Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 725: come! Come hit me!

Even in the middle of the day, many alleys in Hell's Kitchen lack light.

Walking in the deep alley, Dave felt a little flustered.

"Calm down! You are already a superhero! Don't be afraid! Nothing terrible!"

The alleys of Hell's Kitchen seem to be isolated from the outside world.

In the daytime, there are police patrols, and there are still some people on the street outside.

Hell's kitchen is chaotic at night, and law and order during the day is still possible.


Does not include alleys.

The alley is quiet.

Even in the daytime, no one walked into the alley.



The water drops dripped, and the sound echoed in the alley.

In addition to the sound of water droplets, Dave can only hear his footsteps and heartbeat.

Dada, Dada.

Poo, poo.

He has never walked this alley before.

There are many alleys in Hell's Kitchen, not to mention that most of them are full of danger, but at least one third of them contain the possibility of danger.

Especially at night.

Dave walked through the alley with fear and trembling, and did not encounter anything that made him 'host justice'.

Dave raised his head in an instant ... clothes.

"what a pity!"

He shook his head and sighed.

Lost a chance to be a 'superhero'.

Turned his head to look around, Dave found that he had come to another block.

He knows this street, about three blocks away from the block where his home is located.

Unconsciously, I have gone so far?

He just keep walking, keep walking.

Didn't pay attention, he actually crossed three streets at once.

"A little thirsty."

Dave pulled the mask.

The only thing he was not satisfied with about this ‘superhero’ uniform was that it was not very breathable.

He has gone this way, sweating already, and I do n’t know how much sweat I have.

"Go buy a bottle of water and drink!"

Dave saw a convenience store not far away.

Walked forward.

Many people on the street pointed at Dave, who was wearing a strange shape, and Dave did not care, and continued to walk forward.

Outside the convenience store.

Three arrogant men are walking along the road.


A man accidentally hit one of them.

"Fak! Don't have long eyes? How do you walk?"

"sorry Sorry."

"Is sorry useful? Lose money!"

"Ah ?! I, I, I have no money."

"No money? Search for me!"

"Boss, he really has no money, only a dozen pieces on his body. Bah! Poor ghost!"

"What a special! Call me!"

The three men immediately grabbed the man and beat him up.

"Ah! Don't fight, don't fight, sorry, I'm wrong."

The man kept begging for mercy.

"Well? There is a situation!"

Dave was excited and hurried forward a few steps.

But soon it stopped again.

He was afraid.

After all, he is just an ordinary middle school student who is often bullied. If he has so much courage, he has long resisted.

The ‘superhero’ uniform separates him from the world, making him seem to enter a fantasy world, which gives him a different kind of courage.

But fantasy is only fantasy after all.

These kinds of courage are still a little bit worse in facing the horror of the real world.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Man howling painfully.

There are a lot of onlookers around, but they are far away, and none dare to come out to stop it.

Dave remembered the day when he bought the ‘superhero’ uniform.

He was also robbed.

And at that time, there was just someone upstairs.

But in the face of all this, the man chose to close the curtains.

And he also chose to hand over all his money.

The whole process does not exceed three seconds.

At that time he counseled.

But when he came home, he directly bought the ‘superhero’ uniform.

Spent almost all his money.

"Stop it!"

Dave rushed up, yelling with blushing.

"The three of you bullied one! What a man?"


The three looked back.

What is this guy wearing like a turtle?

They are a little ignorant.

Kenta base station, the boss of three people, finally came out.

"Boy, I advise you not to do much business! Otherwise, I will fight with you!"

He threatened fiercely.

His body is not strong, but he has obviously beat several times more than a thin bamboo pole like Dave.

Dave was scared and took two steps back.


Kentucky scornfully smiled.

He has seen more of these people.

Is also a moment of courage. If you threaten it, you will immediately be afraid.

He turned his head and continued beating.

Dave's face was red and blue, which was aroused by the expression of Kentucky.

He seemed to be able to hear, and the sound of discussion around him said that he was ‘not self-controlling’, that there was no ‘self-knowledge’, that he was a counselor

I'm not a counselor!


Dave yelled and rushed past.

Struggled to push away the three people in Kentucky who beat the man.

He was standing in front of the man.

"You are not allowed to fight him!"

He tried to make his expression look more vicious.

Me, superhero, super fierce!


"Special! Beat me up!"

The ‘superhero’ ‘superhero’ was beaten.

He also wanted to resist.

But simply unable to resist.

A fist big casserole, fell on his body, it hurts!

Dave can only habitually hug his head, which he learned when he was beaten before.

As a thin nerd, whether in school or out of school, he is the best target of being bullied.

Just like the one who was lying on the ground and was beaten.

No money?

beat you!


Dave holding his head suddenly seemed to feel something.

Is a military stick!

His eyes lit up.

This is the weapon he specially prepared for himself.


I can fight back!

He pulled out his army stick ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Immediately swept through thousands of troops with one move, and the three sweepers quickly evaded.

"Come! Come and beat me!"

Dave shouted ‘super fierce’.

this moment.

He has a feeling that he is already a 'superhero'.

Me, Dave, a superhero, can turn the world!

Some of the onlooker young ladies have slightly shiny eyes.

This strange guy seems a bit man!

The three of Kentucky looked at each other.

Swarmed up.

Military sticks are very short, only a little over half a meter.

The so-called one-inch short one-inch insurance, this oriental martial arts is reasonable, Dave's waste house that does not even have fitness, is obviously impossible to understand.

and so.

I was still thinking about the ‘superhero’ Dave who could turn the world, and he was immediately turned to the ground by ‘Street Fighter’

Kentucky: On street fighting, we are professional!

The eyes of the young ladies who had just lighted up suddenly dimmed again.

It turned out to be just a silver gun wax head, it didn't work!

"Superhero" Dave squatted on his head.

The 'Street Fighter' Kentucky led two generals and beat them in one blow.

"Let you do more business!"

:. :

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