Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 706: Ghost Corps debut!




The Western Union attackers and defenders tried very hard to fight back, but the results made them feel desperate.

These shamans are so fast!

They fired indiscriminately, not only did not cause harm to the other party, but accidentally injured many of their own members.

When they reacted and wanted to separate, the Western District offensive and defensive alliance with more than 200 people had only about 150 left.

"Do not!"

Morris did not want to face such an ending.


A blade of light crossed his throat.

Blood shot.


Morris covered her neck and widened her eyes as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't say it.

Finally, he was frustrated and took his lunch.

The battle continues.

For a short moment, this small piece of land has been stained with blood.

Gunshots and screams echoed in everyone's ears.


Finally, someone shot one of the shadow figures.

"Have you hit? How's the result?"

Many people looked at the eyes with hope.

Got a more desperate answer.

This black man who was shot by the gun, as if no one else, was up and down.


"Do not!"

The man who hit him was killed with a knife in extreme fear.

Followed immediately.

This shadow man rushed to the other people again.

"It is the Shadow Shrine! They are the undead shadow creatures of the Shadow Shrine!"

Someone couldn't help shouting.

The matter of the Dawn Church is not a secret among these people, most people know it.

It was only then, they all listened to these as a joke.


"Nonsense! No one can die in this world!"

Willis slammed the man's head hard and shouted at everyone with his face.

"Kill me! Kill them!"

After Morris died, he became the temporary boss of the Western District's offensive and defensive alliance.

Has to say that he also has some abilities.

Under his command, the Western Offensive and Defensive Alliance finally organized a lineup and launched a counterattack against the Shadow Man.

Western Offensive and Defending League is still standing, only about 140 people left.

Compared with less than thirty shadow figures, they still occupy an absolute advantage.

Willis let the members spread out and give themselves enough space.

Then a group of seven or eight people, shooting crazy gunmen with a gun.

This approach was indeed effective at the beginning. The endless bullets hit the shadow figures repeatedly and dared not to approach.

"See ?! They are also afraid of pistols! They are not immortal!"

Willis shouted.

"Give me the fight! Kill them!"


"Kill them!"

Western offensive and defensive alliance members' momentum suddenly rose.

John's **** eyes narrowed.

After being distanced, Ghost Ninja does have certain weaknesses in the face of enemies with guns.

But ...

Now! Uh! Uh!

Under the eyes of all eyes, all the shadow figures suddenly melted and disappeared in front of everyone.

Gunfire stopped.

"Here, what the **** is going on?"

Many people have become unfavorable even when they speak.

Even if the ninja in the hand meeting is going to disappear, a smoke bomb will be put in advance!

These dark figures in front of them, but they disappeared directly under their eyelids!

This is not scientific at all!

Someone couldn't help but shudder.

"He, they wouldn't really be ..."

"To shut up!"

Willis scolded.

"They must have used a blind eye method! Keep an eye on me! If something happens, shoot me immediately! They are human! They are also afraid of guns!"

"Yes! They are also afraid of guns! We can kill them!"

Tightened the gun in his hand, the cold metal texture gave them a sense of security.

"Hey? How could that shadow move?"

"What's so strange about the shadow moving, if the person moves, the shadow will not move!"

"No! No! It's the group of shadow figures!"

In some people's horrified eyes.

Shadows walked down the ground, approaching them quickly.

"Shoot! Shoot now!"

"Shoot? What shot?"

Some people noticed the abnormality of the shadow, but more people did not notice.

By the time they noticed, it was already too late.

Underground shadow has come to them.

咻咻 咻!

All shadows flew out of the ground and turned into shadow people.

They jumped into the air, lifted the knife and fell, and the knife was cold.

"Do not!"

Many people shouted in horror.

Except for a very few people who escaped the blow, most people took the lunch box.

The Shadow Man entered the crowd again.

"Shoot! Shoot now!"

Because the separation is more scattered, a lot of people have shot the shadow man this time.

One of them was shot more than ten times.

Many people thought that this person was dead.

But it turned out that he was under the gun and rained, killing everyone who shot him!

"Undead! They are immortal!"

Many people finally collapsed.

"Fly away! We can't kill them!"

"Hurry up!"

Many people turned around and fled outward.

"Come back! Give me all back!"

Willis shouted angrily.

But at this moment, there was no one else listening at all.

"It's over! It's all over!"

Willis was frustrated.

The Western District Offensive and Defending League is over!

This organization he sent great ambitions completely disintegrated on the first day of its formal establishment.

"No! It's just that the Western District's offensive and defensive alliance is over.

Willis woke up quickly.

"As long as I haven't finished, everything can start again!"

As soon as he was low, he was about to escape quietly.

Just turned around.

A black shadow blocked his eyes, and he looked up.

Is a shadow man!

The sword shines ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ No! "

Blood splashes.

Willis took the unwillingness to go with Morris.

Willis died, and the last resistance force of the Western Offensive and Defensive Alliance completely disappeared.

The survivors of the Western District Offensive and Defending Alliance only wanted to escape this nightmare far away at this moment.

But they wanted to escape, but the shadow people didn't want them to escape.

A black shadow man is like a flexible cat.

Leapt forward and caught up with the escaped person.

Hands up, the knife falls.


I took the lunch alone.

"No! Don't, don't kill me! I surrender!"

A member couldn't bear the fear in his heart, he threw away the gun in his hand and knelt to the ground.

Glanced at the surrendered man. The shadow man withdrew the knife in his hand and turned to kill the others.

Aware of this, more and more people threw away their guns and chose to surrender.

Those who did not surrender were almost overtaken by the shadow figures, and then beheaded.

Even if they escaped far away, there will be darts shot one by one, letting them return to the arms of the Lord.

Ghost Corps completed the world premiere with a great victory.

All the people who watched the battle were shocked and speechless.

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