Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 736: Little mouse, tool man

"and many more!"

Dave stopped the 'punisher' who was about to leave.

"Is there anything else?"

The punisher stopped, his tone cold.


Dave froze.

He originally wanted to make a friendship, just looking at the "punisher", he didn't seem to want to communicate more with him.

He hesitated and said instead.

"Punisher, do you know the Green Hornet? It is the superhero who is famous for these two days."


The punisher gave him a light look.

"That's good."

Dave breathed a sigh of relief, then said.

"You may not know, I just heard them say that the Green Hornet is actually a member of the Black Dragon Gang!"

"The Green Hornet is the man of the Black Dragon Gang?"

The punisher looked at Dave oddly.

Seeing that the punisher seemed to disbelieve himself, Dave was anxious and said quickly.

"Really! These were all I heard with my own ears! They said that the Black Dragon Gang wanted to deal with them, but they were inconvenient to shoot, so they specifically let the Green Hornet shoot!"

This explanation is reasonable and well-founded. If it is an unreasonable person, I believe it is believed.

The punisher shook his head.

"The Green Hornet could not have been the Black Dragon Gang! Some time ago, we also fought against the Black Dragon Gang together and destroyed many forces of the Black Dragon Gang!"

"Ah? What else?"

Dave was stunned.

"of course!"

The punisher looked serious.

"This is obviously their trick! The purpose is to frame the Green Hornet!"

"Is this their trick?"

Dave was in a trance, a little ignorant.

"Yes, Dave, I know you have a heart of justice, but you are too naive. Those criminals are insidious and scheming. With your wisdom, you can't fight them at all. Superheroes are not as you imagined. Easy."

"Superheroes are not so good."

Dave left the house in a muddled way and walked in dark alleys.

Was first denied the strength, and then was denied the IQ.

It's okay if the negative person is someone else, but this person is the 'punisher'!

‘Punisher’ and ‘Dammon’ are the two hottest superheroes in Hell ’s Kitchen!

Is his former idol!

Is the object he always wanted to be!

Was denied by his idol. The disappointment made him more uncomfortable than 10,000 people denied.

And even more uncomfortable, Dave thought about it and found that his idol was actually right!

"Am I really not suitable to be a superhero?"


"Did he actually change his fate?"

On top of a certain building.

The punisher stared at the lonely figure of Dave from afar.

His heart moved.

The five senses suddenly changed into square trees.

The vest of "Green Hornet" is not suitable for appearing in this plot, even if Cody and others did not say those words, he is not suitable.

This plot is how Fang Mu wants Dave to experience the cruelty of the so-called 'superhero' road!

With cruel, **** personal experience, let Dave give birth to a retreat heart, no longer thinking about becoming a superhero.

The "Green Hornet" character set he created is not suitable for this cruel thing.

Similarly, another superhero in Hell's Kitchen, "Dammon", is also not suitable.

‘Night Demon’ is not necessarily lighter than ‘Punisher’, but the battle of ‘Night Demon’ is more about fighting and using walking sticks. In terms of picture effects, it ’s far less **** than the ‘puncher’.

Even, if he borrowed the vest of ‘Night Demon’ and saw that ‘Night Demon’ was empty-handed, he defeated more than a dozen fierce du dealers.

Dave, who is often 'confident', may arouse greater belief in 'superheroes'.

Only let him know the cruel, **** and coldness of the red fruit, can he wipe out the heart of his "superhero".

In the original movie, Dave saw the terrible battle like Shura of Minty 'Little Loli' and directly extinguished his dream of 'superhero'.

If it was not a series of events, the "Haibian King" would have long since disappeared.

Fang Mu just borrowed this method in an attempt to directly change Dave's fate.

But from now on, the result is not satisfactory.

He didn't get a destiny point to change his destiny.

"The current Dave has neither been in contact with the" Super Killer "nor has he met with the Damico Group. Why has the system not yet decided to change his destiny?"

Fang Mu thought to himself.

Although this du merchant's den belongs to the Damico Group, he has already erased all traces belonging to the 'Haibian King'. It is absolutely impossible for Frank Damico to find Dave.

And because of his reasons, the two of "Super Kill Girl" and "Big Daddy" started to lay out as early as possible, planning to kill Frank Damico, and had no time to pay attention to the little person of "Haibian King".

Both factors have been isolated by him, but the system still hasn't judged that he changed Dave's fate.

"In this way, it should be in Dave's mind that he still hasn't given up the idea of ​​becoming a" superhero "."

Fang Mu was not surprised by this.

Is a superhero after all. Although he is regarded as the lowest superhero, the previous events have shown that this ‘superhero’ does have his uniqueness.

Want to completely change the concept of such a "superhero" ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Let him never want to be a "superhero" from now on, obviously is not an easy task.

"Since that is the case, go ahead!"

Fang Mu watched the 'Haibian King' Dave go further and further.

He now regards Dave 'Haibian King' as a little white mouse. If he can be successfully transformed, he may transform more superheroes and even supervillains in the future!

Compared to other superheroes or supervillains, Dave 'Haibian King' is more difficult and easier to transform.

Is more difficult to reform because he has an extremely persistent belief in ‘superheroes’. Compared to certain ‘superheroes’ or ‘supervillains’ who have no beliefs or perseverance, it is more difficult to change his mind.

Is easier to transform because his strength is too poor and relatively easier to control. As long as he cut off some of his chances and causation in advance, he will do whatever he wants.

"This should also be what you want to see?"

Fang Mu looked up at the sky.

In, he has a feeling.

After he took away the temper that originally belonged to the 'Haibian King', the world will of Marvel World seems to regard him as the 'Haibian King''s torture.

Want him to be a tool person?

"Ha ha!"

Fang Mu chuckled.

A flash, disappeared.

:. :

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