Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 705: negotiation? No, I'm here to disband the alliance

Not only are the new members of the Red Tiger Hall tangled in their hearts, but the others who are watching around are also entangled.

They knew that the person wearing the mask was John, and now this situation has almost completely trapped John.

If the attackers and defenders of the Western Region make a move, the Red Tiger Hall will be too late to save!

"What on earth did he want to do?"

Colson frowned slightly, and Dick was wearing a bug, and he could hear the conversation over there.

He really wanted to test out the truth and truth of the Red Tiger Hall, but if something happened to John, the Red Tiger Hall Lord, that was not what he wanted to see.

At least not what I want to see now.

According to the information he knew, John was the only official member of the Dawn Church in the Red Tiger Hall.

If he wants to get more information about the Church of Dawn, John is the most critical person!

It's a pity that things are now beyond his control.

Coulson can only pray that John is low-key and not so tough.

"I am here, not to negotiate with you! It is to tell you that you have violated my rules of the Red Tiger Hall! Dissolve your alliance now!"

John's cold voice sounded.

Coulson :? ? ?

Are the people in Dawn Church so new?


"Too arrogant!"

"Even if you are the lord of the Red Tiger Hall, you are not qualified to say this!"

Many members of the Western Union's offensive and defensive alliances were irritated and screamed.

"Want to dissolve our alliance in one sentence? Who do you think you are?"

"Red Tiger Hall is scared! But trying to threaten us this way is simply stupid!"

"Kill this guy!"

Looking at the passionate crowd, Morris was a little surprised by this result.

He originally thought that this man wearing a mask and calling himself the Red Tiger Hall Lord would cause him a lot of trouble and shake some gang groups.

Unexpectedly, the fact that the other party came up aroused the hearts of their enemies and made them more united!

"Really bless!"

Morris was overjoyed.

If they did n’t go in the Red Tiger Hall to put people in, he would even think that the person in front of him was undercover on their side!

These gang groups originally joined the Western District Offensive and Defending League because they were so overbearing because of the "new rules" of the Red Tiger Hall.

Now, the people in the Red Tiger Hall not only did not bow their heads to them, but as usual they were overbearing. When they came up, they ordered them to dismantle the alliance. How did they endure it?

This is a super assist!

Morris in his heart was full of anger.

"I don't care if you are the Red Tiger Hall Master! We can't agree to this request! We have a share in the Western District of Hell's Kitchen! It's not up to you Red Tiger Hall! We want to get the power we deserve! "

"Yes! We want to get the power we deserve!"

"We want to be free!"

"We want the site!"

"Fuck you without giving us!"

The lion opened his mouth!

Want power!

Be free!

To site!

This is the second big move prepared by Morris.

If only the original criminal power is required, Morris is very worried that Chihudian will be afraid of the forces of the Western District's offensive and defensive alliance and choose to compromise.

But the site.

This has already involved the most fundamental interest issue.

Morris knew that the Red Tiger Hall would never promise such a request.

He was prepared to step by step to this step, but now the opportunity is rare, he simply released all at once!

"At this point, the Western Region's offensive and defensive alliance and Red Tiger Hall have completely no room for change, and conflict is a 100% happening!"

Morris looked at John, not far away, his complacent face flashed away.

My Morris, can be mixed up to the present level, but it is not as simple as relying on the support of the meeting!

The most important thing is wisdom!

My Morris, wise!

What if your Red Tiger Hall unified the Western District of Hell's Kitchen?

Haven't I been fooled by the wisdom of Morris?

Red Tiger Hall?

Ha ha!

Sooner or later one day you will be destroyed!

By the time, the west side of Hell's Kitchen is my Morris site!

"Since that is the case, then you die!"

John's cold and weird voice came out of the mask.

I don't know why, at the moment of hearing this voice, everyone unconsciously shivered.

The original noisy and noisy voice gradually lowered.

A strong sense of uneasiness appeared in Morris's heart.

It was at this time that he glanced at his eyes and saw that John's eyes turned into blood red in a flash.

Cold, evil, and terrifying.

"How is this going?"

Morris felt a little scared.

How can a person's eyes suddenly become blood red?

And those eyes ...


"not good!"

Morris' face changed suddenly.

A shadow appeared in his field of vision.

It was a man in a black suit all over his body, and he looked exactly like the ninja he knew, with only a pair of eyes exposed all over his body.

Those eyes are blood red!

At the moment this shadow appeared, he slashed with a knife!

call out!

The cold light flashes.

Before he was there, Morris felt the sharpness of the blade.

will die!

If he is hacked ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will definitely be chopped in half.

At a critical moment, Morris quickly rushed to the side.



An arm spattered with blood.

Morris clutched his arm and shouted in pain.


"What the **** is this?"

"How did these guys appear?"

The Shadow Ninja who cut off Morris's arm is just one of them.

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