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

Protonser looked at Imrik suspiciously. He was quite suspicious that this mage was a dragonborn with true dragon blood. Thinking of this, he shook his head. A dragonborn becomes a mage? Do not make jokes.

Noble true dragons, even their descendants, should be able to master spells while lying down. No dragon is willing to be a mage or something!


Three days later, the army had crossed Dragon Blade Castle and reached the Troll Roaring Forest. After passing through this forest, there was the Warlock's Tomb on the Troll Mountain.

The army stopped at the entrance of the forest. After the Zhentarim spies conducted reconnaissance, the advisor came to Imric again and said: "Master Mage, there seems to be a mage tower in the forest. My people saw it there. There are traces of the Dragon Witch Cult, and there is probably a powerful mage stationed in this forest."

Imric nodded. He had already expected that the group of Dragon Witch Cults would be guarding the entrance.

Jin Long said from the side at this time: "Let's go and deal with it, Thor. The forest is narrow. If these soldiers enter, they will probably suffer too many casualties."

Imrik nodded. In his opinion, the biggest role of this group of soldiers is to serve as cannon fodder on the front battlefield of Troll Mountain. There must be many traps in this forest. It is not a wise idea to waste combat power here. Lift.

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