Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 719: Liquid robot vision

"There are more things that advanced alchemy can refine!"


That's just one of them.

It's just one kind of alchemy puppet.

After looking away from Transformers, Fang Mu was suddenly bright.

Not to mention magic items, most magic items require special magic materials to be refined.

For example, the Dragon Slayer's sword must use dragon blood refining, the divine guardian must use the flower of heaven, and so on.

These materials contain special elements, which cannot be produced by refining high-level potions, nor can they be replaced by other magic materials.

With the use of other magic materials, they are no longer the sword of the Dragon Slaughter and the Divine Guardian.

As for the magical item of ghost mask, Fang Mu can be refined out because it is a special magical item in another sense.

The original intention of the shadow world is to devour the world, of course, it will not add trouble to yourself.

Why can Fang Mu refine the minimalist ghost mask?

His high level of alchemy is only one aspect, the most important thing is the assist of the shadow world!

Among all the 7th and 8th level magic runes, the shadow contract, shadow summon, shadow creature transformation and other shadow magic runes can be said to be the simplest.

Simple enough, if Fang Mu only burned these three magic runes, he could even create a minimalist ghost mask even now.

The most fundamental thing about ghost masks is not magic materials or magic runes, but the power of the final shadow!

It is the power of the shadow that has brought such powerful power to the ghost mask.

In order to devour the world, the shadow world has always been very generous.

After all, compared to a world, what is this little power?

Every bit of shadow power is a coordinate for the shadow world. It ca n’t help but invest more shadow power, thoroughly locate the world, and then swallow it.

As long as you have the ability, you can even refine ghost masks with level 4 magic materials.

The burning space for level 4 magic materials is very small, but it is possible to accommodate three shadow magic runes.

However, Fang Mu obviously cannot do this.

Only burning shadow magic runes, the moment you put on the mask, it is equivalent to facing the shadow world.

That kind of darkness, weirdness, evil, indescribable.

Anyone who is not determined will instantly degenerate into a servant of the shadow world.

The seven five or six magic runes on the ghost mask are not to enhance the power of the ghost mask, but to suppress the power of the ghost mask.

To be more precise, these seven magic runes are used to communicate the power of this world and suppress the power of the shadow world.

Only the world can fight another world.

Regardless of whether this world is willing or not, as long as he does not want to be swallowed by the shadow world, He can only give his own strength.


Refining ghost masks is very risky.

If you are not careful, you will be marked by this world and thrown into the blacklist.

What are the consequences of being thrown into the blacklist?

Think about General Tara in Jackie Chan's world.

Not long after it was released, it was directly destroyed by the will of the big world.

Marvel World did not give birth to a world consciousness like Jackie Chan World, and it would not be as thorough as Jackie Chan World.

If only a small amount of the power of the shadow world is borrowed, it will not attract the aim of the Marvel world.

For example, Fang Mu, now Marvel World has no meaning against him.

However, because Fang Mu merged with the core of a world, and was also a special supernatural physique, he still keenly felt the slight changes of Marvel World to him.

These changes are very small, but also attracted the attention of Fang Mu.

Marvel World is definitely not a place where he can wave casually!

At least not now.

If you are thrown into the blacklist by Marvel World and get a few legends to destroy him, he has no way but to give up this ‘his incarnation’ directly.

It was for this reason that Fang Mu turned more of his mind from the ghost mask to the Transformers.

Ghost masks can be used, but they should never be used more.

The Dawn Church has been put on the bright side, and Fangmu needs a powerful thug who can be used to daily deter all parties.

"Level 6 Alchemy Puppet!"

Fang Mu began to conceive.

First of all.

This alchemy puppet cannot be a transformer.


This alchemy puppet is best humanoid.

At last.

This alchemy puppet must have a strong deterrent.

and so.

"Liquid robot!"

Fang Mu's eyes brightened, and he thought of this as soon as possible.

First of all, although both liquid robots and Transformers are robots, both are silicon-based life forms, but the shapes of both sides are quite different.

Saying that it is not a Transformers, it can be justified.

Second, the human form.

And it is a human figure that can change shape at will, which is a big advantage.

In ordinary times, it is no different from a normal person.

Finally, deterrence.

Fang Mu still remembers the shock when he first saw the T1000.

Heavy blows, gunshots, rockets ...

All attacks are invalid!

The kind of metamorphosis that can be seen to be smashed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will be full of blood and resurrected in the next moment. It can make people feel hopeless across the screen.

If you have such an alchemy puppet, you can definitely deter most forces!

"So, how do you make such an alchemy puppet?"

From the movie point of view, the liquid robot T1000 mainly has four major capabilities.

Super recovery, arbitrary deformation, high temperature resistance, low temperature resistance.

High temperature resistance and low temperature resistance, these two abilities are easy to solve. There are too many related spells in the magic spells owned by Fang Mu.

Just change these spells to become a magic rune that can be burned.

With his current magical attainments, it is not difficult to create two specifically.

The sixth-level spell is only the eighth-level spell.

Even an eighth-level spell ...


This may be a bit difficult.

His accumulation of knowledge is sufficient, but it still takes a lot of time to create an eight-level spell.

If his character level reaches extraordinary LV · 9, heavenly book skill reaches LV · 10, and data consciousness reaches LV · 5, then he may be qualified to say that the eighth-level spell is nothing.

right now.

Sixth level curse?

It's not a good thing at all!

"High temperature and low temperature, these two are fairly simple, the key is the remaining two capabilities."

Super recovery and arbitrary deformation.

High temperature resistance and low temperature resistance are only basic capabilities, not to mention T1000, T800 have such capabilities.

Only with super recovery and arbitrary deformation is the real T1000!

T1000 can make countless people desperate!

But what should he do to make his alchemy puppet possess these two abilities?

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