Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 707: After all, people are gone!

"What's the matter with these people?"

Colson took a deep breath and adjusted his breath several times before barely suppressing the shock in his heart.

Shadow creature?


Before today, he did not believe it.

But after going through the matter just now, he had to carefully consider the truth of this matter.

Even a dozen shots are still alive and kicking. In his many years of special agent career, he knew so few.

As for these few, it is almost impossible for SHIELD.

Now there are more than twenty more at a time, what's wrong with this?

Colson's face was cloudy.

He just wanted to test it, but he directly tested a giant beast.

Dawn Church.

The importance of these four words in SHIELD will undoubtedly rise by at least one grade!

"The Western Offensive and Defensive Alliance is over. What should I do next?"

Colson was lost in thought.

Thought for a long time, but did not think of a good way.

The most important issue is that he can hardly estimate the strength of the Dawn Church.

He can see the strength of those twenty shadow figures.

To tell the truth, very strong!

Even after eliminating the strange characteristics of the shadow figures, each of the shadow figures is at least equivalent to the sixth-level agent of SHIELD, even stronger in melee.

You must know that the Sixth-level Agent of SHIELD has already obtained the qualification to lead the team.

Agents of this level are rare in the entire SHIELD.

Nick Fury attached so much importance to the Dawning Church that he only sent five teams to Coulson.

Shows how scarce the sixth-level agents are.

Although Level 6 agents have other capabilities such as reconnaissance, undercover, and gun shooting, melee capabilities are only part of them.

But the black shadow man also has more strange undead ability and shadow ability.

The two sides really want to compare, and Coulson even feels that these shadow figures are stronger.

The Dawn Church actually has so many shadow figures equivalent to level six agents, how strong is its strength?

More importantly, is this really the strength of the Dawn Church?

Shadow Shrine.

Magic Shrine.

Iron Shrine.

Skynet Shrine.

Dragon Martial Palace.

The black shadow man now appears is very similar to the legendary shadow creature in the shadow shrine.

If these are true, the Dawn Church really exists in these five shrines.

Those Transformers that can easily destroy a hundred-story building, those omnipotent magicians, the skynet that monitors the world, those marvelous martial arts ...

Add these all together, how strong is the Dawn Church?

Is that still shielded by SHIELD?

Coulson didn't know.

"You have to talk to the director!"

How to deal with such a monster that may be more terrifying than SHIELD, this is no longer his level can decide.

"Let's go."

Colson led the team members of SHIELD and quietly left.

Only left Grant Ward's squad, let them take charge of daily monitoring.

Grant Ward glanced at Coleson's back, and then looked at the direction of the Red Tiger Hall, his eyes flashing inexplicably.


"It's that mask!"

The target eyes burst into a splendid color.

He didn't know John, but he knew something about John.

International killers, and international mercenary regiments, sometimes, there will be some intersection between the two sides.

Not to mention, he also specifically found some information about John before that.

According to the information he knew, the former John absolutely had no such ability!

Plus the strange **** eyes he saw before ...

The answer is ready.

"The mask has the ability to summon these shadow figures!"

This conclusion is really incredible.

The target eye has been a killer for so many years. It is definitely well-informed, but he has never seen such a thing.

He hasn't even seen such a thing. Will such a thing really exist?

If we say before, the target's answer may be no.

But now, his answer is yes.


Long ago, he had heard of some items with strange abilities, but he had never really seen them.

seeing is believing.

I just heard that he hadn't seen it, and of course he thought it was fake.

But now that he saw it with his own eyes, it would be completely different.

A magic mask that can summon a shadow figure!

"Perhaps, I should find a way to take that mask!"

The eyes of the target showed a greedy look.

He loves money very much, and also loves valuable things.

Those shady men may not be as good as him in single strength, but more than two dozens ······

He can only run when he encounters it!

May not even be able to run away!

Not to mention, these shadow figures also possess such a weird undead ability and shadow ability.

"If I can control them ..."

This idea skyrocketed in his mind and could not be completely eliminated.

"Get that mask! Get it! Be sure to get it!"


Hand meeting Ninja hiding place.


Led the ninja without a word, and led the team away.

If you say that other people, there is still a certain degree of unknownness when facing the shadow figures. When they face the shadow figures, they are crushed from beginning to end!

Black Shadow's undead ability, shadow ability and not to mention.

After some observation, they found out.

These shadow figures, whether it is power, speed, reaction, flexibility or swordsmanship, are all stronger than them!

I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The more they look, the more they think these shadow figures are carved out of them.

It's just that the model is bigger, better and more perfect!

Gives people the feeling that they are counterfeit counterfeit products.

Compared with ‘genuine’ like the Shadow Man, their ‘imitations’ are simply not comparable.

If they play against the shaman ...

All the ninjas of the hands meeting couldn't help but shivered.

They will die!

And it is likely to die even worse than the Western District Offensive Alliance!

Western offensive and defensive alliances have at least firearms to threaten the shadow figures, what about them?

Nothing at all!

They will, the Shadowmen will all!

And stronger than them! More weird!

Against these shamans, they have no chance at all!

The order they originally received was that if the Western District's offensive and defensive alliance was invincible, they would take appropriate action to help them.

Now, the Western Offensive and Defensive Alliance is gone.

Well, from this perspective, there seems to be nothing wrong with them leaving directly?

After all, everyone is gone!

The ninjas of the hands meeting were gone.

Is as silent as when they came.

:. :

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