Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 248 Developing War Spells

Imric in the Magic Crystal Tower is studying war spells at this time. He already has considerable experience in transforming spells in the evocation system, such as the four-ring [Advanced Lightning Beam] he once developed.

Not only that, he has also recently developed the four-ring war spell [Advanced Fireball] of [Fireball], the five-ring war spell of [Ice Storm] [Winter Storm], and the seven-ring war spell of [Rainbow Eye]. Rainbow Eyes of the Emperor].

The radius of influence of the Advanced Fireball Technique reached a terrifying 300 feet (one hundred meters). The scale of the Winter Storm became a huge range with a radius of 200 feet and a height of 400 feet. The Rainbow Emperor's Eye was even more terrifying, with rays ranging from 7 to 100 meters. Changes to 25 per caster level, with a radius of 500 feet.

The continuous transformation of the evocation spells provided Imrik with a lot of experience, but the consumption of gold coins was also extremely huge. Even if the cost of studying war spells was extremely low, Imrik was faced with the need to interrupt the evocation spells at this time. research process.

Imrik wanted to use the remaining gold coins to start research on the conjuration system. Since there are already examples of [Summoning Group Monsters], it is very simple to break through, so Imrik also chose the series of [Monster Summoning]. Research.

"Don't you need coal powder and the fur or flesh of rare beasts?" Imrik frowned. Although coal powder is precious, it can be purchased with gold coins. Rare beasts are not easy to find, but they are far away from deep water. There is a Neverwinter Forest outside Neverwinter City not far from the city, where there are a large number of rare and rare beasts.

Imrik rang the bell next to the experimental table, and Argus, who was wearing a butler's uniform outside the door, immediately came in and asked: "Master, what are your orders?"

"Publish an adventure mission with a bounty of 10,000 gold coins. Search for the furs of rare beasts in the Neverwinter Forest. The more, the better. After more than ten species, I will add 1,000 gold coins for each additional species."

Imrik pondered for a while and said that this bounty mission is extremely rich compared to ordinary adventurers, and it is even enough to arouse the interest of those high-level adventurer teams.

But this is also Imrik's purpose. He doesn't want any low-level adventurers below level ten to join in the fun. Adventurers who have reached the Kingdom Master level are his goals.

Argus lowered his head slightly to confirm. He raised a hand, which exuded the charming silver-white light of prophecy. He closed his eyes as if communicating something. After a while, he opened his eyes and replied: "Already The bounty mission has been posted, Master."

Then, he seemed a little strange and said: "And it seemed to be snatched away by two adventurers immediately."

Imrik nodded with satisfaction and fell into the study of war spells again. He had to admit that the feeling of spells being born in his hands was like watching his own children being born, which brought him great excitement. Great sense of accomplishment.


Cyric was clenching his fists excitedly at this time, completely ignoring the adventurers around him who were looking at them with disdain.

After several days of trekking through mountains and rivers, he and Kelanvor finally arrived at the crown of the Northland yesterday. Everything in Waterdeep City made him curious. The developed urban civilization and magical things everywhere were lacking in other cities. .

Especially there are so many rich people here! Just now, he and Kelanwo quickly accepted a bounty that had just been released in the mission center.

It is said that the person offering the bounty is a powerful archmage who spent 10,000 gold coins to offer a bounty for the furs of some rare beasts in the Neverwinter Forest!

You must know that although he is an 11th level thief, he rarely sees missions with such rich rewards!

Kellanvor on the side frowned at this time. As a warrior with a professional level of 11 and a mercenary who has experienced hundreds of battles, Kellenvor still has some understanding of the Neverwinter Forest. There is not only one The Druid tribe is likely to hinder their hunting of rare beasts, and there are even legends about the existence of terrifying monsters - hags.

Hags are a kind of hateful-looking female monsters. They are proficient in arcane magic. Each of them is a powerful spellcaster and is definitely not an easy character to deal with.

But the bounty did make him quite excited. In addition, he knew that Cyric was also a strong thief, so there was no chance.

Cyric's heart was full of excitement at this time, but he tried his best to restrain his emotions and not show it. Behavior that was too eye-catching was a taboo for thieves, but he had to consider that maybe he came to Waterdeep City because of his actions. The best option for him to find the freedom he truly seeks is to break away from the Thieves Guild and break away from his mentor.

Suddenly, just as they were thinking about it, a blue light flashed in front of them, and a middle-aged man with white temples in gorgeous butler clothes appeared in front of them.

The adventurers at the mission center were not surprised. A spellcaster who used teleportation, well, this was no more unusual in Waterdeep City than a rat-man with two heads.

The middle-aged man glanced around expressionlessly, and finally fixed his gaze on the two of Kelanwo.

"Are you the adventurers who took the mission? Come with me, the master wants to see you." The middle-aged man said in an elegant tone. His wording was very ancient, like a scholar who has studied various ancient books. .

Kelemvor and Cyric looked at each other. The owner of a distinguished spellcaster seemed to have more influence than they thought.

The middle-aged man grabbed the hands of Kelanwo and Cyric and activated [Advanced Teleportation] to a mage tower filled with purple crystals.

Imric, who was conducting research in the laboratory, walked out, and Kelanvor and Cyric finally saw the employer behind the middle-aged man, a mage.

Kelanvor glanced at Imrik cautiously, thinking about the words in his heart. Every powerful mage must be treated with caution, not only because of their strength, but also because of the living habits of the mage. Most of them are weirdos with weird quirks.

"Dear Mr. Mage, do you have any business with us?" Kelanvor asked. Maybe he looks like a muscular and rugged man in his early 30s, but I have to admit that Kelanvor also has An extremely delicate heart, which is why he is able to control his nightmarish curse.

Imrik glanced at Kelemvor with a smile, a hint of unknown meaning flashed in his eyes, and he became curious about the man in front of him.

"Of course it's to see who takes over my mission, Mr. Werewolf." Imrik said with a chuckle.

Kelanvor's face darkened, as if he was embarrassed that his secret had been exposed. Cyric on the side also widened his eyes. He glanced at his companions with a hint of fear. He simply couldn't imagine that he was with a person. A dangerous lycanthrope has been around for so long!

"I think my identity should not affect whether I can complete your mission, Mr. Mage." Kelanwo said in a deep voice with an expressionless face.

Imric shook his finger and said: "Of course not. In fact, your identity makes me more confident that you can complete my mission. A werewolf with reason is really amazing. If it is convenient, you can Can you tell me how you restrained your instinct?"

There was a trace of curiosity in Imric's eyes. Werewolves, as the most violent lycanthropes, could actually live a normal life like this resolute man in front of him.

Kelemvor was silent for a while, and Imrik waited for his answer with a smile, seemingly not minding that the air was becoming awkward and heavy because of the silence.

"Endurance, your will, is a weapon against madness. Other than that, there is no shortcut." Kelanvor finally spoke out. He spoke brief words with a hint of heaviness. There seemed to be hidden meanings in these few words. His crazy past history.

Imric raised his eyebrows. Kelanvor's answer was unexpected and reasonable. Is it such a simple yet difficult reason?

The black-robed mage raised his pale left hand, and a mirror with silver light slowly appeared in front of him. He waved his hand and handed the mirror to Kelanvor, and said with a smile: "I hope you can complete my work smoothly." If you encounter unsolvable difficulties on your mission, call my name in the mirror, Imric Thrall, and I will appear."

Kelanvor seemed a little surprised. He didn't expect that the mage who hired them would actually offer the option of helping them. This kindness made him a little scared. He pursed his lips and didn't know what to say.

Imric waved his hand, seeming to indicate that they could go out. Kelanvor and Cyric bowed and left the mage tower formed by the mysterious purple magic crystal.

After the door was tightly closed, Argus asked curiously: "Master, you seem to be interested in the adventurer named Kelanwo?"

Imrik looked at the door from a distance, as if looking through the door at the two people leaving the door. A smile appeared on his lips: "It's just a hint of intuition. I usually trust my intuition."

Kelanwo's specialness made him have some whims, just like Jerome when he met him. Sometimes, the unusualness of a person itself indicates the unusual path they may go through.

Kelanvor's special physique aroused a slight interest in him. Is it true that he has such a tenacious will that is different from ordinary people, or is there some special existence silently influencing him behind the scenes? Imric always does not hesitate to give special treatment. People get some preferential treatment.

"Okay, let's send out a message and inform the major forces in Waterdeep City that the port area will be cleaned up next. We need to clean up the cockroaches here." Imrik said with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Argus was a little surprised. He originally thought that his master would avoid conflict with Zhentil Castle. After all, the shadow of the Church of the God of Tyranny stood vaguely behind them.

But Imric had a plan in mind. His original goal was to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but not long ago, Kelben took the initiative to find him and asked him to clean up the Zhentil Fort in the port area. forces, and promised him that the Church of the God of Tyranny would not intervene in the battle between the two forces. Except for the Nine Rings Priest, the Benn Church would not send any more forces.

Knowing the nature of Zhentil Keep's power, Imric naturally would not give up this opportunity. He had long been fed up with the spies who came to test him every now and then, although most of them became flower pots in the laboratory. There is fertilizer in it, but it’s still a bit jarring.

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