Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 709: Hell kitchen vibrates!

"I survived?"

Dick couldn't believe that he survived so simple.

He didn't say anything!

Those offensive and defensive alliances in the West End are even more dazed.

We just survived?

Feels a little too incredible.

"Me, what shall we do next?"

Someone couldn't help asking.

Dick took a deep breath and looked at the hundreds of people behind him.

"Leave the West End! Go to the North End!"

"North District?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Finally, Dick left with a group of people quickly.


"Master, do you think these people can threaten the Black Dragon Gang?"

Jack said.

He already understood John's intention.


John's **** eyes followed Dick's direction.

"The accumulation of the Black Dragon Gang is very deep, and it is not their gang that can shake it. However, it is okay to cause them some trouble."

"Then we ..."

"We have too little accumulation now, even if we lay the entire **** kitchen, we can't manage it. So, our next direction is to build our foundation! When the next attack of the Red Tiger Highness was our unified **** kitchen time!"


The Western District Offense and Defense League is over.

At least on a certain level, they are finished.

Although they still have hundreds of people, they are now not called the Western District Offensive and Defensive Alliance, but called the Grey Shadow Gang.

They are uniformly dressed in gray clothes, and the clothes are very similar to ninja clothes.

They became a gray shadow wandering in the northern district of Hell's Kitchen. In the coming days, they brought a lot of trouble to the northern district's black dragon gang.

But that is all in the future.

The destruction of the Western District Offensive and Defending Alliance spread to the entire Hell's kitchen in just one night, detonating everyone's attention.

"All the gang groups in the Western District have established the Western District Offensive and Defensive Alliance? The number is up to more than 200 people? Hiss! This strength can already be compared to the Red Tiger Hall!"

"What? The offensive and defensive alliance of the Western Conference was destroyed? It was destroyed on the first day of its official establishment? How is this possible! With their strength, even if it is gold, it is impossible to kill them so easily? Is it fbi? Alright? "

"It's not fbi, it's the Red Tiger Hall!"

"Red Tiger Hall?"

At first, no one believed this message.

What a joke!

Western Offensive and Defensive Alliance, but gathered all the gangsters in the Western District, the number of up to more than 200 people, everyone with a gun, fierce firepower, strong strength, can definitely rank in the top four in the **** kitchen!

They admit that the Red Tiger Hall is very strong, but at most it is similar to the Western District's offensive and defensive alliance. If the two sides play against each other, the biggest possibility is that they will lose both victory and defeat.

Red Tiger Hall destroyed the Western District Offensive and Defensive Alliance?


But as more and more news came out, they could not believe it.

"The Red Tiger Hall is so powerful? Even the Western District's offensive and defensive alliances have been destroyed by them. If it is with this strength, is it not that Jin is not their opponent?"

"Jin is not an opponent of Chihudian, I don't know. However, I heard that the Western Region's offensive and defensive alliance was destroyed by John the master of Chihudian!"

"The Lord of the Red Tiger Hall is alone? More than two hundred people have been destroyed? What are you kidding!"

"It's true! It is said that the Lord of the Red Tiger Hall has obtained the relics given by the Son of Dawning Church, and can summon undead shadow creatures, thus directly destroying the Western District's offensive and defensive alliance!"

"······ Brother die, your joke is not funny at all."

"That is, it is clear that the Lord of the Red Tiger Hall summoned a giant beast and directly swallowed all the men who attacked and defended the Alliance in the Western Region!"


Your joke is not funny!

And the offensive and defensive alliances in the Western District were not completely destroyed!

True true and false, true and false.

Around the West Zone offensive and defensive alliance was destroyed, a variety of versions appeared in Hell's Kitchen.

There are three views that are in line with normal human beings, but not in fact.

Also does not conform to the three views of normal human beings, but conforms to the facts.

There are also those that do not conform to the normal human three views or facts.

A lot of news spread in Hell's Kitchen, which made most people ignorant of God, not knowing who they should believe in the end.

However, one thing is recognized by everyone.

After this battle, the Red Tiger Hall is really standing in the Hell's Kitchen!

Solved the Western District's offensive and defensive alliance, which is equivalent to solving all the gang groups in the Western District at once.

The same is true.

The remaining little bastards, after this battle, either honestly follow the ‘new rules’ of the Red Tiger Hall, or go directly to other districts.

Western District of Hell's Kitchen is completely under the control of the Red Tiger Hall.

In the sixteen streets of the West District of Hell's Kitchen, what the Red Tiger Hall said is even more effective than law!

Some people even said that the strength of the Red Tiger Hall has completely lost to Jin and even exceeded Jin.

Hell's Kitchen Next, it is likely to enter the **** mode!

First of all, the gold will destroy the alchemy club, the Red Tiger Hall will also destroy the black dragon gang, and each side will occupy half of the **** kitchen site.

Then, Jin He and the Red Tiger Hall launched a duel between them.

Finally, the winner unified the **** kitchen and became the ultimate king of the entire **** kitchen!

The emergence of this set of analysis has been sought after by many people, and even started to discuss it.

Many people have set up platforms for their supporters ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The atmosphere is extremely warm.

Some people support Jin Bing, some people support the Red Tiger Hall, and some people support the Black Dragon Gang.

Among them, those who support Jin Bing are the most.

The emergence of Jin and Jin was born, which directly broke the ultimate chaos in Hell's Kitchen and brought the gangster forces of Hell's Kitchen into another direction.

After two years of fermentation, the word 'Jin Bing' has almost become a symbol of Hell's Kitchen.

Many people firmly believe that if the Hell Kitchen will be unified one day, then the person who unified the Hell Kitchen must be Jin and Jin!

The support rate is second only to Jin and it is undoubtedly the Red Tiger Hall.

Although the establishment of the Red Tiger Hall was not long, but with the help of the big event of extinguishing the Western District offensive and defensive alliance overnight, the supporters are also not few.

If it is not established for too short a time, its support rate may not even be worse than gold!

As for those who support the Black Dragon Gang, most of them are ‘old people’ in Hell ’s Kitchen.

Is, after all, the longest-lasting gang in Hell's Kitchen. In many people's minds, there are still some feelings.

Is at a time when many people are fighting for their supporters.


Two news came.

After being silent for a while, **** fell into madness again.

:. :

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