Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 702: What is the Red Tiger Hall?


Morris coughed twice, breaking the strange silence.

"I will say a few words first."

Under the eyes of everyone, he said in a deep voice.

"What is our purpose here, I don't think I need to say too much. Everyone has come here, so our goal is only one, to get back the power we deserve!"

"Yes! Take back the power we deserve!"

"The Red Tiger Hall is too domineering! Who do they think they are? Dare to use such a rule? They are against all the gangs in Hell's Kitchen!"

"Can't bear it! We can't bear this thing! We must show our attitude!"

Morris' supporters spoke out one after another.

Dick just wanted to say something.

"I think Morris makes sense! I support him!"

Willis said.

Following this, his supporters also spoke one after another.

In an instant, more than half of the people were already on Morris's side.

Dick had a bad heart. He just turned his attention to the last group.

But he saw these people glance at each other, hesitated for a moment, and then supported Morris.

"It's over!"

Dick was cold in his heart.

When Morris came up and expressed his position, Willis directly supported, and this set of two combos came down, and instantly took control of the situation in their hands.

More than three-quarters of the forces stood on the side of Morris, and he was already powerless.

"I also support!"

Dick said so.

"You have to wait until you find a way!"

He thought.

In his heart, the struggle between the Western Division Offensive and Defensive Alliance and Red Tiger Hall will definitely last for a long time.

The Red Tiger Hall may be stronger than the Western Offensive and Defensive Alliance, but with the covert support of the major forces, the Red Tiger Hall does not want to easily resolve the Western Offensive and Defensive Alliance.

As if all parties involved in the alchemy would involve the gold merger, the Western Offensive and Defensive Alliance will also become an important piece of the major forces involved in the Red Tiger Hall.

Morris and Willis looked at each other and smiled secretly.

"Since everyone supports it, then, next ..."

"Not good! The people from the Red Tiger Hall are here!"

A man broke in and cried.

The smile on Morris' face stiffened.

"Red Tiger Hall?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"How come they come?"

"Yes! We are so hidden here, they can't find it!"

"It must have been a spy!"

"Damn it! Who is it? Did such a thing happen?"

"Won't they come to destroy us?"

Some people panicked.

The Red Tiger Hall has unified the powerful gangs in the Western District of Hell's Kitchen, and they are not like the gang groups that even the gangs can't call.

Don't look at how fierce they just called, but at the critical moment, they are more afraid than anyone.

Many people have accused their opponents, saying that the other party has leaked secrets.

For a time, the whole room was noisy.

Morris turned black.

Can this group of native chickens and dogs be able to deal with Chihudian?

"Be quiet!"

He shouted sharply.

The crowd gradually calmed down.

Morris looked around, coldly.

"What if the Red Tiger Hall is here? We are now twenty-five gang groups united together, and their strength is even stronger than them! Do we need to be afraid of them?"

"That's right! We are no longer the people who were allowed to be arbitrarily slaughtered by his Red Tiger Hall. We have now established the Western District Offensive and Defensive Alliance, which is stronger than them! There is no need to be afraid of them!"

"Yes! As long as we are united, what is the Red Tiger Hall?"

"Yes, yes! We don't need to be afraid of them at all!"

Maybe Morris brought them confidence, maybe they needed some support in their hearts, and many people echoed.

Morris looked at everyone who was beaten with blood, and nodded secretly.

Although these people are not capable, unorganized and undisciplined, they are so fooling!

"it is good!"

Morris shouted.

"The Red Tiger Hall is nothing to be afraid of! We formed the Western District Offensive and Defensive Alliance, originally to show them our attitude! Since they are here now, let's talk to them directly!"

"Boss Morris is right! We have reached this point now, either continue, or leave the West End in vain, there is no second way!"

"Yes! Fear they are a bird! Do them if they don't agree! We have more people than them, and they are certainly not our opponents! At that time, we will re-divide the West Side!"

"Fak and his grandma! These guys at Chihudian are so arrogant! I really thought they belonged to the West End? We haven't agreed yet!"

"Yes! Do them!"

"Go! Let's go down!"

A group of people went downstairs.


A gang group, gathered together in twos and threes, dressed strangely in different clothes, with different shapes, most of them are like Dang Erlang.

The only difference between them and the street gangsters may be the addition of a gun in their hands.

That is the gun in his hand, which brought them courage and confidence ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If you are in the Red Tiger Hall, if you are shot, will you still die?

"Brothers! The guys from the Red Tiger Hall are here! Copy them all! Follow me!"

First gang groups gathered, then merged into small groups, and finally gathered into a gang alliance of more than 200 people.

For this number alone, even the alchemy in the southern district of Hell's Kitchen is not as good as their western district offensive and defensive alliance.

Such a large group of people followed, and there were still some uneasy people who settled down.

Red Tiger Hall?

Fear of him a bird!

Anxious for them, they die in minutes, do you believe it or not?

More than two hundred people walked away.

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