Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 738: Go to Nima's superhero!

It was almost dusk.

Pedestrians on the street gradually decreased.

Dave walked on the street muddled.

Unconsciously, he came to 165 Street again.

This is the origin of his ‘superhero’ path.

Dave saw the convenience store not far away, he was there, completed the transformation of ‘superhero’ and became his ‘superhero’.

Came back here again, and his mood became extremely complicated.

"Am I still a superhero?"

He felt that he might not really deserve to be called a superhero, but he was really unwilling!

He clearly can become a superhero!

It was clear that he personally 'fighted away' three villains himself!

"Boss! It's King Haibian!"

"Made! Beat him! It's this guy who made us look down upon so many people during this time!"

"beat him!!"

The three men flew from a distance in a fierce manner.

Dave recognized it at a glance, and these three men were the villains he ‘fighted away’ not long ago!

"It's them!"

He instinctively wants to run away.

Just moved.

"No! Why should I be afraid of them?"

Dave woke up.

He ‘fighted’ them at the beginning!

"Come on! I'm not afraid of you!"

Dave was holding a military stick and was proudly facing the three of Kentucky.


He was beaten on the ground.

"I'm not afraid of you!"

"I want you to come!"

"Why don't I beat you up!"

The 'Street Fighter' three people in Kentucky, with fierce looks, fisted to the flesh.

Mixed on the Tao, the most important thing is a face.

They almost lost their face because of ‘Haibian King’.

This hatred, this hatred, don't share the sky!

Oh fight!

This beat made Dave unable to get up for a long time.

"You're trash! Waste! I bah!"

Kentucky gave Dave a sigh of relief.

"let's go!"

The three of them were gigantic and arrogant.

Only Dave, who was ravaged and disfigured, lay on the ground, weeping silently, choking silently.


Why is it like this?

"Superhero? Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?


"No! I can't just give it up!"

Dave felt he could stick to it again.

He struggled to get up.

"I am a superhero! I am not afraid of these villains!"

Finally got up, the other party disappeared long ago.

"Hum! You guys run fast! Otherwise I am sure ..."

Dave felt a little pain in his body, and might need to go back for treatment.

He walked back.


A car suddenly came in a hurry.

Dave has no time to react.


The car hit him hard.

The driver seemed to be terrified, so he directly reversed the car and escaped.

Only Dave is left, lying in a pool of blood, unknowingly.

Watching the crowd around, was screamed in shock.

"A car accident!"

"Quick call to save someone!"


"What a coincidence?"

Fang Mu stood not far away, and was a little surprised to see this scene.

Can this be hit by a car?

He admitted that the first three things had so much relationship with him.

Um, just lost.

But it was hit by a car, but this has nothing to do with him.

He also carefully observed just now that the driver was indeed careless and did not specifically run to hit people.

"God willing?"

Fang Mu looked up at the sky, looked at Dave lying on the ground again, and shook his head.

"poor child."


Beep! Beep! Beep!

The ambulance is here.

Several nurses came down and put Dave on the stretcher.

Dave is not dead, his will is still awake.

He grabbed the hand of a nurse.

"Help me take off my clothes!"

Wearing a ‘superhero’ uniform, instead of falling into the hands of villains and criminals, he fell under a car, which is too shameful!

"Please, please help me!"

Dave looked at the nurse beggingly.

The nurse looked at his clothes and it became clear instantly.

"You also think this dress is ugly and you don't want to be seen by family members, right? You can rest assured, I will take it off for you."

Dave :? ? ?


Don't care if it's ugly or not, just take it off and help.

Solved the last problem, he fell directly into a deep sleep.


Three days later.

In the hospital.

Dave was lying on the hospital bed, staring blankly at the sky outside the window.

The driver braked in time, he just broke a dozen bones ...


The door opened.

Dave turned his head and saw that it was his dad.

"Dad, you are here."

He greeted and looked out of the window in a daze.

Dave's dad looked at Dave as he was now, and there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

"I heard that when he was taken to the hospital that day, all his clothes were stripped off ..."

Was stripped of his clothes and was attacked by criminals.

He thought of a terrible possibility.

His son is likely to be ...

"Poor Dave!"

Dave's father's eyes flashed with tears. He looked at Dave's unreasonable look in his life, and he felt sorry for him.

"No! I must cheer Dave up!"

Dave's dad cheered up and smiled.

"Dave, the doctor said you might be in the hospital for a few months, and I was worried that you would be bored, so I bought a newest laptop specifically."


Dave's eyes lit up and turned his head quickly.

"Where is the notebook? Dad?"

He had long wanted a laptop, and he still uses that old-fashioned desktop computer at home.

"Here it is."

Dave's father handed his laptop to Dave.

"Thank you so much! Dad!"

Dave smiled happily ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Just be happy. "

Dave's father had a smile on his face.

Fortunately, finally let his son come alive!

The hospital has WiFi. Dave turned on his computer and quickly connected to the Internet.

The days in the hospital were too boring. With a computer on the Internet, he could pass the rest of his time.

"What do you do online?"

When Dave was thinking about it, he opened the Y station subconsciously.

Just wanted to see what the latest good-looking video, relax, a video recommendation on the home page came into view, directly occupying all his sight.

"Haibian King You Didn't Know! 》

"Haibian King?"

Dave's heart trembled.

Since the appearance of Green Hornet, the name 'Haibianwang' has rarely appeared on the front page of Station Y.

The Green Hornet has already replaced the Haibian King and has become the hottest superhero of the moment.

Recommend "Haibian King" to return to the homepage. Dave should have been happy, but he didn't know what happened, but he felt a deep sense of uneasiness at this time.

Dave hesitated for a long time, and finally shook his hand and clicked on the video.

Just saw half of it, he directly covered the computer.

"Super hero to Nima!"

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