Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 708: Is this the end?

"This is over?"

The new member of the Red Tiger Hall followed him in a trance and walked into the abandoned vehicle recycling office.

The Western District offensive and defensive alliance with more than two hundred people, the main lord solved it?

Looked at the figure standing quietly not far away, all the new members cast their eyes in awe.

It turned out that the Red Tiger Hall was all true before!

Chihudian really has such a powerful force!

While in awe, the new members became hotter.

Since the Red Tiger Hall has such power, is n’t ‘Martial Skill’ also true?

After they become full members of the Red Tiger Hall, can they have such an opportunity?

Old members who didn't get ‘Martial Arts’ are also surging in their hearts.


These are true!

Prior to this, although they believed John because they believed the Son, they did not trust John very much.

This sentence is a bit strange, but it is actually very easy to understand.

Most people don't think that John's ability can solve the Western District's offensive and defensive alliance, but he has a mask given by the Son.

As if they had experienced it before.

When the Son came out, what did the Western District Offensive and Defensive Alliance count?

Because they believed in the strength of the Son, they believed in John.

The basis of this belief is that they know how powerful the Son is.

Is different now.

They found that not only the Son is so powerful, but the Dawn Church is also so powerful!

Looked at the ghost ninja who was guarding, and the old members were very excited.

This is the shadow creature of the Shadow Shrine?

They are really as immortal as the legend!

Another hard fact is before them. They have no doubt about the strength of the Dawning Church, and the cohesion has once again risen by one level.

Those captains who have gained ‘Martial Arts’ have even more firm belief in their beliefs.

Because some people had practiced for a few days, they didn't get much gain and their hearts were vividly shaken.

No problem with ‘Martial Arts’, that is, my qualifications are too bad!

They were disappointed with this conclusion, but soon revived.

Qualification is not enough, then redouble our efforts!

One day, they will gain great strength with ‘Martial Skill’!

"How to do?"

Dick crouched and shivered.

He was about to run away, but before he ran far, he was caught up by a shadow man. Fortunately, he surrendered quickly and saved his life.

But that was only temporary.

Because of time constraints, the Western Division offensive and Defensive Alliance elected only three temporary leaders.

Now that the first and second leaders are dead, only his three leaders are left, what will happen to him in the end?

"will die!"

Dick thought of this for the first time.

The Red Tiger Hall did not kill these people, indicating that they did not want to kill them.

But do n’t want to kill, it does n’t mean Chihu Dian will simply let go of the Western District Offense and Defense Alliance.

Otherwise, how would the outside world view the Red Tiger Hall?

Think they are weak? kindness?

This is not a good word in Hell's Kitchen.

Therefore, for the reputation of the Red Tiger Hall, the Western District Offensive and Defensive Alliance must have a backfire!

The first and second chiefs are dead. Is there any better cooker than his three chiefs?

Dick's eyes rolled, trying to find a safe escape route.

Then he was disappointed.

Those shadow figures stand in different positions, seemingly without regularity, but they watch everyone.

Anyone who wants to run away, they can react at the first time, and then implement the arrest.

After Jack led the members of the Red Tiger Hall, Dick was completely desperate.

Impossible to escape!

Wait for death!


and many more!

If I donate the SHIELD, can I survive?

Before switching, Dick was absolutely afraid to have such a thought.

Although he did not know the full strength of SHIELD, it was only the tip of the iceberg that he knew that made him dare not have evil heart.

but now······

"If you can join the Dawning Church, you should not worry about SHIELD?"

Dick looked at the shadow man not far away, and felt that his idea was feasible.

Is waiting for him to think about how to perfect this idea.

"Are you Dick?"

A pair of legs appeared in front of him.

Dick looked up.

A greasy mask fell into his eyes.

Those **** eyes only touched a little, and Dick shuddered, and quickly lowered his head.

"Yes, I am."

He did not dare to lie.

Can't lie.

There are too many people who know him here.

"What should I do? What should I say now? Directly reveal that I am a Spy of SHIELD? Then pleading for admission?"

Dick's thoughts turned very fast.

But soon he was rejected again.

He belongs to the non-staff personnel of SHIELD. He doesn't know much information about SHIELD. Even if it's spoken, it doesn't make much sense, let alone let Red Tiger Hall take him.

Maybe, Chihudian may hand him over directly for the sake of impunity.

This road doesn't work.

That directly shows his identity as the SHIELD Bureau, and let the Red Tiger Hall acquaint himself?

Do not make jokes!

Behind the Red Tiger Hall is the Dawn Church!

He really wants to say that, and will be killed in minutes!

And it's very likely that SHIELD would not fight against Chihudian for him. He died and died in vain.

"What kind of method should I use to protect myself?"

Dick racked his brain, but couldn't figure it out.

It would be nice if I could give him more time!

"Okay, let's go!"

John suddenly said lightly.

"Palace ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Here, he is the three leader of the Western Union's offensive and defensive alliance! Just let him go?"

Dick hadn't spoken yet, and Jack on the side couldn't help saying.

"Okay, I naturally have my plan."

John waved his hand firmly.

"This, okay."

Although Jack still wanted to say something, he chose not to talk.

After today's battle, John's prestige in the Red Tiger Hall became higher.

Basically no one will openly oppose his decision.

Jack was just a little emotional and just made subconscious behavior.

John's **** eyes stared at Dick.

"Listen! Dick, I want you to leave the West Side immediately with these people alive! I don't care where you go! But if you let me find you in the West Side again, you will stay in the West Side forever!"

His tone is like the frost of winter, straight into the hearts of people.

Dick couldn't help shivering.


Then, Dick, who was slightly aggrieved, took the more aggression of the Western District offensive and defensive alliance members and left.

Until he walked out of the abandoned vehicle recycling area, Dick hadn't recovered.

He looked back, his eyes full of confusion.

Is this the end?

:. :

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