Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 728: Brave or stupid?

"Braveness or stupidity? The recent behavior of the" Haibian King "has caused great controversy. Some people said he was brave. When he saw someone in need of help, he stood up bravely and gave help."

"Some people say that he is stupid, and he clearly has insufficient power, but he has to make a start. If this kind of thing is not good, he will probably trap himself."

"Braveness is still stupid, and individuals have their own definitions, but I think," Haibian King "he saved people, this is the most important thing!"

"Well, welcome everyone to watch today's news program, I am your host Jerry, if you have any ideas for today's program, please leave a message or call. We will see you in the next program!"

With the end screen, the news is over.

A middle school canteen.

"In recent days, this 'Haibian King' is really hot! The whole Midtown (Hell's Kitchen) is discussing him. You said, is this 'Haibian King' brave or stupid? I think he is brave! "

Dave ’s base friend No. 1 was fat, and he spoke first.

He seemed to be a big fan of the "Haibian King" and said excitedly.

"That's three villains! He dared to rush out, how many people can't do it? Those people on the Internet know that blind bb, if they are in danger, they rush up? Nothing to do People, dare to say that people are stupid! I think they are really stupid! "

The more said, the heavier the anger on his face.

These days, he has been spraying online with that group of guys.

"I think so!" Haibian King "is really brave!"

Dave opened his mouth and smiled happily.

I am a "superhero"!

He never thought that in such a short period of time, he has jumped from an ordinary person to a topic of discussion in the entire **** kitchen.

Listen around, I do n’t know how many people are discussing him.

This is what he used to be.

The compliment of Jiyou No.1 beside him made Dave feel as if he had eaten a popsicle in the summer, and it was cool from beginning to end.

"I don't think so!"

Dave ’s Jiyou No. 2 expressed a different opinion.

"We don't care whether this 'Haibian King''s behavior is brave or stupid, but I think his approach is really not very appropriate."

"Why is it not suitable?"

Jiyou No.1 Fat Dun immediately became unhappy.

Dave's complexion also didn't look good.

Jiyou No.2 didn't stop his words.

"Don't you think? His approach is really bad! If he really wants to save people, he should go to the police! We all know that it is a main street. During the day, there are police patrols! If we put If the police call, can everything be resolved? "

"What do you know? Did you see how miserable that person was beaten? When the police came, I didn't know if that person would survive!"

"How can't you survive? Didn't you say it on the Internet, those people just had a small conflict, and the villains just wanted to beat him up, and didn't want his life!"

"Huh! Is everything right on the Internet? You are not at the scene, how do you know what was happening at the time? Haibian Wang was there at the time, and the choice he made was the best choice!"

Dave Kiyou No.1 and Jiyou No.2 quarreled directly on this issue.

Dave's face is good for a while, and bad for a while.

Jiyou No.1's "reasonable struggle" made him very happy, but Jiyou No.2 made him very uncomfortable.

I stand up as a "superhero", is it still wrong?

This Jiyou No. 2 has no ability to distinguish right from wrong!

It seems that there should be less contact with him in the future.

Dave thought thoughtlessly.

In Hell's Kitchen, the vast majority of people are on the brave side of 'Haibian King'.

Usually faced with the insults of gangsters and villains, they dare not fight back, but they are eager to fight back, or someone can fight back for him.

At school, Dave heard all the way, almost all of the praises he heard.

As for a small amount of ‘dissonance’ sound, he was automatically blocked.


These people are jealous!

Jealous that he can become a 'superhero'!

Whether it is in reality or online defamation about him, he was automatically ignored by him, he only saw, heard, and praised himself.

He is a ‘superhero’. Those who vilify him are bad guys!

Want to influence him specifically!

He is not fooled!


Dave snorted coldly and bowed his head to go.

He didn't want to argue with his base friend No. 2, but he was secretly pulled into the blacklist.

Just at this time.

A voice beside him suddenly entered his ears.

"Katie, what do you think of that" Haibian King "?"

Katie? !

His goddess!

Dave quickly raised his ears, wanting to hear his goddess' evaluation of himself.

"Haibian King?"

Katie's eyebrows frowned slightly, as if thinking of the name.


She remembered it.

It seems that a lot of people are discussing this person these days.

Brave or stupid?

"Very good, I think he is brave!"

She gave such a sentence.

Large audience, directly said that other people are ‘stupid’, this is a very ‘bitchy’ behavior.


Dave almost jumped up in excitement.

Goddess said he was brave!


I knew that the goddess was towards me!

Dave is very happy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even the lunch in his mouth has become delicious.

Is really beautiful!

And while Dave was thinking about his own thoughts, his Jiyou 1 and Jiyou 2 also stopped arguing.

No one can convince anyone, they sneered at each other, and stopped talking.

Kiyou No.1 looked at Dave.

"Dave, did you notice that Damico didn't come to school again today. It seems that he hasn't come to school for three days. Dave, Dave, are you listening?"

"Well? What did you just say?"

Dave raised his head, somewhat dazed.

Kiyou No.1 didn't care, and continued to say what he just said.

"I haven't come to class in three days? I guess what's going on in their home, it's not our business anyway."

Dave said casually.

Chris Damico is just in the same class with them, but not in the same class. They have never had any communication. If they do n’t have classes, they do n’t have classes.

Jiyou No.1 thinks about it too, and will not mention it anymore, the three of them have a quiet meal.

Just after the three had finished their meal and were about to leave.

TV news suddenly opened again.

"Emergency insertion of a news ..."

:. :

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