Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 739: Data consciousness LV. IV!

"Get 2000 Fate Points."

Fate point: 4260!

Dave was not overwhelmed by the words of "Green Hornet", by **** battles, by the denial of the "punisher", by the brutal reality.

But in the end, he was overwhelmed by online remarks.

"Haibian King is not a superhero at all!"

"He is not brave at all! To be honest, he is actually a fool!"

"Because there are people like him, the Hell Kitchen will look like this now! He is the accomplice of the evil forces!"

"I don't understand anything, I don't have any strength, but I have to add chaos and die. Such a person is simply a cancer in the real world!"

"I beg you! Be a good person! Stop wearing that ugly clothes and make trouble!"

His experience on the day of the car accident was divided into three small videos, and finally a small video was synthesized and uploaded to the Y station.

Detonated the entire network in just two days.

Everyone spoke verbally about the behavior of 'Haibian King', thinking that he was simply not worthy of being called a superhero, and no one supported him.

The name ‘Haibian King’ once became synonymous with ‘inconceivable’ and disruption.

Seeing all this, Dave completely wiped out his dream of a "superhero".

"Identification of self, and identification of others."

Fang Mu started from these two aspects and directly changed Dave.

"System, improve data consciousness!"

"Data consciousness is raised to LV · 4, 3000 fate points are needed, are you sure?"


Three thousand fate points disappeared.

Data consciousness LV · 4!

Fang Mu entered the data ideology for the first time. At this moment, he clearly felt that he could handle more things, just like the evolution from the third generation processor to the fourth generation processor.

"Deduction of a sixth-level spell, I only need three days to do it now!"

From five days to three days, the data consciousness has been raised to LV · 4, and the efficiency has been improved by nearly half.

Fang Mu has been busy with Dave's things a few days ago, but the deduction spell has not fallen. Now he has deduced nearly two sixth-level spells.

One is based on the two legendary forbidden curses of healing power and undead power. It took six days to successfully perform the magic curse-indestructible curse.

Indestructible mantra, sixth-level mantra, has a very strong recovery ability, a very strong defense ability, and a certain degree of abnormal state resistance (including but not limited to high temperature, low temperature, corrosion, highly toxic, etc.).

Although the indestructible mantra is only a sixth-level spell, but because it is derived from the core of two legendary banned spells, its power is not much worse than the ordinary seven-level spell.

More importantly, it can continue to upgrade the level.

Seventh-level magic spells and eighth-level magic spells are not mentioned, even if it is a legendary forbidden spell, it is possible to achieve it.

Is now a sixth-level spell, because Fangmu now only needs a sixth-level spell.

Another magic spell is a magical spell with the core of the legendary forbidden power infinite.

Magic mantra, six-level mantra, can greatly enhance individual strength, up to three times!

Compared to the indestructible spell, the attribute of the divine power spell is simpler, with only one attribute of strength, but its effect is no less than that of the indestructible spell.

It is also a sixth-level spell that is comparable to ordinary seven-level spells.

Under the blessing of the Divine Power Mantra, a six-level puppet with simple power attributes can even rival the ordinary seven-level puppet!

This curse Fangmu was deduced for three days, and most of it was completed. It used to take two days to really perform. Now the data consciousness has been raised to LV · 4, and it can be performed in only one day.

"Indestructible Curse, Divine Power Curse."

Fang Mu flashed these two spells in his mind.

Indestructible spells are useful to him. If they are applied to him, they are comparable to the weakened version of the legendary banned spells-Undead Power and Healing Power.

The magic spell will not work, his power attribute is too low, only 10 points, even if it is tripled, it will not have much effect on him.

Of course, if his power attribute can be higher, this divine power spell is also a powerful spell.

"According to the current progress, it only takes ten days to push all five sixth-level spells to the show."

Ten days is not a long time.

As long as all five sixth-level spells are pushed out, and then get Tony Stark's small palladium elemental energy reactor, he can start to make his super-sixth-level puppet.

How strong is this six-level puppet, Fang Mu is not clear before it is actually made.

But he knows that the super heroes and super villains in the early days, when meeting his super-six-level puppet, most of them will be beaten!

"The only thing that is a little troublesome is that a lot of things have been messed up recently."

Fang Mu felt a headache.

Tomorrow will be the day ‘big dad’ has agreed with him.

According to the agreement between them, as long as he helps to kill Frank Damico, he will do things for him in the future.

‘Big Dad’, Damon McReedy.

Perhaps his strength is not as good as the "puncher" Frank Custer, but it is definitely a super powerful!

Not to mention, he also comes with a "super kill girl" Mindy McReidy.

Even if you grow up step by step, "Super Kill Girl" will probably not be weaker than "Punisher" in the future.

If in this process ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Mu gives some help, ‘Super Kill Girl’ will likely become an extremely powerful superpower.

As for whether this super-strong man is a superhero or a supervillain, it will take time to witness.

Anyway, such two super assistants, Fang Mu does not want to miss.

It's just that the problem that is causing him headaches now is that Iron Man's plot also seems to be unfolding.

The big bald head of Obadea has been trying his attitude not long ago, asking him what he thinks about the shares of Stark Group in his hands.

After being perfunctory several times by him, Obadea never looked for him again.

This caused Fang Mu to be alert.

He made a secret investigation and found that Obadea, who had been quietly contacting other shareholders before, wanted to seek support, and suddenly stopped contacting, as if he had chosen to give up.

give up?

Fang Mu ‘haha’ twice.

Is this big bald person so easy to give up?

The position of chairman of Stark Group, he coveted it is not a day or two.

For this position, he secretly did not know how many things, even at the risk of soldiers, he contacted the terrorists to kill Tony Stark.

He is only one step away from this position. How could he give up?

"So, there is only one answer ..."

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