Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 718: Problems and solutions!

Why is SHIELD so quiet these days?

The most fundamental reason is that the rumor of the Dawning Church has not scared them!

If S.H.I.E.D.D. finds out that the Dawn Church is nothing but its real strength, its true strength is not so strong, and they may not be able to do anything.

And Hydra.

If Nick Fury still has some bottom line, these guys can't even know what the bottom line is.

In addition, there are the US military, the Ten Commandments, major consortia, major supervillains, etc.

The current Dawn Church, in addition to the son of Fang Mu, its main force is a red tiger palace, which has deterred the shadow shrine of the major forces. In fact, it only has more than 20 members.

If this is targeted by major forces, the result can be imagined.

The second reason why Fang Mu does not manufacture Grade 6 and Grade 7 transformers is that the cost is too high, the input and output are not proportional, and the significance is not significant.

It costs billions of dollars to make a seven-level transformer.

Not to mention that he ca n’t afford so much money now, even if he can take it out, and save it for a while, it ’s enough to save 3 billion to make Sanctuary-level Transformers?

Level 6 Transformers are not expensive, they only cost $ 100 million.

However, the strength of Level 6 Transformers is too low, even if it is manufactured, it will be eliminated in a short time.

For these two reasons, Fang Mu gave up the idea of ​​making level 6 and level 7 transformers.

The reason why he has re-emerged now is mainly because he has considered the two factors of the duration of the Sanctuary-level Transformers and the energy core.

"With my current strength, even if I restore the Tianshu to LV · 7, it takes more than three years to refine enough eight-level magic materials. And the energy core I envisioned before, Tony Stark ’s The palladium element small reactor is probably not up to the standard. "

Refine a Sanctuary-level Transformer for three years without considering failure.

Unlike magic items such as ghost masks, alchemy puppets are more resistant to stab because they are mostly magic metal materials.

If the ghost mask fails in refining, most of them are burned directly, and no **** is left.

And even if the alchemy puppet fails to refining, at most, it will lose some of the materials, and replace it.

Therefore, although the individual production cost of the alchemy puppet is much higher than other magic items, in the actual refining process, the consumption of both sides is actually similar.

Don't look at Fang Mu's simplified version of the ghost mask, it took only five times to succeed, and the actual consumption is less than half of the alchemy puppet of the same level.

But that's mainly because his alchemy level is too high!

With enough strength to refine eighth-level magic items, to refine sixth-level magic items, the success rate is certainly not comparable to that of ordinary alchemists.

Switching to an alchemist of the same level, it can be considered a genius to succeed in refining ten times.

Most alchemists require refining 20 or even 30 times to succeed once.

The same goes for alchemy puppets.

Of course, for various reasons, the refining frequency of alchemy puppets will be relatively less, but the difficulty of both sides is similar, and even to some extent, the difficulty of alchemy puppets is even higher.

However, with the current alchemy level of Fang Mu, if you want to refine the Sanctuary-level Transformers, a three-year probability is sufficient.

Only three years, it is too long.

In addition, there are more important energy core issues.

If magic materials determine the lower limit of the alchemy puppet, then the core of energy determines the upper limit of the alchemy puppet.

Just like in Jackie Chan ’s world, the nine Transformers made by Fang Mu are all seven-level magic materials, but he can only use it as a sixth-level alchemy puppet before obtaining the rat charm. Why?

It is because their energy core is level 6!

Tony Stark's small palladium element reactor, at most, is equivalent to a six-level energy core. It can't play its strength if it is matched with Sanctuary-level Transformers.

Time issue, energy core issue.

It is not easy to solve these two major problems.

It is for this reason that Fang Mu regained the idea of ​​level 6 and level 7 transformers.

Fang Mu considered it very seriously.

Before being able to make Sanctuary-level Transformers, make a weak one or two levels of Transformers.

Does this approach work?

Level 7 Transformers will not be considered for the time being.

The energy core is a big problem. Before finding a solution, it can only be used as a six-level transformer.

Then, there are only six Transformers to choose from.

As for the lower level, Fang Mu never thought about it.

How much can the sixth-level transformers play in the early stage, the fifth-level?

He might as well find a way to get more ghost ninjas.

"Six-level Transformers, the funding problem can be ignored, the energy core problem can also be ignored, and the time problem is not a problem."

Replaced with six-level Transformers, all problems encountered by Sanctuary-level Transformers are no longer a problem.

But Level 6 Transformers has another, more serious problem.

The question of the compulsion of the Dawn Church ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Mu's cowhide was too big, and the strength of the sixth-level transformers was completely inconsistent with it.

Once he takes out the sixth-level Transformers, many people may begin to question the true strength of the Dawning Church.

If the power of the Dawning Church is strong enough, Fang Mu naturally does not worry about any forces questioning.

Dare to question, you can honestly shoot with a slap!

However, the strength of the Dawning Church was all fabricated by Fang Mu, just like an inflated beast. It looks majestic, but in fact it breaks in a pier.

Fang Mu wanted to keep the "powerful" of the Dawning Church, so he could not let anyone question it.

A little doubt, and the ensuing temptations, may make the Dawning Church's "powerful" disappear in an instant.

Fang Mu had said before that the Transformers of the Dawning Church Steel Shrine can easily destroy a hundred-story building. Then when his Transformers appear, he must be able to easily destroy a hundred-story building!

Of course, if the time really comes, Fang Mu can completely ignore most forces on the earth.

Holy Transformers!

Coupled with the burned eighth-level spell, do you think it is a joke?

Unfortunately, it is still too difficult to achieve this at present.

For Fang Mu, it's more practical to think about how to make Level 6 Transformers appear in this world reasonably.

"Decrease the standard and say that in addition to the powerful Transformers, the Iron Shrine also has a weaker level of Transformers? Or just like the Red Tiger Hall, to make an external organization for the Iron Shrine?"

Fang Mu contemplates and thinks of several methods, but always feels that there are some problems.

"and many more!"

His eyes suddenly lit up.

"Why should I be limited to Transformers?"

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