Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 721: Magic rune bit

However, the focus of super-recovery is on recovery. After the square beam is transformed, a defense may be added.

In terms of high temperature and low temperature, it does have some resistance, but it is not high.

If you want to replace the magic of anti-high temperature and anti-low temperature with super high and low temperature resistance, it will only become the weakness of the alchemy puppet.

It is not terrible to have weaknesses, but there must be no obvious weaknesses.

Fang Mu's high and low temperature resistance is not strong, but he has many ways to resist or avoid high and low temperatures.

Such as relying on energy shields, avoiding attacks in advance, using opposite magic, etc., these can help him.

"It would be great if the alchemy puppet could learn and progress independently! In this way, I would burn a fire element mastery and a water element mastery directly!"

Using water magic at high temperature and fire magic at low temperature not only solves the problem of resistance, but also extends countless attacks.

Known plastic energy (element) magic is almost extended from the use of major elements.

As long as your talent is high enough, attack, defense, auxiliary and other magic can be obtained from the use of major elements.

It's a pity that alchemy puppets don't have that high talent.

Advanced alchemy puppets (levels 5-8) have already possessed a certain level of intelligence, but like computer programs, the applications you set up can run perfectly.

But if you give it a piece of low-level code, if it is out of nothing, design a new application, that is impossible.

You have mastered the element of fire for alchemy puppets, and it may not even let out a small fireball in the end.

"It is impossible to directly remove the magic rune that is resistant to high and low temperatures."

High and low temperature attacks are the most common and routine attacks.

Most modern weapons carry high-temperature burn injuries.

Does not have enough high and low temperature resistance, just like T1000, it was burned down by others at once, and your recovery ability is useless no matter how strong.

"However, it is not so good to let them occupy the position of two sixth-level magic runes."

High and low temperature resistance is very important.

But the sixth-level magic rune has six positions, and they directly occupy two, obviously obviously too unreasonable.

"Then there can only be a compromise."

Turn these two sixth-level magic runes into two fifth-level magic runes!

One level 6 magic rune bit can burn three level 5 magic runes.

Similarly, a fifth-level magic rune bit can burn three fourth-level magic runes, and so on.

In this way, Fangmu can get a sixth-level magic rune bit and a fifth-level magic rune bit.

Fang Mu thought about the legendary banned curse he now owns.

Speed, psychic, invisibility, invisibility, reverse gravity, balance, dragon's breath, enchantment, death pupil, and resurrection. The last five are all eleven-level banned spells. It is too much trouble to convert them into sixth-level spells. You don't have to think about it.

You said the azure barbarian body?

Although the azure barbarian body is also an eleventh-level banned spell, it is a passive spell, and the square tree only extracts its power attributes, which is relatively not difficult.

The remaining five legendary banned spells, Fang Mu first removed the tenth level banned spell-psychic.

Does not mean that this legendary ban on curse is not good, mainly because it completely does not meet the positioning of Fang Mu.

Fang Mu's purpose is to create a powerful alchemy puppet that can shock everyone, and the legendary forbidden psychic, which is completely incompatible with this status.

Based on this, Fang Mu successively vetoed the three legendary banned spells of invisibility, invisibility, and reverse gravity, for the same reason as the previous one.

It ’s not that they are bad, but that they do n’t fit well with the words ‘strong’.

In the end, there was only one legendary banned spell.

Very fast, ten-level banned spell, derived from the rabbit charm. Can make people have the ultimate speed.

This legendary banned curse, how to say.

And Fang Mu imagined a little different.

What Fang Mu wants to have is a large-scale lethal spell!

Is just that kind of magic spell with a wave of attack, covering an area of ​​hundreds of meters!

Such a magic spell placed on the alchemy puppet, the deterrent is absolutely unparalleled!

But it's a pity.

The legendary banned spells owned by Fang Mu are mostly biased towards single attack.

The only legendary forbidden curse-Dragon's Breath that is barely worthy of mass attack, and because of the high level, it is too difficult to transform and he gave up directly.

In the sixth- and seventh-level spells, there are similar large-scale spells.

Only at the level, they are different from the magic spells transformed by the legendary banned spell.

The sixth-level spells transformed from the legendary banned spells are the pinnacle of the sixth-level spells!

Even if it is compared to the seventh-level spell, it will not be much worse.

Burning five sixth-level alchemy puppets of this level six-level magic is almost equivalent to burning three ordinary seventh-level alchemy puppets!

A six-level alchemy puppet with a cost of one hundred million dollars, Fang Mu still wants to make it as perfect as possible.

"Let's use extreme speed! The speed is faster, and you can make up for the lack of high and low temperature resistance."

Moreover, an alchemy puppet with great strength, fast speed, unbeatable death, and the ability to shoot extremely hot rays in the eyes, the shocking power is still terrifying!

Six levels of magic rune bit selection.

The last fifth-level magic rune position, after thinking twice, Fangmu chose a fifth-level scout spell.

This alchemy puppet is strong enough ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The remaining five levels of magic runes can not make it more powerful, it is better to equip it with a little auxiliary means.

Horse charm, dog charm, monkey charm, bull charm, pig charm, rabbit charm.

A six-level alchemy puppet, gathering the power of the six spells, which is almost equivalent to the weakened version of the half Lord!

Fang Mu can't wait to know at this time.

After such an alchemy puppet comes out, how powerful will it be?

Is definitely stronger than the seven level 7 Transformers he refined in Jackie Chan World!

In Jackie Chan's world, his advanced alchemy level was still LV · 3, the kind that had just broken through.

On each Transformer, Fang Mu only burned a seven-level magic rune.

Later because of the magic blessing of the legendary magic item-Rat Charm, they temporarily possessed the strength of the seventh-level peak alchemy puppet, even close to the eighth-level alchemy puppet.

Normally, their strength should not be better than this six-level alchemy puppet elaborately crafted by the upper wood.

"The three fifth-level magic runes all have ready-made spells. I just need to change them into a magic rune that can be burned."

This is a very simple thing. Fang Mu's current magical attainment is faster and can be completed in half an hour.

"The key is the remaining five sixth-level spells ..."

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