Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 720: Gather the power of 5 big spells?

How to make alchemy puppets have the ability of super recovery and arbitrary transformation?

Fang Mu thought for a long time, but did not expect it.

Is not without related spells.

Whether it is a healing spell, a transforming spell, or a healing power, and ever-changing, they fit both abilities.

Of these four spells, the first two levels are too low (fourth level spells), and the last two levels are too high (tenth level banned spells). They are not suitable for use in the sixth level alchemy puppet.

Not all enchantments can be burned on low-level magic materials like shadow enchantments.

Most magic spells can only be burned on the magic materials of the same level or higher.

Some magic spells can only be burned on specific magic materials.

For example, the light **** magic spell can only be burned on the light magic material.

"It seems that I can only create my own."

Fang Mu sighed.

Fortunately, his body raised the Tianshu to LV · 8, and he already understood the weakened version of the legendary banned spell.

Takes the weakened version of the legendary forbidden curse-healing power as the core, and then absorbs the essence of other similar magic spells to create a six-level magic spell that can achieve super recovery.

Takes the weakened version of the legendary forbidden curse-kaleidoscopic change as the core, and then draws on the essence of other similar spells to create a six-level spell that can be transformed arbitrarily.

Healing power, ten-level banned curse, derived from horse charm. It can eliminate all abnormalities caused by external forces in the body and restore objects.

Everything changes, ten-level banned spell, derived from the monkey charm. Can change body shape, species property changes, reorganization of cell molecules.

Fang Mu's current magical attainment, just referring to the weakened version of the legendary banned spell, to create a sixth-level spell, it is not difficult.

"Perhaps in super-healing this sixth-level spell, I can also add the legendary forbidden curse-undead power? With these two legendary forbidden curses as the core, the created six-level spell is absolutely not lost to the original T1000 ! Even stronger! "

Undead power, ten-level banned curse, derived from dog charm. Not old, immortal, immortal, and defensive body protection can restore the youth's vitality.

Not old, immortal, immortal.

This is all relative. The legendary level is far from being truly immortal, immortal, or immortal.

"Liquid robots are alchemy puppets. You do n’t need to be old or immortal. You only need to keep the ability of" immortality "."

In the movie, the ability of T1000 is abnormal, but the defense is really too bad. It can be easily broken by a pistol. This must be changed!

"Right! There is power!"

This is not much shown in the movie, but the power of T1000 is actually very strong.

"I can also use the legendary curse-azure barbarian body as the core, to create a power type six spell!"

Azure barbarian body, eleventh-level spell, derived from bull charm. It can be infinitely powerful and greatly increase physical strength.

Horse Rune, Monkey Rune, Dog Rune, Bull Rune.

An alchemy puppet, gathering the power of the four spells, this alchemy puppet is going to go against the sky!

"Wait! Power alone doesn't seem to be enough!"

Fang Mu thought again.

The T1000 does not seem to have long-range attack capability. In close combat, it can rely on any deformability to produce various melee weapons.

But it does not have long-range attack capabilities. All its long-range attacks are used firearms, modernized heat weapons, etc.

This is almost low burst!

Completely does not meet the compulsion of the Dawn Church!

"No! This must be changed!"

Fang Mu's attitude is firm.

He wanted to create a liquid robot, and basically all referenced the ability of T1000, but it does not mean that he would completely copy a T1000.

"Yes! Legendary Prohibition Curse-Aurora Rays!"

Aurora rays, ten-level banned spells, derived from pig charms. The binocular can emit high-temperature laser beam rays with strong solubility.

Centered on the legendary forbidden curse-Aurora Rays, created a similar six-level spell, burned on the alchemy puppet, can make it into a superman!

Originally Fang Mu thought of using the legendary skill-Dragon Breath, spitting it out, it was an explosive art.

When it comes to destructive power, the dragon breath is still above the aurora rays!

But Dragon's Breath is an eleventh-level banned spell. Even if it is only a weakened version, it is relatively more difficult to transform into a sixth-level spell.

Thinking again and again, Fang Mu still gave up this idea.

"There is a long-range attack, but there is only one, it seems that it is not very safe."

Fang Mu touched his chin, thinking about what kind of long-range attack capabilities he should add.

"High temperature, low temperature, super recovery, arbitrary deformation, infinite power, aurora rays, eh? Are there already six?"

Fang Mu froze for a moment.

Sixth-level magic items can theoretically burn up to six sixth-level magic runes.

Most of the sixth-level alchemists, because of their limited level, can only burn one or two sixth-level magic runes.

Alchemists of the same level who can burn more than three magic runes are either immersed in alchemy for many years, are old alchemists, or are geniuses among alchemists!

Fang Mu is not a genius in alchemy. If he is required to refining eighth-level magic items now, he can only burn one eighth-level magic rune at most (shadow magic runes are not counted).

But he is an eighth-level alchemist!

Eight-level alchemist, also known as holy-level alchemist among alchemists, can make holy objects!

At his current level, refining a sixth-level magic item, and burning six sixth-level magic runes, that is a basic operation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But even at his level, I still want to be at a sixth-level magic item. In, burn the seventh sixth-level magic rune!

Six sixth-level magic runes are already the limit of sixth-level magic items, which cannot be broken.

Is the same as the limit of seven magic items is seven seven magic runes, the limit of five magic items is five five magic runes, are unbreakable magic world rules.

If you want to burn the seventh sixth-level magic rune in the sixth-level magic items, unless you have the ability to break the rules of the magic world.

Fang Mu certainly has no such ability.

However, although he does not have the ability to break the rules, he still has the ability to increase the alchemy puppet's remote attack means.

The easiest way is to remove some other ability.

For example, high temperature and low temperature resistance.

Fang Mu can choose not to use these two abilities, and replace them with two other long-range attack capabilities to replace these two positions.

This is feasible.

Is also very suitable from a certain angle.

Super recovery ability, it has a certain high temperature resistance and low temperature resistance ability, specifically let them occupy two magic rune positions, it seems a little unreasonable.

Remove them and replace them with two other long-range attack capabilities, it seems more useful.

But ...

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