Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 748: Finally completed!

The twenty-seventh floor.

A clear and sweet voice rang in everyone's ears, and some people almost hooked the trigger.

This is the sound of arrival.

But it was not the voice that reached the 27th floor.

The display on the elevator door stopped at the number 25.

Everyone focused their attention on the security leader.

The security leader paused and pointed his finger.

"You go over the stairs."

"it is good."

A team of five, turned and trot towards the stairs.

Damico Group's security personnel, except for some guarding on the first to third floors, the rest, more than 90% are on the third floor of the 26th, 27th and 28th floors.

Because of Frank Damico's order, these people, a total of 80 people, are now concentrated on the 27th and 28th floors.

Among them, there were fifty people on the 28th floor and 30 people on the 27th floor.

The thirty people on the 27th floor were divided into two groups.

One wave stayed outside the elevator door and one wave stayed outside the stairs.

Originally, there were only ten people standing outside the stairs. Now with the addition of this five-person team, the two sides will be equal.

Just when this five-member team just ran to the stairs, the display on the elevator door began to change again.

The security chief immediately made a ‘preparation’ gesture.

All the firearms were aimed at the elevator door as soon as possible.

The atmosphere is very solemn.

The person who took the elevator is already out?

They are not so naive.

"As soon as the door opens, shoot immediately!"

Security chief Shen Sheng said.


Everyone answered softly.

Just as they were absorbed, the number on the display on the elevator door flashed.



The elevator stopped again.

Everyone :? ? ?

What are you doing to tease me?

My trousers are all taken off, you give me this?

Even if you come here, you still give me twice?

My Fuck your uncle!

Everyone suffocated the fire, and wished to rush down the twenty-sixth floor now, and put the guy who dared to tease them into dozens of holes to vent their hatred!

"What's so special! It's so deceiving!"

The security chief's eyes flashed and he gritted his teeth.

In this situation, the elevator changed again.

Because there is only one floor apart, they can clearly hear the closing sound of the elevator downstairs.

"Everyone, as soon as the elevator door opens, call me to death!"

This sentence was almost squeezed out from the teeth of the security chief.

No other security personnel spoke, but all eyes were on the elevator door with fiery eyes.

When someone comes out, they will definitely let the other party know what the flowers are brilliant!

The elevator goes up.

From the 26th floor to the 27th floor, this short one-story gap, less than two seconds, all the security personnel felt like a second.

Every millisecond is suffering.

They all can't wait to try to sift the people in the elevator.


In the eyes of everyone, the number on the display changed first.

The number 26 jumped and eventually became.



The elevator stopped.

The security chief was flushed and shouted hard.

"Shooting ..."

Hasn't waited for his second word to call out.

Just opened a slit of the elevator door, and suddenly a small black ball rolled out.

The security leader's face changed instantly.

"It's a grenade! Hurry away!"

This voice awakened many people, and they rushed out quickly.

Is at this moment.


The grenade exploded!

A huge explosion sounded, and sharp pieces of iron flew.

Killed several people in a flash.

Has not waited for the survivors to relax, one tall and one short, and two figures suddenly rushed out of the elevator.

Is Fang Mu and 'Super Kill Girl'!

They held double guns one after another, shooting at a rapid speed.

boom! boom! boom!

The muzzle flame sprayed, the bullet was like a sickle of death, and harvested life.

After only one round of shooting, those who survived the grenade finally took the lunch.

Including the security leader with a very high status.

He can be said to be the No. 3 character of the Damico Group after Frank Damico and Joe, with a character level up to LV · 8!

On strength alone, he is even stronger than Joe!

Damico Group, only Frank Damico can crush him.

Single fight, if there is no protagonist halo, ‘Super Kill Girl’ will fight against him, and the victory or defeat will be six or four.

Six of him, four of 'Super Kill Girl'.

Unfortunately, he met Fang Mu.

Gunfighting LV · 5, the square wood with character level LV · 9!

When Fang Mu fired, he was keenly aware of the thick threat of life and rolled on the spot for the first time.

But is Fang Mu's bullet so easy to hide?

The current Fang Mu said that he was the **** of marksmanship, but it might be a little worse, but at most it was half a step away.

What kind of shooting skills like bullet turning, if he is willing to attach energy to the bullet, he can still easily do it!


Blood flowers bloom.

The security leader escaped a fatal blow, but his entire shoulder was smashed.

"Huh? Can you escape my shot?"

Fang Mu raised a little interest.



"Get 40 points of fate."

Fate point: 1300!

Is finally complete!

The integer value of the fate point has moved forward one more bit.

The security leader who didn't leave the name, made outstanding contributions to this.

And being able to make Fang Mu shoot a second shot, this security leader is also enough to squint.

Except for this security leader, all the people who died under Fang Mu's gun were shot by him.

Fifteen security personnel killed four with grenades, seven with Fang Mu, and the other four with 'Super Kill Girl'.

"Lost again!"

'Super Kill Girl' gritted his teeth ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The same shot timing, same shot location.

Even the gun she used was made by her father, much better than Fang Mu's two guns.

But she still lost.

Has lost a lot!

Is almost double the gap.

More than double it!

'Super Kill Girl' looked at the security leader who died on the ground.

Although he did n’t have time to show his strength, it was just the evasive action just now that made ‘Super Kill Girl’ feel his power.

If she fired the first shot just now, the security leader can definitely hide from it perfectly!

This is a person whose strength is probably not worse than her.

But it was such a person, but he couldn't hold two shots under Fang Mu's men!

Although some of them were influenced by grenades, ‘Super Kill Girl’ recalled Fang Mu ’s marksmanship just now.

Can she hold two shots?

It's hard to say.

If she is lucky, she may be able to hold two shots, but if unfortunate ... she probably won't be able to hold one shot.

Is there such a big gap?

'Super Kill Girl' feels a little autistic.

"People over the stairs come over, I'll pass by here, you pass by over there, let's wrap them together!"


'Super Kill Girl' responded dumbly and walked over there without looking back.

Fang Mu :? ? ?

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