Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 741: You do not understand

The Morse Group is one of the world's top 500.

Whether it is considered the world's top group?

In the eyes of ordinary people, of course it is the world's top group.

But in the eyes of a truly world-class group, it is not enough to reach the world's top group.

It has artificial intelligence, but it is not an independent artificial intelligence.

Like Stark Group, Hammer Group, Osborne Group, etc., these groups with independent artificial intelligence are the world's top groups recognized by everyone.

Although Osborne Group is a biopharmaceutical group, who has sufficient scientific talents?

Relying on strong scientific and technological talents, Osborne Group has also developed its own artificial intelligence, although it is a grade lower than Jarvis of the Stark Group.

But if it really needs to be higher or lower, the artificial intelligence of the Osborne Group is even more powerful than the artificial intelligence of the Hanmer Group, a military industrial group.

No way, on the talent reserve and talent use, the Hanmer Group is really not good.

In addition to the world's top groups, super organizations like SHIELD and Hydra also have their own artificial intelligence.

It's just that S.H.I.E.L.D.'s too much research and development funds are devoted to weapons research and development. The artificial intelligence they developed is even higher than the artificial intelligence of Osborne Group and Hanmer Group.

If Jarvis can be regarded as artificial intelligence LV · 3, and the artificial intelligence of Osborne Group and Hammer Group can be regarded as artificial intelligence LV · 2, then the artificial intelligence of SHIELD can only barely be regarded as artificial Smart LV · 1.

Perhaps also knowing his own shortcomings. The real confidential documents of SHIELD are kept in paper documents, and they are never put on their own networks.

But recently, because of some of our guests who did not want to reveal their names, we did not come in person many times.

Our director of halogen eggs, it is said that he has considered sloping more funds into artificial intelligence to improve their overall network capabilities.

Minimum and minimum requirements, can no longer allow that guest to enter their home so easily.

Fang Mu looked at his skill bar.

Artificial intelligence LV ·)!

Without enough opponent stimulation, this skill recovers slowly, but it is still recovering.

It is expected that this skill will return to full level when the artificial intelligence of SHIELD is upgraded.

Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence LV · 2.


Even if the other party is super computer assisted, they will still be beaten!

"Progress is going smoothly! With some of the underlying code you provided, we have now assembled a basic framework. It is expected that within three months, we can really make an artificial intelligence!"

Speaking of artificial intelligence, Skye's spirit suddenly improved.

"Well, well done! Keep working hard!"

Fang Mu praised.

"Relax! We will do it well!"

Skye clenched her fist in excitement.

Artificial intelligence!

For hackers, this is simply an artifact!

Personally created an "artifact", such a thing, think about it to know how attractive it is to hackers.

"Ai ······· Boss, I have a question, I always wanted to ask you."

"Just ask."

Fang Mu said.

"It's just ..."

Skye paused and said.

"Why don't you create this artificial intelligence yourself? If it is you, you can definitely make this artificial intelligence the most powerful artificial intelligence in the world!"

Fang Mu's computer ability, she never had a trace of doubt.

As long as Fang Mu shot, what Jarvis, it is just a brother!

Fang Mu shook his head and said.

"I just don't want to create the world's strongest artificial intelligence."


Skye puzzled.

The world's strongest artificial intelligence!

Even if you don't care about this glory, creating such an artificial intelligence can greatly improve the efficiency of the Morse Group.

The reason why the Stark Group can stand at the top of the world, the world's top artificial intelligence-Jarvis, has played an irreplaceable role.

Fang Mu shook his head.

"You do not understand."

At the level of his artificial intelligence LV · 5, the artificial intelligence created with all his strength must be LV · 5!

This level of artificial intelligence far surpasses all artificial intelligence in today's era!

Even if it is Jarvis and Friday after many upgrades, it is difficult to reach this level.

If it is in other worlds, Fang Mu will definitely make it, which will become his extremely powerful assistant.

Just give it a few supercomputers, it can rule the entire online world!

But in this world ...

Fang Mu is very worried that he will come up with an enhanced version of "Ao Chuang".

Since Dave ’s ‘superhero’ road was cut off, he faintly felt that something like luck in the world blessed him.

'Superhero' luck?

Fang Mu did not understand, but he knew that the world began to pay attention to him.

If he really came up with an LV · 5 artificial intelligence in advance, what would be the consequences, it would be hard to imagine.


The phone rang suddenly.

Fang Mu looked at the phone number.

"Okay, you go out to work first."


Skye hesitated, and finally turned around.


After closing the door.

Skye's ears were attached to the door.

"Who is calling him?"

In this office, Fang Mu never answered her on the phone.

Which little bichi?

Skye bit her red lips.


In the office.

Fang Mu shook his head slightly.

He silently chanted the spell ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Silent spell. "

An invisible magic power circulated, covering the whole office.

At this moment, in this office, all the voices can't go out.

Although he quite trusts Skye, there are some things that are not suitable for him to know.

Fang Mu answered the phone.

"Holy Son, I am John."

Over the phone.

Is the lord of the Red Tiger Hall, John.

Now the overlord of Hell's Kitchen West.

But when the overlord faced Fang Mu, even if he just called, he still kept his respect, even humility.

"Well, what's the matter?"

Fang Mu said lightly.

"Holy Son, the gang you secretly noticed me has some movements recently."

"Well? Are they going to act?"

Fang Mu's face sank slightly.

The people he made John secretly pay attention to were S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra, Shouhehui, and Jinjiang.

These four forces are the forces that most value the Red Tiger Hall or the Dawn Church today.

Although the Ghost Ninja is strong, it is obviously not enough to completely restrain them.

Fang Mu knew early in the morning that they would continue to tentatively, but just did not expect that this temptation would come so fast!

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