Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 733: Dave: I can do it too!

"Green Hornet is really cool!"

Katie's face is full of worship.

"Katie, do you think so?"

"Of course! Compared to King Haibian, I think the Green Hornet is much better!"

Katie said seriously.

Green Hornet is much better!

The words of the goddess were like a needle, directly plunging deep into Dave's heart.

He clenched his fists.

"I will not admit defeat! I am also a superhero!"

Isn't it du seller?

I can do it too!


Damico Group Building.

Frank Damico is calling.

"I want you to kill Green Hornet!"

"What? What are you talking about?"

Manhattan Police Department, Midtown (Hell's Kitchen) branch.

Sheriff's Office.

Higant was on the phone while eating.

"The Green Hornet is ruining my business! Higant!"

Frank Damico said seriously.

"I'm sorry, Frank. I can't help you with this busyness, which is a little beyond my scope of authority."

"What are you talking about? You are a special policeman! He is committing an illegal act. You are telling me that this is beyond your scope of authority? You should arrest him!

"Wait, I will pay to catch the bad guys, but you will bribe me not to catch the bad guys, everything else is a gray area?"

"Yes! You just do it! Do you understand?"

Frank Damico angrily hung up.

He felt like he was really terrible lately!

Was first caught by a guy who didn't know where he came from, grabbed his son, cheated 30 million without saying, and killed a dozen of his men.

Then a green Hornet who didn't know where to come out, directly knocked out one of his strongholds.

The most important thing is that this is also on TV!

He wanted to run it, and it would be impossible to get them out.

In the two incidents, he lost nearly 30 people, almost equal to one-fifth of his manpower!

When did he suffer such a big loss?

"Frank, do you think this is someone who is deliberately targeting us?"

Said, sitting next to him.


Frank Damico's expression was clear.

"Do you mean to say?"

"Black Dragon Gang!"

Joe gave three words.

"Black Dragon Gang!"

Frank Damico's expression changed.

"We and they have always been well water does not violate the river, and we do not need the site, why should they target us?"

Joe shook his head.

"Frank, you take it for granted. We and the Black Dragon Gang seem to have no conflict of interest, but the Black Dragon Gang has now unified the North District. In the North District, except for their Black Dragon Gang, we are the most powerful forces! It's you, would you do nothing? "

Frank Damico was silent.

If he is in the position of the Black Dragon Gang, he will definitely do everything possible to kill them!

Only by killing them can they be regarded as the true supremacy of the Northern District!

The **** who kidnapped his son, and the green Hornet who suddenly appeared, were all done by the Black Dragon Gang?

Not necessarily impossible!

The green Hornet suddenly appeared without saying.

But the **** who kidnapped his son, Frank Damico has been wondering, is this the black dragon gang in the dark?

In the northern district of Hell's Kitchen, who can accurately grasp the whereabouts of his son, except for them, there is only the black dragon gang that unified the northern district.

"Do you have any idea?"

Frank Damico said.

Unified the Black Dragon Gang of the North District, the strength is too strong!

Even if they knew that all this was done by the Black Dragon Gang, it would be difficult to stop.

"The boss of the Grey Shadow Gang recently contacted us ..."

"Grey Shadow Gang?"

"A newly formed gang, their original identity is the Western District Offensive and Defending Alliance, after they fled the Western District, they came to the Northern District and established this Grey Shadow Gang."

"Do you want to unite them?"

Frank Damico frowned.

He heard Joe's meaning, but he had great distrust of the strength of this gray shadow gang.

No other reason.

They were defeated by the Western Region Overlord Red Tiger Hall in a winning stance.

More than two hundred people, did not let the Red Tiger Hall hurt a little!

Such forces have experienced such a big defeat, they still have combat power?

"Frank, don't underestimate them! Their strength is very strong! I have specifically learned that their current strength is at least not worse than ours!"

Joe looked seriously.

"That big defeat was just because the enemy was too strong! It had nothing to do with them."

"The enemy is too strong? Ha ha, Joe, don't you really believe those grandiose statements?"

Frank Damico chuckled.

What is a shadow creature that is immortal, he simply does not believe that such a thing exists!

"I don't believe it either."

Joe shrugged his shoulders.

"But now the result is that the Red Tiger Hall really defeated the Western Union's offensive and defensive alliance, and the Grey Shadow Gang is indeed very strong! If we can join the Grey Shadow Gang, let alone defeat the Black Dragon Gang, but at least against the Black Dragon Gang is still not questionable."

Heard words.

Frank Damico was lost in thought again.

After half a ring.

He said.

"What is the situation with the Grey Shadow Gang?"

Joe heard a word.

He knows that Frank Damico agrees with his idea of ​​joining the Grey Shadow Gang in disguise. As to whether they can finally join together, it depends on both parties.

"Grey Shadow Gang does not have a fixed site in the North District ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When they are wandering around, they are not short of weapons, no people, only money! If we can provide them with financial support They can definitely become an extremely powerful force! And we who control their sources of money are very likely to completely control this force! "

"Full control of the Grey Shadow Gang?"

Frank Damico's heart fluttered instantly.

According to Joe's statement, on the combat power alone, this is a force not inferior to them!

"Does it cost a lot of money?"

He still hesitated.

Not long ago, he had just been pitted 30 million, and now their book funds are not so abundant.

"Frank, what time is it now? Black Dragon is helping those **** to kill us! Do you still care about the money?"

Joe said.

Frank Damico thought of the threat of the Black Dragon Gang, his face changed and changed.

Finally gritted his teeth.

"Okay! Just as you said, join the Grey Shadow Gang! I will give you 10 million, be sure to bring the Grey Shadow Gang to our side!"

"You can rest assured! I will definitely handle this for you!"

Joe patted his chest and promised.

"There is still what the Green Hornet! The guy in Higant is now distracted and unreliable. Think of a way to get Grey Shadow to find him and kill him!"

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