Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 749: Climb!

Damico Group Building.

28th floor.

The gunshots stopped.



More than ten security personnel looked at each other.

"Who's winning?"

Someone could not help asking.

"Should we win?"

Said a big man with a little uncertainty.


Everyone listened, and the majority did not believe it.

If they really won, it is impossible for them to be quiet.

One of them looked around and whispered.

"I heard that the enemy this time seems to be the Green Hornet!"

"Green Hornet?"

Everyone's face changed.

They were originally expatriates, responsible for the ‘business’ of two blocks in the North District. This time they were called back to their headquarters, nominally to form an alliance with the Grey Shadow Gang.

But in fact, everyone knows that they are scared by ‘Green Hornet’!

"This is the headquarters, Green Hornet, he, how dare he rush in?"

Someone couldn't help shivering.

"It seems that I brought my accomplices!"


"Yes! Companions no worse than Green Hornet!"

"How is this possible? Does the Green Hornet actually have such an associate?"

Everyone is afraid.

One Green Hornet is enough for them, and now there are a few more friends!

"If this is the case, isn't the boss of Fez ..."

"Eight to nine!"

"So what shall we do?"

A group of people looked at each other, and could not rise up to the courage to confront.

One of them blinked.

"Otherwise, let's just ..."


The 28th floor is different from other floors.

This is where Frank Damico lived.

There is a bar, a library, a gym, a parlor, etc.

I do n’t know what Frank Damico thought out of it. He put the library on the road that must be passed. When everyone came in, the first thing he saw was the library.

After solving the people on the 27th floor, Fang Mu and ‘Super Girl’ Minty went straight up the stairs.

Then they saw the library in front of them, and a group of people who raised their hands.

Before Fang Mu and 'Super Kill Girl' started, one of them spoke at the fastest speed.

"Don't shoot! We surrender! We have decided not to do anything for Frank Damico!"


Fang Mu looked at them, and then the gun they threw on the ground.

"Do you really stop working for Frank Damico?"


A group of people nodded madly.

Although I do n’t know why ‘Green Hornet’ was replaced by the boss who took their boss, oh, now the original boss, and the hero who used their original boss son as a bargaining chip, but now they have nowhere to go.

Even the gun was thrown!

It is impossible for them to play now!

Not to mention, whether it was ‘Green Hornet’ or some hero, they successfully arrived on the 28th floor, but their Fez boss was silent, and everyone knew what it meant.

"What do you think?"

Fang Mu looked at the 'Super Kill Girl' Minty.

Minty frowned.

To tell the truth, she really wanted to shoot these people directly.

But now all of them raised their hands and surrendered, and all of them were fighting and killing. She couldn't really take this hand.

"Let them get out!"

"Have you heard? You guys are not fast!"

Fang Mu turned around and said.

"Yes, yes, let's roll away immediately, roll away immediately!"

A group of people quickly bypassed Fang Mu and they dared not take the elevator and ran down the stairs directly.

The first level on the 28th floor was passed.

Fang Mu threw away the M9 in his hand, and picked up a submachine gun, forty rounds, from the ground.

"Let ’s go, we should go in to solve your enemy! By the way, will your dad not show up? If we do n’t come out, we will be over."

Minty 'Super Killer' gave Mind a complicated look.

The reason her dad hasn't appeared yet is partly because he has other plans, and partly to prevent Fang Mu.

Fang Mu is too mysterious.

They really don't know if Fang Mu is the bait released by Frank Damico in order to lead them out and then kill them.

Although ‘Big Dad’ feels that this possibility is very low, although he often monitors Frank Damico, he has never had contact with the other party.

In the original movie, the things that killed the outside forces of the Damico Group were also done by the "Green Hornet", and they had nothing to do with them.

No matter from what point of view, Frank Damico should not know their existence.

But be careful not to be wrong.

Out of prudence, the ‘big dad’ still guarded against it.

It just seems that their precautions are unnecessary.

Fang Mu has absolutely nothing to do with Frank Damico!

Frank Damico, even if he uses a bitter plan, it is impossible to catch half of his men, this kind of thing, lunatics will do.

Frank Damico is impossible to make.

"Relax, he will appear naturally when it is appropriate."

'Super Kill Girl' Minty said.


Fang Mu did not say much.

Said while walking, at this time, they had crossed the library and came to the second checkpoint on the 28th floor.


This bar is very large, covering hundreds of square meters.

In addition to a bar, there are seven or eight small round tables and several sofas scattered around.

The rest of the Damico Group are all concentrated here.

They are truly elite in the headquarters of the Damico Group!

Some people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ even came out to work together with Frank Damico from the beginning.

Fangmu just felt it.

Found that in front of the thirty or so people, none of them was below LV · 5.

Among them, he even sensed several LV · 7!

Ordinary LV · 7, even in SHIELD, such people are eligible to become elite agents.

Has several men equivalent to elite agents, just looking at this, you can understand why the Damico Group can occupy such an important position in the north of Hell's Kitchen.

If those people before can only be regarded as official members of the Damico Group, then these thirty people are the real core backbone of the Damico Group!

As long as they are there, it doesn't matter if all the formal members are dead, the Damico Group can make a comeback at any time.

I saw these people as fierce and awe-inspiring.

Everyone was holding a more powerful submachine gun and rifle, staring at Fang Mu and the 'Super Kill Girl'.

Saw Fang Mu, shrugging slightly.

"It seems that they do not plan to surrender."

"That could not be better!"

'Super Kill Girl' licked his lips, his eyes full of excitement.

"Kill them!"

A scarred face shouted.


Gunshots exploded.

Firelight spray.

The battle started.

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