Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 446: Want to fight Wagang Village?

"Xia Guo, declare war on us!"

The dignified look is solemn.

"The Wang Bai of Changbai Mountain has ceased armour with Dou Jiande, and they have now begun to transfer most of their troops to our side. And we ..."

He looked around.

Xu Ziling sat on the head, next to him was Du Fuwei, and across from him were Du Gu Shang and Wang Xuanying.

In the entire Chamber, there are only five of them.

Now they are holding high-level military meetings, and Pi Chen is naturally not eligible to participate.

Even Li Jing cannot participate because of his current low status.

"We are now an isolated city, relying solely on the power of Luoyang City, we are probably not Dou Jiande's opponents!"

Both Luoyang City and Chang'an City are preliminary.

Despite the help of the Dugu valve and the Wang family, they quickly stabilized and began to attack nearby small towns, trying to join together.

But because the time is too short, this process has not even completed half.

"Can't you win?"

Xu Ziling frowned.

The existence of Dawn has gradually spread to the middle and high levels of Wagangzhai. He is an alternate to the Sixth Apostle, and his status is naturally above the false line.

In the case of Fang Mu unable to retreat, he is the nominal leader of Luoyang City.

of course.

The vast majority of government affairs are still dealt with in vain.

"It's hard!"

Xing Zhizhi shook his head.

"When we were dealing with Yuwen valve before, although we had an absolute advantage, the loss was still not small. With our current strength, we have to confront Dou Jiande's Xia team head-on, and the probability of winning is not high."

One more thing.

Although the military strength of Luoyang City is now nominally in his hands, the influence of Dugu injury and Wang Xuanying is still very large.

Some generals even completely perverted his orders.

Commanding such an army, how can he win the battle even if he has even stronger tactics?

of course.

In the face of Dugu injury and Wang Xuanying, Xu Xingzi will not say this.

"Stop the city! With the strength of Luoyang City, Dou Jiande can't break it anyway!"

Du Gu said with a wound.

"Good! When the hero is out, all problems will be solved naturally!"

Wang Xuanying also said.


Xu Ziling frowned deeper.

From a certain perspective, this is also a good way.

Since you can't win, then shrink first.

When their boss comes out, they can naturally sweep everything!

But will it seem that they are too incompetent, not to mention for the time being.

The ‘pinch-out’ tactics are completely contrary to their strategic policy.

Fang Mu gave orders before closing the gate.

Let them implement the 'Unicom' strategy in the next time and strive to connect all the forces of Wagang Village in a short time.

Once they implement the ‘shrunk’ tactic, what should they do with the ‘unicom’ strategy?

Relying on other forces in Wagangzhai?

Chang'an City is heading towards Taiyuan, and currently it can't draw much power.

The unprincipled person in Rongyang City has more defense and less aggressiveness.

They can only rely on themselves.

And these are what they decided after they agreed.

Around Luoyang City, they were surrounded by Chang'an, Rongyang and Xia Guo respectively.

Both Chang'an and Rongyang are their own people, and Xia Guo is fighting against Wang Bai of Changbai Mountain.

Luoyang City can rely on its own strength to open up two roads to Changan and Rongyang.

This is a very good plan, which can make full use of the strength of all parties and maximize the benefits.

But who can think of it.

Dou Jiande and Wang Bi suddenly ceased fighting!

Stop the truce.

Dou Jiande actually turned around.

Just kill them in Luoyang!

This sudden change made everyone unexpected.

They had expected that Dou Jiande and Wang Pao would have a truce.

With the current trend of the Wagang Village, they continue to fight, that is, they are looking for death!

But what they did not expect was.

Dou Jiande and Wang Bi will complete the armistice agreement in such a short time.

Don't Dou Jiande not worry about Wang Biao's fraud, will he attack him immediately after he mobilizes his troops?

In the battlefield, it is very common to tear up agreements.

"We put too much pressure on them!"

Xu Ziling sighed.

He thought of the reason.

Compared with Wang Bi, Wagang Village is more threatened!

This is exactly what Xu Ziling is most worried about.

Dou Jiande and Wang Pao will be forced by the huge pressure of the Wagang Village to quickly cease the truce. What about the others?

Li Yuan of Taiyuan, Song Que of Lingnan, Ren Shaoming of Tieqihui, Xiao Mill of Baling Gang, Shen Faxing of Jiangnan Road, Zhu Jie of Jialou Luo

How will they react?

Will they be willing to let the Wagang Village win the world?

Xu Ziling thought with his toes and knew that they would not.

These people are ambitious one by one, and they all think of themselves as kings. How can they be willing to let this sky fall into the hands of Wagangzhai?

After seeing Dou Jiande under pressure, he made a decision to attack Luoyang.

Xu Ziling can almost be judged.

In the next time, they are likely to be under siege by all forces!

This is not alarmist.

It is something that will happen 100%!

Thinking of such a future, Xu Ziling's worries are even worse.

By that time, if their Luoyang City is still a ‘solitary city’, the impact on the entire battle situation will be too great.

"Father, I don't know if you have any ideas?"

Xu Ziling thought about it, but did not think of a solution.

Fight, not win.

If you do not fight, it is more likely to affect the entire battle.


He could only look at Du Fuwei.

To be able to go all the way from a robber and become the leader of the world's famous rebels, Du Fuwei definitely has a strong ability!

"Fight! And be quick!"

Du Fuwei said in a deep voice.

"Although Dou Jiande had a truce with Wang Bian, his troops deployed in Changbai Mountain could not be transferred as quickly. At this time, we can gather all the troops and fight directly! As long as we fight fast, before Dou Jiande's troops gather, We will defeat the troops in front of them and we can win this battle! "

Du Fuwei's soldiers are in danger.

Often with a small force, martial arts.

His proposal seems very reliable, but it is also very dangerous!

Although the strength of Dou Jiande placed on their side is less than a quarter of the total strength, if they are going to attack, it is to attack the city!

With their current strength in Luoyang City ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ want to break through their city in a short time.

Difficult, too difficult!

And once they can't do it.

Dou Jiande's strength has been assembled, and those of them who attacked the city ...

There is no doubt that this is a danger!

Yes, it ’s a great thing.

If they lose, they may even lose Luoyang City!

The brow of the virtual line is frowned.

The relationship between Luoyang City is too big, and would rather be conservative, and should not use this kind of risk.

He was just about to speak.



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