Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 734: Is Green Hornet a member of the Black Dragon Gang?

Dave thought it was very difficult to find du dealers.

Do n’t look at the chaos in the **** kitchen, it seems that crimes are everywhere, but most of them are robbery and fighting.

Vendor du is relatively less and more hidden.

Without related channels, it is difficult to find them.

But Dave had just raised this idea, and the next day, he found an unintentional message about the du vendor.

On his only way to go home.

He 'inadvertently' heard a conversation between two addicts outside a small alley.

From these conversations, he got a message about the du vendor's den.

"God is really helping me! Sure enough, I am a dedicated superhero!"

Late at night.

Dave wore his "superhero" uniform and walked in a small alley in the North District.

This is his first time, so late, still walking in the alley of Hell's Kitchen.

The dark alleys were filled with rancid breath.

Not far away, the dim light is enough.

The faint voice came from the building outside the exit, which greatly reduced the horror atmosphere here.

"According to the two people, out of this alley, just turn a corner and you will arrive."

Dave swallowed and was nervous.

That's a fierce du dealer!

But he thought about his own goddess, and then think of the Green Hornet, gritted his teeth.

"He can, I can too! I am also a superhero!"

Step by step, he walked out firmly to the alley.


The living room of a house.

"Come, let's drink!"

"Drink more! Drink more!"

Several shirtless men are sipping wine.

One by one, all drinking a little bit above.

"You said, what is that Green Hornet, what exactly came from? Actually dare to come to trouble us? What is it that you don't want to live?"

"Made! Do you know bragging! He is really coming, do you dare to go up with others?"

"Why don't I dare?"

This person patted the table.

"If he dares to come to us, I will shoot him first!"

"Oh! Dex, they were easily killed by others, just you? Save it!"


"Okay, let me say a few words! I tell you, this Green Hornet is not easy. You have better settle down recently, don't let people find us here."

Kodi said, he didn't drink much, and he has remained relatively sober.

"Not simple? Boss Cody, how is it not simple, you tell us chant."

Cody looked around and said.

"I tell you, don't tell anyone."

"Cordy boss, you can rest assured, as these few of us know, we will never tell others!"

"Yes! Don't you understand our mouth? No one else will know!"

Said a few people patted their chests.

"Okay, let me tell you, this Green Hornet is probably the man of the Black Dragon Gang!"

"Hey of the Black Dragon Gang? How is this possible?"

"Yeah! Isn't he a superhero? How could it be the Black Dragon Gang?"

"Hum! Don't believe it, this news came from Joe! How is my relationship with Joe, you also understand, can this be fake?"

Joe can be said to be the second in the Damico Group, second only to Frank Damico. As soon as his name was said, a few people in the room immediately believed.

"I really can't think of it, he was actually a member of the Black Dragon Gang!"

"People know their faces but they don't know what they know. This person looks superhero on the surface, but actually is a gangster!"

"No! If the Green Hornet is really a member of the Black Dragon Gang, why should he start against us?"

"Hum! It's not easy, this is the Black Dragon Gang wanting to start against us! They don't dare to do it directly, so they thought about Laiyin!"

"Made! The Black Dragon Gang is really insidious!"


Outside the room.

Dave was struck by lightning.

"The Green Hornet is actually a member of the Black Dragon Gang?"

This news is almost the same as ordinary people hearing that Captain America is a member of Hydra.

That was a superhero who just punished a group of criminals!

How could he be a member of the Black Dragon Gang?

Unbelievable at the same time, Dave's heart, somehow, was a little more happy.

The Green Hornet turned out to be a member of the Black Dragon Gang, then ...

No way!

How can I think so!

Dave shook his head quickly, erasing the idea.

"Whether the Green Hornet is a superhero or not, I must uphold justice! The people inside are real criminals, and I want them to be punished as expected!"

He took a deep breath and squeezed his military stick.

Followed immediately.

Reached out and opened the room door.

? ? ?

Why not kick it?

Well, it doesn't matter.

Importantly, he really opened the door.

The moment the door opens.

Kodi and others all looked at the door.

Dave stood at the door.

Both sides look at me, I look at you, the atmosphere is a little silent for a while.

"······ You didn't lock the door just now?"

"Uh, it seems, probably, maybe ... right?"

A little brother lowered his head deeply.

"Nima's stupid!"

Cody slapped in the past.

Such low-level mistakes are committed, he can only hope that a shot collapsed him.

Looking at this scene, Dave didn't know what to do for a while.

The other party seems to be dealing with family matters. Isn't he suitable for speaking now?


Dave finally coughed twice and swore his existence.

"Hello, I am ... coughing!"

As soon as he spoke, he felt something was wrong and immediately coughed again.

"You **** du businessmen listen! Now you are surrounded by me, surrender immediately!"


Kody's face changed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ looked around quickly, but after looking around, he found no other people.

However, he did not relax his guard.

"What about the rest of you? Call them out! I'm not afraid of you!"

"other people?"

Dave froze for a moment.

"No, I am the only one here."

"only you?"

Kodi looked at him with suspicion.

"You mean, you alone, and then surrounded us?"

"Yes! I'm alone! You haven't surrendered quickly, otherwise, when I get the shot, you will feel bad!"

Dave held a military stick and put on a "super fierce" look.

Kodi and others looked at each other with a unified expression on their faces.

Is this kid a fool?

Said one of them very seriously.

"Body Cody, the Internet said that this kid is stupid, I think it is not, he is just a fool!"

Other people heard and laughed.

Dave was angry.

"I'm not an idiot!"

He rushed to the other party.


Was won.

:. :

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