Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 710: New era of **** kitchen!

"Black Dragon Gang unified the North District of Hell's Kitchen?"

"Gold and destroy the alchemy club? Unify the east and south of Hell's Kitchen?"

It was only one day before the Red Tiger Hall destroyed the Western District Offensive and Defending Alliance. These two news were like two giant bombs that bombed the entire Hell's Kitchen.



Especially for some of the ‘old people’ in Hell ’s Kitchen, almost all of them were bombed.

What's wrong with Hell's Kitchen?

In the past, there was a gang on a street. There were dozens of gangs in the whole **** kitchen. There were nearly 20 gangs even after Jin appeared.

Only half a month later, there are only three gangs left?

This is changing too fast!

"Jinhe and the black dragon gang acted too fast! It almost took less than a day to destroy the alchemy club and those gangs!"

"This is definitely premeditated! Otherwise, they cannot be so fast!"

"You said, will the so-called Western Offensive and Defensive Alliance be Jin He and the Black Dragon Gang secretly come out? The purpose is to target the Red Tiger Hall, and at the same time attract the sight of other forces in the Hell's Kitchen, and then be blinded by thunder. Eliminate these forces? After all, where is it so easy to convene so many gang groups? "

"······ die, you know too much!"

Gold and unify the southern area, and the black dragon gang unify the north area. These two news, like two hurricanes, swept the entire **** kitchen, even extending outward and radiating.

This sudden change is really amazing.

Gold and unify the east and south areas, the black dragon gang unifies the north area, and the red tiger temple unifies the west area.

The chaotic **** kitchen is unknown for many years. From now on, there are only three gangs left.

No one knows what will happen in the future. For Hell's Kitchen, whether this is good or bad, no one can come up with an answer.

Will these three gangs fight?

After most people think about it, they all give a definite answer.

If nothing else, Jin's ambitions are well known to passers-by.

He always wanted to annex the entire **** kitchen and become the only king in **** kitchen.

Now that he has unified the two southeast districts, half of the land in the Hell's Kitchen has fallen into his hands. How could he not want to go further and unify the Hell's Kitchen directly?

So, fight, the three gangs will definitely fight.

But when to fight, and in what form, there are many opinions.

"I think it will probably be played in the near future! Kim has been preparing for this day for two years. Alchemy will only be an appetizer. He has already made a plan to annex the entire **** kitchen in one fell swoop! In a few months, Kim will definitely provoke war! "

"I do n’t think it ’s possible. The alchemy club is not an appetizer! It was a large gang that once unified eight blocks! Gold and exterminated the alchemy club, not to mention its own loss. It is necessary to absorb the site of the alchemy club. It takes a lot of time. I think it ca n’t be played in half a year! "

"Why do you all think that Kim would be the one who provokes the battle? Can't it be the Red Tiger Hall's battle? The Red Tiger Hall is so powerful! The Western District's offensive and defensive alliances are easily destroyed by them!"

"Although the Red Tiger Hall is powerful, it is still far worse than gold! If the two sides really fight, the Red Tiger Hall will definitely be destroyed by gold!"

"I think the Black Dragon Gang is also quite strong!"

"Ha ha!"


The current form of Hell's Kitchen has made many people become more enthusiastic about the previous discussions about Jin and the Red Tiger Hall and the Black Dragon Gang.

Previously, there were some small gangs such as the Alchemy Club and the North District as buffers, and now there are only three gangs left.

Choose one of three.

The highest support rate is, of course, the unification of Jinbin in the two southeastern districts of Hell's Kitchen.

No matter from which point of view, Jin Jin, who sits on half the site of Hell Kitchen, is the most promising person to become the only king in Hell Kitchen.

Is still in the Red Tiger Hall after Jin Jin.

Although the Black Dragon Gang unified the North District and is also the oldest gang in Hell's Kitchen, it is still far from the Red Tiger Hall in terms of reputation.

The record of easily destroying the Western District's offensive and defensive alliance is too amazing. Only this record is enough to make the supporters of the Red Tiger Hall blow up.

Relatively speaking, the solid black dragon gang is really nothing to commend.

Their supporters, in a word, can blow out the point of "deep knowledge".

But what can be seen if it is not displayed?

People like to pursue those bright and beautiful, inner beauty ...

Sorry, I can't see it.

If there are fifty-five people supporting Jin and three-fifths supporting Chihudian, the supporters of the Black Dragon Gang are at most only 10%.

Approval rating reflects the reputation of the three gangs in Hell's Kitchen.

There is no doubt that among the three gangs, Jin Bong has the highest prestige, the Red Tiger Hall is the second, and the Black Dragon Gang is the last.

Chihu Temple ranked second, and the gap with Jin is not particularly large.

However, compared with Jin Bing and Heilong Gang, the reputation of Red Tiger Hall is somewhat polarized.

In Hell's Kitchen, even people who do not support the Black Dragon Gang will not be too disgusted with the Black Dragon Gang.

But most people who don't support Chihudian have great resentment against Chihudian.

One of the main reasons lies in the ‘new rules’ promoted by the Red Tiger Hall.

No robbery, no blackmail, no blackmail, no trafficking du ······

In short, all illegal and criminal acts are not allowed!

Is this special or **** kitchen?

Do it!

Manhattan is not as strict as your requirements!

Therefore, there are many people who support Chihudian ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but more people oppose Chihudian.

They could not even imagine, if the Red Tiger Hall unified the Hell Kitchen, what would the Hell Kitchen look like?

Earthly paradise?


Is absolutely impossible!

Hell's Kitchen is free, equal and full of art!

We will never succumb to power!

no way!

"So, this is the reason why you scratch my car?"

Fang Mu looked at the boy wearing a bizarre suit and a mask on his head, his eyes flashing with dangerous light.

The boy was taken a look, his heart fluttered, and he couldn't help but took a step back.

But thinking of the knife in his hand, his courage rose again.

"Yes! I scraped your car! How about? Did you see the knife in my hand? Hurry up and leave me! Otherwise, I stabbed you, believe it or not?"

The boy's toes are high and his face is beating.

During the speech, he also waved the short knife in his hand twice.

From his clumsy movements, it became obvious that he would not use it at all.

"I believe."

Fang Mu smiled brightly.

:. :

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