Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 740: Female secretary, Skye

"······ He is ready to do it!"

Fang Mu estimated that Obadea may have discovered something, and even tried Tony Stark for this, but the result was very unsatisfactory.

"According to the time estimate, Tony should almost make Mark III."

Adding the two, it is very likely that Obadea is ready to start!

The Stark Group ’s network is controlled by Jarvis. Although Jarvis ’s current level is very low, it is probably only equivalent to artificial intelligence LV · 2 to LV · 3, but with the support of a powerful supercomputer, Use extremely terrible strength.

Even if Fang Mu achieves artificial intelligence LV · 4, in human form, it is difficult to overcome.

He is a human after all, even if he is given a supercomputer, he will not reach the level of Jarvis.

This is also one of the reasons why he has never used network technology to invade the Stark Group and steal small palladium element energy reactors.

Can't get into the Stark Group's network and cannot monitor Obadea and Tony Stark. For Iron Man's plot progress, Fang Mu can only rely on the most primitive method.


"The two iron knots decisive battle, if no accident, it should have happened in these few days."

As for which day, Fang Mu was not sure.

Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, maybe even today.

No one is sure.

This is really a headache.

The plot of Iron Man is not only related to the fateful number of points, but also related to the energy core of the six-level puppet.

咄咄 咄!

Knocking on the door sounded.

"Come in."

Ski, dressed in professional secretary costume and wearing black glasses, came in.

"Boss, Norman Osbourne asked when you would go through their group?"

"Osborne Group."

Fang Mu's eyes are as deep as Yuan.

"Push it."

"Push again? Boss, you have pushed several times before!"

Skye emphasized.

"If they push it again, they will be angry. Osborne Group is much stronger than our Morse Group!"

"It's ok."

Fang Mu waved his hand.

Because of Dave ’s relationship, Norman Osbourne ’s invitation, he has pushed several times before.

"Now it's what they want from us, they don't need to get used to them."

"Well, you are the boss, you have the final say."

Skye rolled his eyes.

"How have you been in the company recently?"

Asked Fang Mu.

"It's okay, I learned a lot of things, but I was wearing these glasses and I was a little uncomfortable."

Skye pushed his glasses, his expression awkward.

Fang Mu glanced at her.

"I said you don't want to change your face."

"Humph! I still wear glasses!"

Skye gave him a glance.

After changing the face, is that still you?

It seems that now she looks at Fang Mu's face, even if she knows that he is Aix, she still feels awkward.

This is why she always calls his boss instead of his name.

In her eyes, ‘Eddie Morse’ is just her boss, not her Aix.

"Let's do it."

Fang Mu waved his hand.

The pair of glasses that Skye wore was a five-level magic item he specially made, which engraved his five-level enchantment according to the four-level enchantment-Muggle expulsion spell, and the neglect enchantment.

As long as you wear these glasses, everyone will subconsciously ignore the face of the person wearing them. Even if they have seen your real face, they will not be recognized.

Whether it is standing in front of you in person, or across a video or screen, as long as you see this pair of glasses, you will subconsciously ignore your appearance.

Magic is even worse than Superman's glasses!

Skye hesitated and said.

"Is there any clue to my father's side?"


Fang Mu shook his head.

He did ask Skye's father, but so far, he has not found any clues.

Think about it, too. Under the double tracking of SHIELD and HYDRA, you can still hide for so many years. It is so easy to find him.

"Relax, your father must be safe now. We can't find him, nor can they be expected by SHIELD."


Skye was a little disappointed.

But she can understand now.

The more she knew about SHIELD, the more she knew how terrible this organization was.

Even after searching for SHIELD for so many years, she couldn't find her father. Although the Morse Group they control is very strong, it is still far behind SHIELD.

Wanted to find her father, it was just a matter of luck.

But understanding is one thing. Losing one's heart is another.

Fang Mu glanced at her and changed the subject.

"Skye, the artificial intelligence project you are in charge of, how is it going now?"

Although Skye wears a female secretary, she usually takes charge of Fang Mu ’s female secretary, but she is not just a female secretary.

She is also responsible for the latest artificial intelligence project developed by Morse Group.

Although it is now 2008, the world's network is extremely developed.

In this world, almost all large groups and large enterprises have their own artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence subsystems developed by other groups.

With artificial intelligence, the company's efficiency in handling transactions has increased by more than several times.

Efficiency is money.

Few groups or companies will refuse to use artificial intelligence ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Morse Group was originally for real estate, although there is also a corresponding technology department, but this technology department is almost a decoration, there is no research and development of artificial intelligence at all ability.

Does not have R & D capabilities and wants artificial intelligence. The best way is, of course, to obtain an artificial intelligence subsystem developed by another group.

In this world, the currently known and top artificial intelligence, Jarvis of the Stark Group, can undoubtedly occupy a place.

The Stark Group itself does not provide related subsystem services. It is extremely difficult for other groups to obtain a Jarvis subsystem.

But the Morse Group itself is one of the shareholders of the Stark Group. After paying a certain price, it is no problem to obtain a Jarvis subsystem.

The current Morse Group is the subsystem used by Jarvis.

In fact, not only the Morse Group, but also other groups with artificial intelligence subsystems, are mostly obtained by similar methods.

Artificial intelligence is very useful, but it is only controlled by major groups.

So far, artificial intelligence has only existed in high-end companies, and low-end companies have no access to them at all.

In order to control its own advantages, high-end groups can't think of many ways.

Since the new century, there is even such a saying.

Only a group with artificial intelligence can be called a real world top group!

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