Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 737: Why is this happening?

A middle school campus.

Four days have passed since the appearance of "Green Hornet".

During these four days, ‘Green Hornet’ did several good things to punish evil and promote good.

Although not as sensation as the first time, but also completely started his name.

Walking on the campus, Dave can no longer hear anyone talking about ‘Haibian King’, and all around are talking about ‘Green Hornet’.

Even one of his loyal fans is fat, and now he is still "Green Hornet".

A few days ago, the popularity of the "Haibian King", which once overwhelmed the punisher and Daredevil, was now forgotten by everyone.

"King Haibian should not be forgotten like this!"

Dave clenched his fists, but he was still unwilling.

He can't deal with the desperate du peddler, street gangsters, villains, can he?

Remembered that because he had "thought" three villains, his heart became hot again when he was followed by countless people.

"King Haibian will not be forgotten like this!"


Hell's Kitchen.

North District.

In the afternoon.

Dave wore his ‘superhero’ uniform and walked proudly on the street.

There are many pedestrians on the street.

Some people watched him whispering.

"Now there are people still wearing the clothes of King Haibian? What a surprise!"

"It's normal, how expensive is the Green Hornet's clothes now! I can't afford the Green Hornet's clothes, I can only buy a set of Haibian Wang's clothes to wear."

"It turns out that this is true. Green Hornet's clothes are really expensive, and I can't afford it now. However, I would rather save money and wait for enough money to buy Green Hornet's clothes instead of Haibian Wang's clothes. ,too ugly!"

"Really! The Green Hornet's clothes are so cool! I'm saving money now, ready to buy one."

Dave has a black face.

I said, can you two whispers? ?

Half street people have heard it!

Why do n’t I have a face for this genuine ‘Haibian King’? !

Although the clothes of Green Hornet really look good ...


My "Haibian King" clothes are not bad!

"A group of guys with no taste!"

Dave whispered sourly.

"There is a thief!"

A scream came from afar.

"The thief?"

Dave's eyes lit up.

Bad guys are also classified.

And in his mind, the thief is undoubtedly the lowest.

He looked around and soon discovered the figure of the thief.

Coincidentally, the thief's direction of escape happened to be his side!

Opportunity is here!

"I must catch him!"

Dave took out his military stick, stopped in the middle of the road, took a deep breath, and shouted.


At this moment, he is majestic and confident.

He even 'throwed away' the three villains, just a thief, what's so difficult?

"Go away!"


At the moment of approaching, the thief kicked directly.

Dave was kicked without even having time to resist.

? ? ?

Dave fell heavily on the ground, and the thief walked away.

The first "just action" failed.

Dave looked at the disappeared figure of the thief and was dazed.

Why is it different from what you imagine?


Why should I say again?


Dave continued to walk on the street.

Although the foot kick just hurt him very much, he was not injured, but suffered a big psychological blow.

He can't even handle the lowest thief.

This result made him very uncomfortable.

"This is just a special case, other thieves are actually very weak!"

Dave comforted himself.

"Ah! Don't fight! It hurts! Don't fight!"

Came a scream.

"Is there a situation?"

Dave quickly looked over.

I saw that less than thirty meters away from him, one person was beating another person.

"Bullying the weak!"

He was angry.

"Stop it!"

He rushed over, angrily pushed away the beater, and then helped the beaten, concerned.

"Are you OK?"

The beating person didn't care about him at all. After being lifted up, he broke free from his hand and ran away.

Dave :? ? ?

How can this person be so rude?

I saved you, did you actually say thank you to me?

Forget it, I have a lot of adults, so I do n’t care!

Dave, who consciously did a good deed, was very beautiful.


When the beater ran away, he was going to chase angrily.

Saw Dave, and quickly pulled it off.

"There is me! Don't you want to catch up and hit him!"

His strength is not strong, but in order to ‘maintain justice’, he exploded in tremendous potential in vain, and he suddenly pulled the beater.

"Asshole! Do you know what he did?"

"No matter what he does! With me in, don't want to hit him again!"

Dave looked ‘justice’ and vowed to die unyieldingly and never let go.

"He stole my wallet!"

"······ Really?"

"So many people here, they all saw it!"

Dave looked around, and the people around him nodded.

"Yeah, that person did steal his stuff."

Dave was dazed, did I do something wrong?

He released the beater, no, it should be the stolen person.

But at this moment there is no help, the man has already run away.

"Loose money!"

Turned back angrily and said to him.

"This this······"

"You let go of the thief! It's all because of you, my money is gone! You are the accomplice!"


Faced with the aggressive stolen person, Dave finally could only take out the only hundred dollars left.

"I only have so much."

He lowered his head and said weakly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The stolen took a hundred dollars and gave him a sip.

"It is because of your idiots that **** kitchen will look like this now! You are just like the stupid" Haibian King ", it will only make trouble! Nothing! No waste!"

Finished, he went straight away.

Dave stood on the street silently.

"Sure enough! People who wear the clothes of" Haibian Wang "generally have bad brains!"

"I don't know anything, I don't understand anything, I just blindly do it. Such people are not really brave, they are just fools!"

"They are self-righteous and come up with the limelight!"

"The Green Hornet is right," Haibian King "is not suitable for being a superhero at all, he doesn't know what kind of qualities a superhero needs to have."

The crowd around melons seemed to be a sharp knife that penetrated deeply into Dave ’s heart.

He thought he had done a ‘good thing’, but the result was just the opposite.

He ‘helped’ a bad guy to escape!

He became an accomplice to the bad guys!

Such a result makes him more uncomfortable than not doing a good thing!

"Why is this happening?"

Dave was incomprehensible.

Me, Dave, why can't I be a superhero?

:. :

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