Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 717: Holy Market Transformers!

Fang Mu (Aix Evans)

Destiny Son LV · 3

Level: Ordinary LV · 9 (0/1800)

Constitution: Acquired Spiritual Body

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Spirit: 48.5

Energy: 485/485

Skills: Tianshu LV · 5 (100/1000), artificial intelligence LV · 4 (0/4000), advanced alchemy LV · 4 (0/4000), advanced magic potion refining LV · 3 (0/3000), data Consciousness LV · 2 (0/2000), junior potion refining LV · 5, junior alchemy LV · 5, basic computer LV · 5, gun fighting LV · 5, basic cooking LV · 5, basic driving LV · 5, basic acting LV · 5

Free attribute points: 3

Fate Point: 3960

Unification of the Western District of Hell's Kitchen gave Fang Mu two thousand fate points.

Fate points are not too many, but not too few.

Fang Mu grabbed Yangzhou City in the Datang World and earned only 2,000 fate points.

The West Side of Hell's Kitchen is only a quarter of one of the downtown areas of Manhattan in New York City.

There can be two thousand destiny points, on the one hand, thanks to a lot of plots happening here, on the other hand, it is also the reason why Fang Mu is not high-level at this time, only ordinary LV · 9.

There are only 3 points left for free attributes. Fang Mu was frantically expended in order to quickly create ghost masks, so now only this point remains.

In addition, thanks to the character level of ordinary LV · 9, Tianshu skills have directly recovered a hundred in these few days.

According to this progress, it is expected that in the next one and a half months to two months, Tianshu skills will return to LV · 6.

Now Fang Mu has two small goals.

One is to create a minimalist ghost mask.

A simplified version of a ghost mask of 10 million pieces is too expensive to use.

The second is to create the Holy Transformers (Eighth Level).

In the case where he is unwilling to upgrade his level so quickly, a Sanctuary-level Transformer can greatly enhance his personal strength.

Moreover, his advanced alchemy has reached LV · 4, and he is fully equipped with the foundation to create a Sanctuary-level Transformer. All he needs is money.

It takes one billion dollars to make a 7th-level transformer. Although Sanctuary-level Transformers did not double ten times, they also cost three billion dollars.

This money is an astronomical figure for any group.

Even Tony Stark, who is extremely prodigal, wants to make such a sum of money, it is quite difficult.

Although Fang Mu inherited the Morse Group, he now wants to make such a sum of money. Unless he sells the Morse Group, it is almost impossible to do so.

However, after a period of time, when Iron Man was born, the stock of the Stark Group skyrocketed. He was very likely to directly earn one or even two Holy Transformers.

The problem of money is solved, and only the material problem is left to make the Holy Transformers.

Sanctuary-level Transformers materials can be divided into two main categories.

One is magic metal materials.

The second is the energy core.

Most of the magic metal materials needed for Holy Transformers are eighth-level, and the square wood has reached advanced alchemy LV · 4, which can be refined by itself.

Three billion dollars is basically spent on this one.

The only problem is that it takes a lot of energy to refine the eighth-level magic materials.

For the square wood that does not have a lot of free attribute points, it would take a long time to refine the eight-level magic material.

The refining of the minimalist ghost mask also has the same problem.

Although the minimalist version of the ghost mask requires only five levels of magic materials, it is easy to refine it with the current strength of Fang Mu, but the key is that it requires too much!

The refining of the minimalist ghost mask is too difficult!

Even if Fang Mu already has the level of advanced alchemy LV · 4, he estimates that he also needs at least eighty times of refining to truly master.

More than 80 times of refining, how many level 5 magic materials need to be used, think about it.

all in all.

Whether it's Sanctuary-level Transformers or the minimalist ghost mask, it takes a lot of energy.

If there are not so many free attribute points to squander, after using up energy, Fang Mu can only recover by himself a little.

This will inevitably consume a lot of time.

Fang Mu thought deeply.

"To shorten this time, there are currently two methods."

One is to upgrade the character level and obtain a large number of free attribute points.

The second is to improve the level of the heavenly books and enhance the speed of energy recovery.

The first method is less than a last resort, he will not use it.

The most fundamental reason why he refines Holy Domain-level Transformers and Minimalist Ghost Masks is that he doesn't want to upgrade his character level, and uses low levels to maximize his fate points.

Raising the character level is a bit upside down.

"Then there is only the second method."

Raise the level of heavenly books!

The sky book itself covers all the training skills that Fang Mu currently has. Once the level is upgraded, the body is more adaptable to the skills, and the energy recovery speed will naturally become faster.

More importantly, after combining the core of Jackie Chan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ with Fang Mu, Tianshu produced some unknown change.

Once the level of the Heavenly Script increases, Fang Mu's physique will change accordingly.

For example, when Tianshu LV · 5, Fang Mu obtained the extraordinary constitution-acquired spirit body.

Although the acquired spirit's affinity for heaven and earth is far less than the innate spirit's, it is much stronger in energy recovery than the ordinary transcendent physique.

Today's Fang Mu, with each level of Heavenly Books, its own energy recovery rate will increase a bit.

If he can raise the celestial book to LV · 10 and obtain the legendary physique-innate spirit body, then he does not need to worry about the energy recovery speed at all!

The speed of energy recovery of the innate spirit supports him to refine the Holy Transformers, which is no problem at all.

Unfortunately, that requires a lot of fate points.

In a short time, Fang Mu should be difficult to obtain so many fate points.

"Should I make a few sixth-level transformers or seven-level transformers first?"

Fang Mu is now thinking about this issue.

He had n’t thought that before, mainly for two reasons.

The first is the forced question.

He had already blown out the cowhide before, saying that the Transformers of his Dawning Church could easily destroy a 100-story building.

Now that the real Transformers come out, you can easily destroy a five-story building at most, and all of a sudden, it's gone.

Fang Mu is committed to turning the Dawning Church into an extremely terrifying behemoth, which will awe all people, even all forces.

This will greatly help him implement various plans in the future.

The attack of the Ghost Corps not long ago can be said to have fired the first shot very well.

Today, the name of the Dawning Church has quietly appeared on the desks of the world's major forces.

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