Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 703: Combat plan? Wait for me to put on the mask!

Under the dark night.

The headlights are open.

Each vehicle approached and eventually parked outside the gate of the recycling site for large abandoned vehicles.

"The Lord of the Palace, it has arrived."

Jack said.

John was awake from the wandering spirit.

"Well, get off."

"Master, this mask?"

Jack glanced at John, and then at the grim mask in his hand, and finally he couldn't help asking.

The war was imminent, and he really could not understand why John wanted to hold this mask.

John paused.

"You will know later."


He opened the car door and went on.

Outside the car.

Nearly two hundred fully-armed members of the Red Tiger Hall have been arranged in a specific order.

"Princess, our people have collected the terrain here. What kind of combat planning do we take next?"

Jack asked.

"Operation planning? Wait a minute, wait until I put on my mask."

Jack: (+ _ +)?

John took a deep breath and slowly put the mask on his face.


"Are you finally here?"

A high place.

The target eye looked down indifferently.

In this position, whether it is the side of the Red Tiger Hall or the side of the Western District offensive and defensive alliance, he can see clearly.

"Morris, you'd better follow the original plan! But even if you don't follow the plan, it doesn't matter, I will naturally let you follow the plan"!

The target eye touched the flying knife in his hand, a cold light flashed in his eyes.


Another secret place.

More than twenty ninjas in black are watching here quietly.

They didn't say a word, they just watched simply.

It was like a viper waiting for a fatal blow.


"this is······"

John was shocked.

The moment he put on the mask, he fully understood the role of this mask.

Summon Ghost Corps?

Those shadow creatures that are immortal?

"is this real?"

John believes Fang Mu very much.

After all, Fang Mu's experience of saving him before waving was too amazing, he almost enshrined it as a god.

But even so, he couldn't help but have some illusions and illusions.

With only one mask, can such a existence be summoned?

John felt the true power carried on the mask, and the induction from the underworld, as if he only needed one thought to summon those beings from another world.

He forcibly suppressed the idea of ​​immediate testing.

"Jack, you are standing by, I will go in alone!"

"But, the Lord ..."

Jack wanted to say something more, but a pair of blood-red eyes in John's heart shuddered, and he couldn't help but bowed his head.

How could the eyes of the main hall become like this?

And I remember that the mask obviously had eyes. Why did the Lord of the Temple become the eyes of the Lord of the Palace when he put it on?

"This is a relic that the Son has given me, and it was specifically used to resolve this incident."

John said, his voice has changed a little. It should have been a plain tone, but it made people feel a chill.

"Holy thing given by the Son?"

Jack's heart beat quickly.

It turns out so!

I said this mask is so strange, it was originally given by the Son!

"Okay, please pay attention, don't let people run away."

After he finished speaking, John walked straight in.

"Is it true that the owner is alone?"

Someone couldn't help worrying.

Jack glanced at the person and found that it was a new recruit in recent days.

"It's just a bunch of rubbish. The temple master can easily solve it by wearing the relics given by the Son!

If John is the first believer in Fang Mu in the Red Tiger Hall, then Jack is the second believer.

Even in some ways, Jack trusts Fang Mu more than John!


The man wanted to say something, but after looking around, he chose to shut up wisely.

Many people still had some disagreements about John's order, but when they heard that John actually had a relic from the Son, they all made no sense.

All of them had a natural expression on their faces.

The Western District Offensive and Defending Alliance?



Some new members can't help but whisper.

These guys, won't they be stupid?

What kind of holy son, what holy relics, I feel unreliable!

After they joined the Red Tiger Hall, although John also let them inculcate the idea of ​​the Dawning Church, the day of unifying the Western District, they also told them from various angles through the mouth of everyone.

But this kind of thing has always been too unbelievable, not experienced, and anyone is doubtful.

Many people even regard these as a means of promoting their power in the Red Tiger Hall. They simply do not believe that the so-called 'Holy Son' really exists.

In this case, it is normal for them to have doubts.

However, after all, they are new members, they have no right to speak, and they can only hold back their doubts.

"Everyone listen, block all exits for me! Never let them escape!"

Jack took over the command temporarily ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He sneered.

"Since these guys want to find death, then we will fulfill them!"


Under Jack's command, all the members of the Red Tiger Hall moved.

Soon, all entrances and exits were blocked.

"What the **** are they doing?"

Those who watched in secret frowned as they saw the movement of the Red Tiger Hall.

The head of the Red Tiger Hall went to the Western District to attack and defend the Alliance. The others blocked all entrances and exits. What is this operation?

I don't understand at all!

And that mask.

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