Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 249 Enemies attracted secretly

The name of the Lord of the Silver Mirror has spread to Waterdeep City. The expedition team in the Supreme Forest learned about the terrifying strength of the unknown mage underground. The honorific title of the Lord of the Silver Mirror by the underground creatures was also adopted by these elves. brought to the surface.

The appearance of the Magic Crystal Tower is too conspicuous, and the fact that the Lord of the Silver Mirror is stationed in Waterdeep City is also known to the upper class. In addition, the owner behind the Magic Crystal Tower is himself a "legendary mage" certified by Kelben. Every move naturally affects the vision of the entire Waterdeep City.

The news revealed by Argus, the nine-ring curse mage, attracted the attention of many forces in Waterdeep City.

In the Black Staff Tower, Kelben was calmly watching the quarrel between several representatives of the forces in front of him, picked up the tea in his hand and drank it slowly.

"Lord Blackstaff! The port area has always been a buffer zone for many forces, especially since there is a direct entrance to the underground world. All the sinful transactions in Waterdeep City are concentrated there. How can we let the Lord of the Silver Mirror declare his occupation there? !”

The representative of the Emerald Garden, Draan Winterhunt, shouted angrily to Kelben. At the original meeting regarding the arrival of the Dragon Queen, he was extremely dissatisfied with this arrogant mage, not to mention that the other party actually claimed to want to Unify the port area.

You know, the Green Garden is a widely divided druid organization. It has many threats in the natural world that need to be fought, and it will also help others survive in wild adventures.

They have long regarded the underground human trade in the port area as a thorn in their side. The disappearance of the Shannasa Union and Zhentil Fort was their opportunity to control the port area and sweep away the underground, but now it has been taken away.

There have been reports of elves being sold under the port area all year round. The Green Court is extremely angry about this, and now Imrik's unified behavior is even more difficult for them to accept.

Kelben shook his head and said: "Don't be blinded by your prejudice, Draan, Imric is not a person from the evil camp. In his hands, maybe the port area will develop better."

Dra'an Winterhunt choked. The purpose of the Emerald Garden is to put an end to the underground elven slave trade in the port area. If the other party can really do it, the Emerald Garden will naturally not object, but thinking of the hateful way the mage threatened him back then , Dra'an felt a little unwilling.

The person in charge of the Chamber of Commerce on the side also spoke out at this time: "Your Excellency Black Stick, in the trade puzzle of Waterdeep City, the port area plays a very important role. Is it a little too arbitrary to hand it over to the control of a powerful legendary mage? Any Small decisions can cause big problems for trade."

Kelburn spoke again and said: "There is no need to worry about this at all. I have already communicated with the other party. He will not interfere in the management of the port's trade. Waterdeep City's taxes will be collected by Waterdeep City. This will not change."

Of course, you have to pay the benefits, otherwise there is nothing I can do about that guy Imrik wearing small shoes for you. Kelben muttered in his heart. For him, as long as Waterdeep City has a lot of things, he can't care about other things. These businessmen are extremely rich, even if they are exploited by a legendary mage, they won't care. What will happen.

In order to deal with Zhentil Castle reasonably, Kyle was determined to convince all these people.

The last person to speak was Antar Frum, the leader of the Iron Hand Order.

"What I'm worried about is whether the other party will serve the cause of justice. Kelben, I also understand the nature of the mage. Can you guarantee that Imric is as broad-minded as you or Lord Silverhand?" A broad and kind man?" Antar Frum asked seriously.

Regarding this old friend, Kelben straightened his expression and said seriously: "I promise, Antar Frum, Imric is by no means an evil person."

Antar Frum nodded. Now that the Black Rod has made the guarantee, he will say nothing more. The questions of the representatives of many forces in Waterdeep City have also been resolved at this time. Kelben breathed a sigh of relief and finally The matter was confused.

The matter was resolved, and the representatives left the Black Staff Tower one after another. Only a gloomy look flashed in Draan's eyes. He thought of the voice that seduced him in the darkness, and a feeling he had never felt before came to his heart—— tyrannical.

Late at night, there is a stronghold of Zhentil Fort somewhere in the port area.

A woman wearing a luxurious priest's robe is holding a holy emblem. The pattern on the holy emblem is an upright black right hand, with the thumb and other fingers together. It is the holy emblem of Bane, the god of tyranny.

The woman looked condescendingly at the many members of Zhentil Castle who were kneeling on the ground. A black ray shot from her hand to a man wearing a wanderer's coat.

The intense pain caused the man to wail in agony. He lay convulsively on the ground and kept shaking, with traces of white foam spitting out of his mouth.

After a while, when she saw that the man had completely lost consciousness and did not know whether he was alive or dead, the woman withdrew the spell, looked at everyone indifferently and said: "My god doesn't need trash, and tyrants don't need trash either. I want to see this. Is the so-called Lord of the Silver Mirror real or fake? A mere nine-ring curse mage can’t stop me!"

In the shadows behind her, a man in black robes walked out. His robes had the mark of Zhentil Castle, and he held an archmage staff in his hand.

The man seemed not to have seen the woman torture his subordinates. He looked at the horizon in fear and said: "My great Majesty, the great tyrant - Manson, your loyal subordinates will complete the task for you."

Then, the man turned back to look at the woman and said arrogantly: "According to the intelligence, the Lord of the Silver Mirror is a legendary mage confirmed by Kelben. How can we deal with just two nine-ring spellcasters? I hope you won't do it because of yourself. My great lord's plan failed because of his pride."

The woman sneered and said: "There are too many ways to eliminate a legendary mage. Apart from spells, he is only available to ordinary people. As far as I know, what your Zhentarim are best at is assassination and conspiracy, right?"

The man shook his head and frowned and said: "The Lord of the Silver Mirror will never leave the Magic Crystal Tower. In fact, none of our spies have seen the other party at all, and we don't even know whether the other party's existence is true or false. That abominable Magic Crystal Tower is indestructible." , not even an ant can enter, and we simply have no way to achieve what we are best at."

The woman chuckled lightly, with a trace of greed flashing in her eyes and said: "I have some information about this. The so-called magic crystal tower is made of an extremely rare artifact - the broken magic crystal. It is an extremely A powerful artifact, countless times more powerful than the broken staff in your hand."

The woman glanced disdainfully at the Archmage's staff in the man's hand. It was undeniable that it did meet the minimum standard of a secondary artifact, but for a core member of the True God Church, her vision was much higher than that of the average person.

"I have some old friends, no, they are also your old friends. They have been pursuing this lost artifact for a long time. Soon, a powerful helper will join us."

The woman said darkly, and the information in her words made the man frown. Old friends, it's still them, could it be?

"Drow? Which family is it? No, which city is it?" the man asked curiously.

The woman spoke one word at a time: "Menzoberranzan."

The man couldn't help but be a little surprised. Menzoberranzan is an extremely powerful drow city, and there are even more than three legendary spellcasters. With such a force eyeing the artifact of the Lord of the Silver Mirror, it seems that there will indeed be powerful ones. Help came.

"However," the man asked with some doubts: "How are they going to get to Waterdeep City? Waterdeep City is protected by [mysterious locks]. Beings of their level will probably be discovered immediately once they enter."

The woman pointed to the ground, with a mysterious smile on her lips: "That madman will help them come here."

The man's pupils couldn't help but widen. If even the lunatic underground wanted to join in, this matter would probably cause a big fuss. Has His Majesty Manson really thought it through? The Zhentarim finally had the opportunity to take root in Waterdeep. After this incident, they may be blacklisted by Kelben Blackstaff forever.

More importantly, will the addition of the group of drow underground cause some unexpected enemies?

Regarding the woman's bold plan, the man felt a little hesitant in his heart. At this time, he felt like he was being driven to the shelf. He had no choice but to follow the big wave. The determination of Benn's church to expand made him feel a little doubt. Manson's loyalty caused a struggle in his heart.

The woman looked back at the believers on the ground proudly. This time, she would definitely complete the Lord's mission.

Although I don’t know why the Lord is so eager to spread the faith, not only in Waterdeep City, but also in various major cities in Faerûn, there are shadows of cooperation between the Zhentarim and the Bann Church.

Following the path of the Zhentarim, the Church of Benn will rapidly expand its influence, regardless of the possibility of offending other churches of the True God.

But she will definitely become the best believer, Waterdeep, the crown of the North.

The woman reached out to the sky with a longing expression.

The port area is just the first step. Next, I will spread my faith throughout Waterdeep City.

Of course she believed it.


On the other side, in Neverwinter City next to Waterdeep City, a joyful celebration was going on.

Today is the 19th of the severe winter month (January) in 1358. It is the celebration day of the Midwinter Festival in Neverwinter City. The people in the city are wearing thick cotton clothes and looking forward to the future of the New Year.

Kelanvor was currently in the tavern with Cyric, asking the boss about the whereabouts of the rare beasts in the Neverwinter Forest.

"What? Are you going to hunt in the Neverwinter Forest?" the boss said in surprise.

Then, he seemed to realize his gaffe and said: "Don't blame me for being surprised. Neverwinter Forest is not that safe. It is said that there is a group of terrifying druids deep in the forest. They kill everyone they see and call themselves Shadow Druids. Although I don't know if this is true, adventurers almost never come back alive from the depths of the forest."

Then, he seemed to have remembered something and said: "By the way, a few days ago, a traveler like you from Waterdeep City asked me about the situation in Neverwinter Forest. He is a half-elf, and his name seems to be Draan."

The wrong year is written, it is 1358, not 1352. In addition, the year of turmoil is about to begin, and the plot needs to be conceived. This month's monthly tickets have reached 1,000, and there will be 10 more updates next month, but you need to wait until the end of the National Day.

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