Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 445: The world shakes!

Fang Mu retreat.

The outside world is surging.

There is no airtight wall in the world, let alone that many people escaped that night.

Pass the mouth of everyone.

Just a few days.

The battle of Jingnian Chanyuan spread all over the world.

A time.

The world is shaking!

"Single battle alone against the eight great masters, and still won? Ridiculous! Even if you want to compose a story, will it be a bit decent? Who would believe this kind of buggy story?"

"Yes! What a powerful presence is the Eight Grand Masters? Ning Daoqi among them is not mentioned, the first person in the Central Plains! The only Grand Master! The remaining Master Fan Qinghui Fan Zhai, Master Kong Kong, Master Four Monks, Fairy Shi, which one of them is not the pinnacle? How could Fang Mu win? "

"Yes, I admit that Fang Mu is very strong, and the combat strength may really be comparable to the Grand Master, but even so, he cannot win the eight Grand Masters!"

No one believes.

That's not eight ordinary guru, Ning Daoqi, Master Kongkong, the four great monks, Fan Qinghui, and princess concubine, even the lowest princess concubine, the combat power is also the top guru level!

Each of them is placed on the rivers and lakes.

Fangmu used to show the fighting power, if he defeated one or even two of them, the world can accept.

It can be said that Fang Mu defeated the Eight Grand Masters and they did not believe it anyway.

But over time.

More and more details have been disclosed, and the strange silence of the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism, even if it is unbelievable, they have to believe it.

"I already said! Grand Master Fang is the first Grand Master! Warriors are unparalleled! No matter how strong the Eight Grand Masters are, they cannot be his opponents! How? I am right!"

"What you said long ago! I remember you said‘ impossible ’before!”

"Asshole! How dare to slander my partner's trust! Duel!"

"Come and come!"


A time.

Fang Mu's popularity on the rivers and lakes skyrocketed!

The name of the first guru has already gained popularity.

No one else will question whether Fang Mu is eligible for this title.

He is really the first master!

Never has a person, the strength will be so powerful.

Fight alone against the Eight Grand Masters, including two Grand Masters, and they have won!

Such a record, I would like to ask the whole world, who can do it?

"The first guru! This is the well-deserved first guru!"


"General Liu, Xia Wang called you in."

Outside a hall.

Liu Heili's face was solemn and he took a heavy step and walked towards the hall step by step.

When he was meditating on the Zen monastery, he was also caught by the person who was injured by Du Gu.

But because Xu Ziling spoke, they were quickly released.

Stepped over the steps.

Enter the main hall.

This hall is dedicated to the proceedings.

In the center of the main hall, there is a large long table with a giant sand table.

Above the sand table, there are various colored flags.

Each color of the flag represents a major force.

The place where the flag is located represents the territory occupied by the forces of all parties.

Saw a tall figure wearing armor and armor standing next to the sand table with his back to Liu Heili.

"Hei Hong, you are here."

Came a voice.

Listening to this voice, Liu Heili shuddered inexplicably.

In his impression, how domineering and majestic was that voice!

But now ...

Although the voice was still majestic, it was full of exhaustion.

Liu Heihong hardly needs to think about it, knowing where this fatigue comes from.

He took a deep breath, calmed all his emotions, and knelt on the ground.

"Xia Wang, his subordinates are dereliction of duty! Failed to bring you back to He Shibi, please Xia Wang punish!"

"this is not your fault."

Dou Jiande did not turn around, still looking at the giant sand table.

"Xia Wang, subordinates ..."

"Okay, get up."

Dou Jiande finally turned around.

His hair is very messy. Although his expression is still domineering, his bloodshot eyes are exhausted.

Liu Heiliu glanced down and quickly lowered his head.

"Xia Wang, subordinates ..."

"Get up."


Liu Heihe hesitated for a moment, but stood up.

Dou Jiande looked at Liu Heili quietly.

"Hei Hong, you are the one who followed me from the beginning of the incident. Among so many people, I trust you the most!"

"Subordinates are ashamed of their love for Xia Wang!"

Liu Heiliu looked down in shame.

"No! You have done enough!"

Dou Jiande shook his head.

"I said, you are not to blame."

From the beginning, he didn't feel that he could get Heshibi.

Even if Fang Mu does not show up, it is very difficult for him to obtain Heshibi.

The power gap is too big!

The manpower brought by Liu Heili wanted to stand out among the forces of Buddhism, Dugu valve, Yuwen valve, Wang family, Nanhai faction, and grab the Heshibi, the chance is even less than 1%!

Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong can grab it because they are the protagonists.

Dou Jiande has long been aware of this.

He sent Liu Heilong and others to go. In addition to a little unwilling and inexplicable expectations, more importantly, he wanted to destroy the Buddhist conspiracy, so as not to let Shi Fei Xuan give He Shibi to Li Shimin!

in a sense.

The goal of Liu Heihong's trip has been achieved.

Just this ending ...

The deviation is too big!

Completely disengaged from Dou Jiande's expectations.

Fang Mu's horizontal space appeared, breaking all his layout!

Since he heard this news two days ago, he hasn't taken a break for a minute.

Summoned the generals and ministers to discuss related countermeasures, and discussed the whole day and night.

If Fang Mu is just a middleman, even if he defeated the eight great masters headed by Ning Daoqi, Dou Jiande was at best amazed, and would not put too much thought on Fang Mu.

But the information revealed by the Battle of Jingnian Zen Academy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is far more than the fact that Fang Mu defeated the eight great masters together!

People in rivers and lakes.

Values ​​Fang Mu's defeat of the Eighth Grand Master itself.

Dou Jiande and other warlords and rebels.

Values ​​the meaning behind this matter more!

"Hei Hong, you tell me, is it possible for my country to unify the world?"

"Xia Wang Xiongcai's outline! Knowing good people! Of course ..."

"Hei Hong, don't you dare to tell me the truth?"

"What the subordinate said, every sentence comes from the heart!"

"Then tell me! Is it possible for my country to unify the world? Yes or no?"


Liu Heiliu lowered his head.

"Okay, I understand."

Dou Jiande turned his head and looked at the sand table again.

On the sand table, there is a small flag of a color that has almost occupied half of the sand table.

"You go down first."

"Summer King ..."

"Go down!"


Liu Heihong left with a worried face.

Dou Jiande looked at the giant sand table and was startled.

Lord of the fate of the heavens

Lord of the fate of the heavens

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