Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 735: You must be the strongest here!

Inside the room.

Dave looked awkward.

I was just won?

How is different from what you think?

Did n’t I beat everyone and defend justice and peace after some arduous battle?

Why did I get won like this?

The most unacceptable thing for Dave is that he was not picked up by the other party but was taken directly by the other party.

There was no fierce battle, no confrontation, just a simple capture, and he was depressed by the opponent.

Dave turned his head hard and said.

"Are you the strongest here?"

"No, I'm just the most common one here."

"Impossible! You must be the strongest here!"

Dave didn't believe it at all.

Is not the strongest here, how could it be so easy to subdue him?

"Body Cody, how to deal with this fool?"

"Let's kill it!"

Cody waved carelessly.

"Although he is a fool, he can't stay after seeing our secret."


Dave instantly turned pale.


They are going to kill me?

"No, no, no!"

He desperately wanted to struggle, but he couldn't get away.

His strength is too bad.

Said that he was fighting five slags, and he insulted the word.

If divided according to level, he just barely stepped into the ordinary LV · 1 level, and here a common brother, the level has ordinary LV · 4, the two sides are not at the same level.

An ordinary boy is enough to suppress him.

The muzzle of a black hole appeared in front of him.

Dave was cold all over.


Real gun!

The other party really wants to kill him!

Boundless fear poured into his heart.

At this moment, no goddess or superhero exists.

Only fear left in his heart.

He wants to be a superhero, he wants to make his goddess look at each other, he wants to stand out in front of everyone ...

But I never thought that all this would come at the cost of life.


The bullet is loaded.

"Do not!"

Dave struggled frantically.


There was a gunshot.

A cup of blood sprayed out.

"Am I dead?"

Dave froze.

What is this hot thing on your face?


The gunman screamed and awakened Dave.

Finally knew what was on his face.

is blood!

Is the blood in the hands of the person holding the gun!


Cody was furious.

Haibian, the fool, dare to lie to him?

Is clearly not alone!


A figure broke through the window.

The iconic skull suit made everyone recognize the identity of the coming person at the first time.

"Is the punisher!"

Everyone was frightened.

"How could he appear here? Isn't he always active in the West End?"

"Quick! Kill him!"

Cody shouted.

The punisher is cruel and cruel to the offender, who in the kitchen of **** doesn't know?

A crowd of people hurriedly pulled out the gun.

But their speed is still too slow.

boom! boom! boom!

The "Punisher" speared out two bullets, and the bullets turned into life-threatening demons, taking away lives.

Among the few people in this hall, only Cody hid quickly, hiding behind a sofa, and escaped the first round of shooting.

Others were killed in the first place.

Of course also includes the ordinary younger brother who suppresses Dave the 'Haibian King'.

There are no more repressors, and Dave naturally recovers his freedom, but now that he is scared and stupid, he stays on the ground and dare not move.

the other side.

People who heard movements in other rooms ran out one after another.

Just as soon as they came out, they ushered in the punishment of the punisher.

These fierce criminals are like paper in front of the punisher.

One shot of the punisher, two shots in a row, almost no effort, they solved them.

boom! boom! boom!

Fierce gunshots sounded in the ears, and alive lives fell in front of him, and Dave felt a great impact.

It turns out that this is the real battle?

Dave only felt a chill and emerged from the soles of his feet, straight through his heavenly cover.

This is completely different from the ‘superhero’ he imagined!

Cruel, bloody, ruthless, endless!

"Can I really be such a superhero?"

Dave trembled all over, he was dazed.

The punisher walked towards the sofa step by step. Everyone else had been solved by him, and now only Cody hiding behind the sofa was left.

"I fight with you!"

Cody knew that he had no hope of escaping and jumped out angrily, trying to die with the punisher.


A bullet penetrated his eyebrow.


He fell to the ground, beside Dave, blood shed all over the place.

Dave turned his head stiffly, watching Cody's eyes flat, and his heart was empty.

Turned his head again.

A dozen corpses were lying in this living room, with a strong **** odor rushing into his nose.


Dave retched in an instant.

He is just a child!

The Shura field in front of him directly shattered his past three views.

When watching a superhero movie, he also fantasized about the scene of his killing.

But fantasy is fantasy after all.

Now encountering all of this in reality, the fresh life that had just been ‘friendly exchanges’ with itself turned into a cold body in a blink of an eye, lying on the ground.

Such a scene has already exceeded the limit he can accept.

The punisher glanced at Dave ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and immediately began to pack up his trophy.

His movements were quick, and in less than two minutes, he was ready.

There are not many things, that is, hundreds of thousands of dollars, and some ‘commodities’.

He ca n’t use these ‘commodities’, but he ca n’t stay here. He wants to bring them back to be destroyed.

"Are you the king of Haibian?"

"Yes, yes, it's me."

Dave hurriedly said that after a period of nausea, he was much better, but he still dared not look at the bodies.

"Hurry up and leave! This is not where you should stay. The police will come later. Also, you are not suitable to be a superhero, so do n’t come out in the future. This time you are lucky to meet me. But it ’s not so lucky. "

Dave was silent.

The Green Hornet said that he was not suitable to be a superhero, and the punisher also said that he was not suitable to be a superhero.

If it was before, he will definitely ignore it, insisting that he can become a superhero!

But after experiencing this scene today, he was shaken.

Is he really suitable to be a superhero?

Dave looked at the corpses around him. His abdomen rolled for a while, and he quickly moved his eyes away, which made him feel better.

There was some despair in his heart.

"Maybe, I am really not suitable to be a superhero."

:. :

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