Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 711: My family is very rich!

Hell's kitchen.

North District.

Six pm.

On a certain block.

"Tell me, what's your name?"

Fang Mu took the short knife that originally belonged to the other side, and swiped back and forth on the boy's face. It seemed that he was looking for a place where it was easier to start.

"G, Chris, Chris Damico."

Chris Damico said tremblingly.

He just wanted to come up with something bad and prove his ability to take over his dad's underworld business.

It seems now ...

Seems to be messed up.

He looked at the square beam with a knife across his face with a smile on his face, and he could not help swallowing.

Are the people outside so cruel?


I want to go home!

and many more!

Come back home? !

Damico Group!

His eyes suddenly light up.

"I tell you, I am the Damico Group ..."


Dagger face slammed on his face.

"Don't! Don't kill me! Big deal, I'll lose your money! My family is rich !!"

Chris Damico's eyes were closed and he raised his hands very heartily.


Fang Mu expression on his face.

Chris Damico opened his eyes quietly and saw Fang Mu's expression, his heart suddenly relaxed.

"Really! My family is really rich! My dad is Frank Damico, the owner of the Damico Group, really rich!"

He looked serious.


Save your life first!

"Very good!"

Fang Mu smiled.



"Don't you say you want to lose money? Let's go find your dad!"

"Look for my dad?"

Chris Damico couldn't help smiling.

He didn't even know who my father was?

That's really ... very good!

He looked at Fang Mu's back, his eyes flashing a bit of vulgarity.

When the time comes, see how I clean up you!


In Hell's Kitchen, it is generally difficult for serious companies to do it.

Even if it is behind the Stark Group.

But there are some big companies, but they can get together in the **** kitchen.

For example, Damico Group.

Tell a joke.

Damico Group is engaged in timber business.

In the northern district of Hell's Kitchen, almost anyone who knows a little about the northern district knows exactly what the Damico Group is doing.

Timber business?

Ha ha!

Damico Group Building.


"Boss, people have already captured it."

"Good, where are the people?"

"Warehouse No. 1."

"Well, wait for me, I'll pass immediately."

Frank Damico put on his suit and walked out of the office.

His assistant followed him.

Said while walking.

"Is there anything today? Forget it, give it back to me!"

"Boss, you promised to accompany your son to watch a movie at night."

"What about others?"

"Go out, I should be back soon."

Assistant's eyes flickered slightly, he knew where Chris Damico went, but for such a thing, let him tell his boss himself.

Frank Damico's footsteps.

"When he comes back and tell him to let him go to the cinema first, I will pass by later."

During the talk, he had reached the elevator and pressed the call button.

"I know."

The assistant sent Frank Damico away.

Turned around, he returned to a desk next to the boss's office, quietly waiting for Chris Damico to return.

"Counting, the time should be almost the same?"

The entrance of the building.

Frank Damico left by car.

And not long after he left, a car came here.


Frank Timber One Warehouse.

"Frank, I swear, I don't have a brawl! That **** didn't know where to ran out, flattened me up, and then snatched the cocaine in my hand!"

A man wearing a large gold chain sat on a chair with scars on his face, arguing hard.

His left hand is being gripped by a large pair of pliers, and it will be cut off with only a slight movement.

Frank Damico :? ? ?

"Which guy do you say is Batman?"

"When did I say Batman?"

Man: (+ _ +)?

Did I just say this sentence?

"You said, Cui, you said that guy looks like Batman."

"It seems that the other party is wearing a mask."

"There is a cloak."

Frank Damico, several people added.

Finally got a unified answer.

"That's Batman!"

Cui: (⊙x⊙;)

(╬▔ 盘 ▔) convex

"I didn't say like Batman! I never mentioned Batman at all !!"

"Well, let me tell you what the problem is, our undercover on the Russian side is different from what you told us!"

Frank Damico said.

"According to him, you sold my cocaine and then swallowed the money!"

"That's **** bullshit!"

Cui cried out in anger.

"Unbelievable! You actually believe that Russian shit, don't believe me!"

"Okay, let's analyze it."

Frank Damico pointed to Cui and said.

"Is it your charity-minded man who swallowed my cocaine, or did Superman suddenly appear and **** my stuff?"

"It's Batman."

Someone reminded me next.

Cui: ······

"My mother never said Batman!"


Frank Damico said coldly.

"My son is still waiting for me to accompany him to the movies, I don't want to sweep his interest. Joe, you can handle this."

Finished, he turned and left.

Joe came out.

"Seriously, this is the worst excuse I have heard in my life, Cui."



This is Marvel World!

Cui still wanted to say something, but no one wanted to hear him.



Screams echoed throughout the warehouse.

According to the rules of Hell's Kitchen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Cui's fingers were cut off.

Then, there was a gunshot.

The screams disappeared.

It is a rule to cut your fingers, and it is also a rule to kill your mouth.

Frank Damico's rules.


Frank Damico has walked out of the warehouse and returned to the car.

"Is my son at the cinema?"

He asked.

Answered the driver.

"I don't know, there is no news yet."


Frank Damico froze for a moment.

Did n’t his son want him to accompany him to the movies?

Still watch what kind of superhero movie.

Although he dismissed that kind.

Super hero?

How can there be any superhero in this world!

But he agreed to accompany him to see it.

Is his son after all.

Frank Damico knew that this time he watched the movie, but his son had been expecting it for a long time.

Why is there no news yet?

It was when he was strange.


There was a phone call.

:. :

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