Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 727: breaking news

"Get 300 Fate Points."

Was quiet in the alley for a while.

Has this changed?


Fang Mu coughed twice, his expression indifferent.

Changed, it is normal.

Dave's original first "superhero" road was stabbed first, then hit by a car, and finally lay in the hospital for eight months.

How miserable it is.

Now under his interference, he became a ‘superhero’ directly.

Such a change is naturally a change.

"However, my next action will have to change accordingly."

Very low voice sounded in the alley, and disappeared in an instant.

Looking at this alley, there is no one left.


Y site video site.

A video appeared quietly on the homepage.

"Huh? What is this? Is it like this, spoof video?"

"It seems not, watching this video, it feels like something really happened."

"It really happened? How could it be! Look, how miserable! If it does happen, my police in the rice empire has already maintained law and order! That's a white man! Absolutely!"

"Dude, there is Hell's Kitchen."

"······forget it."

Many people originally questioned the authenticity of this video, but as more and more videos from different angles appeared, coupled with the name of Hell's Kitchen, many people believed that this was what happened.

"His! This is too bad? I think the guy at the beginning was all cramped!"

"Who is that strangely dressed guy? Why should I stand up and be beaten? I have never seen such a stupid person!"

"Stupid? This is brave! So many people did not dare to stand up, so he stood up. Isn't this brave?"

"But he was beaten, he was beaten miserably!"

"So what? Didn't the last three villains get rid of him? He saved people!"

"Save people? This is clearly beyond our control!"

"Humph! You cold-blooded people, just don't see anyone have the courage to stand up."

"I'm going! What are you ..."

Under the push of the video website, the popularity of this video quickly began to soar.

More and more controversy about whether a "different man" is courageous or stupid.


A certain BC TV station.

Editor's Office.

"Editor, I found a hot news!"

Clayton rushed into the office happily.

"What news?"

Editor said.

"You see this video."

Clayton handed the phone to the editor.

The above is a video.

The editor opened the player.

The video of Dave was broadcast.

It can be seen that this is a certain edited video, optimized from multiple angles and multiple directions, it seems to be taken from the multiple videos of the Y station.

Although it was taken from multiple videos, the video is not long, only more than three minutes.

However, these three minutes of video have greatly restored the whole incident.

"Well? What's the hot spot of this news?"

The editor-in-chief has finished watching the video, but doesn't think there is anything to promote in this video.

It is just a matter of common sense and bravery.

At most, because the person who "sees the righteousness and courageously" wears strange clothes, so there are some strange things.

With his many years of experience, this kind of news may attract some strange audiences, but it is not enough to form a good hot news.

If you let him choose, he will at most put a sentence or two at the end of the news broadcast, which is already the limit.

Clayton smiled confidently and said.

"Here, the location of this video is Hell's Kitchen!"

"Hell's Kitchen?"

Editor's eyes light up.

If this happened in other places, it really does not matter, but if it happened in Hell's Kitchen, then it can indeed rise to another level.

"Editor, when we reported the punisher and Daredevil in Hell's Kitchen, the ratings were usually very high. These days, the two of them don't know why they suddenly disappeared, I think this 'Haibian King'."

Clayton pointed to Dave in the video.

"That's this guy. Now someone has named him" Haibian Wang "on the Internet. I think we might let him take over the positions of those two people!"

Editor's complexion was a little emotional.

Although **** kitchens are chaotic, the number of people there is very large, accounting for one-fifth and nearly one-quarter of the entire Manhattan area.

Although the ratings are slightly lower than other districts (not every house has a TV), it is also close to one-fifth.

Such a large market has always been a hot spot for major TV stations.

Prior to this, their TV station specially launched a series of articles for Punisher and Daredevil for the audience of Hell's Kitchen.

This action has really attracted a large audience of Hell's Kitchen.

But I do n’t know the reason recently. The Punisher and Daredevil suddenly did n’t come out of the “Xing Xia Zhi Yi”, which caused their TV station to lose a lot of viewers.

He is worried about it.

"Clayton, your idea is good or not, but this, um,‘ King Haibian ’, can he really attract the audience?”

The editor-in-chief is a little emotional, but there are still serious concerns.

Punisher, Daredevil, all rely on the sturdy record of actual combat, only to attract so many audiences.

‘Haibian King’?

That's really people's name. In the entire video, I only saw him 'flattened'.

Such a person, the audience would like to watch?

The editor-in-chief is extremely skeptical.

"Editor-in-Chief," Haibian King "is indeed very different from heroes like Punisher and Daredevil, but we don't have to take it in that direction!

"what do you mean?"

"Editor, look at this again."

Clayton opened another comment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Brave or stupid? "

Editor's eyes light up.


As a news editor, he knew clearly that all the hot and enduring big news is almost supported by huge controversy.

Is like not long ago, Tony Stark closed the military department, this is a huge point of controversy!

Although the controversy of "Haibian King" is far from impossible to compare with Tony Stark, it also has the potential to tap!

"Okay! It's up to you to do this! Be sure to make this a hot news!"

The editor finally made a decision and made a decision.

"Relax, editor! This thing is wrapped in me!"

Clayton patted his chest and walked out of the office.

Not long.

Clayton came to a remote corner.

He took out his mobile phone and quietly made a call.

"Things have been done."

"Very good, the second payment has hit your account. The number of the remaining payment depends on you."

The phone hung up.

at the same time.


This is the voice of bank arrival.

Clayton smiled at the corner of his mouth.

:. :

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