Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 724: Dave's superhero road!

"Ah? Ah! What's wrong?"

In the cafeteria.

Dave shook his head and recovered.

"What did you say?"

For Dave's frequent distraction, his two good friends are used to it.

"We said Damico just now!"


Hearing this name, Dave habitually revealed his self-righteous "contempt" look.

"People like him cannot be happy!"

Two people: (+ _ +)?

Seemed to think the two were unbelieving, Dave said again.

"Think about him, he has everything, money, women, and a dad who is said to be very powerful. Such a person, his life has lost the goal of struggle, will he be happy?"

Two people: ······

Dave said more and more excited.

"Life without struggle is incomplete! It is even more miserable not to struggle! Damico is not happy! He cannot be happy either!"


"Dave, we just wanted to say, did you find that Damico has not come to school today?"


Dave froze for a moment.

"He didn't come to school today? Why?"

"I don't know, I guess I don't want to come. Anyway, his family is so rich, it doesn't matter if he doesn't go to school."

The three people chatted about this topic for a while.

In this school, Chris Damico is considered to be a prosperous person.

Although no one knows that his dad is Frank Damico, every day a luxury car picks up and follows a few bodyguards. Who does n’t know that his family has money.

Do n’t look at what Dave said just now, but do n’t mention how envious Chris was in his heart.

After eating.

Took a break.

After the afternoon class.

Dave and his two good friends left the school together.

"Dave, tomorrow is a weekend, do you have anything? Kerri and I want to go to the aquarium. It is said that an oversized turtle came. Do you want to see it together?"

"Oversized turtle?"

Dave was in a heartbeat, but he touched his shriveled pocket.

"No, you go, I still have things tomorrow."

I'm going to defend justice "superheroes", how can "playthings die"!

"Well, let's go!"

Separated from the two good friends, and Dave went home alone.

His room is on the third floor attic.

A room of about 30 square meters is filled with various items, the most of which are the surroundings of various superheroes.

Of course, he can't afford first-hand authentic products, which are some second-hand used products, or fake and inferior products that I don't know from which website.

The ‘superhero’ uniforms he bought were genuine clothes bought from regular online stores, but they were not known ‘superheroes’ uniforms, but were created twice.

It is said that the designer's inspiration came from a certain DC, the green superhero.

Although this second-generation "superhero" uniform is very different from the original uniform, the available materials are realistic.

Is incomparable with the ‘superhero’ uniform in the movie, but it also has a certain protective effect.

Dave again stood in front of the full-length mirror while wearing a ‘superhero’ uniform.

"Come on! Superheroes! Starting tomorrow, you will defend justice!"

Dave said with his hands on his hips, and he said in a "righteous awe".

Then a more ‘just awe-inspiring, louder voice came from the building next door.

"Fuck you son of a turtle! What are you doing? Don't sleep? Are you looking for death?"

Without saying anything, he wore his ‘superhero’ uniform and went to bed obediently.

"In other words, should I give myself a name with a bright spot? Superheroes all have their own names ..."

the next day.

Dave wore his ‘superhero’ uniform and walked the streets of the northern district of Hell ’s Kitchen.

At first, he was a little embarrassed to wear it like this. Someone on the road always pointed at him.

But after a long time, he got used to it.

Look at it!

Anyway, no less meat!

Don't say that after such a thought, Dave actually enjoys the gaze of the people around him.

In school, he has never received such attention.

"Sure enough, this" superhero "uniform is really great!"

Raised his head and raised his chest, okay, he also had no chest.

Stood up for a long time, and then barely supported the clothes on his chest a little.

He is too thin.

Doesn't match the 'Superhero' uniform at all.

This dress can be customized, but you have to add money.

He has no money.

So, Dave continued to hold his head up ... clothes.

"Where am I going to uphold justice?"

Dave dangled back and forth on the street, walked from the street to the end of the street, searched and found no one who needed his help.

"It's really weird, isn't there usually a lot of villains?"

Although the North District was unified by the Black Dragon Gang, just as when the Red Tiger Hall had unified the West District, there were still many gang groups, villains, and other people.

Gang group and not to say.

These have certain strengths and relatively fixed income channels.

Generally speaking, they will not come out to earn some pocket money in the daytime.

If you want to come out, you will come out again at night.

The people who come out to work in the daytime are basically villains and gangsters.

Most of them are in groups of threes, twos, and ‘work’ objects are also frail students like Dave.

They did not dare to say that they were robbed.

The risk is extremely low.

Is the favorite of villains and gangsters.

Dave was robbed and I do n’t know how many times ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He was also robbed once, but he was so angry that he bought this ‘superhero’ uniform.

Dave walked for a while, and finally found out why he couldn't find the reason for the villains and gangsters.

"It turns out that there is a policeman!"


Of course, there will be police patrols on blocks.

Although most of the police in Hell's Kitchen have no illusions about the law and order of Hell's Kitchen, the stability during the day must still be maintained.

This is a political task.

At night, they can open one eye and close one, but during the day, they must be peaceful!

At least the surface looks like this.

In fact.

Many policemen have noticed that he is a man in strange clothes, just looking at him as a "just awe-inspiring", walking all the steps of "six relatives don't recognize", he quickly turned his attention away.

"The young people nowadays have too bad taste! Actually wear such clothes! Alas, it's really not as good as one generation!"

Dave: ······

There are police patrols on the street, he wants to maintain justice is impossible.

Then ...

Dave turned his gaze and put it in the side alley.

The alley is deep and deep, like the mouth of the abyss.

:. :

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