Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 750: I, super girl, kill the enemy with strength!

boom! boom! boom!

Da da da!

Da da da!

Top floor of the Damico Group Building.

Is now staged a terrifying battle.

More than 30 core members of the Damico Group, armed with amazingly powerful submachine guns and rifles, released the strongest attack on the enemy!

Every second, there are hundreds of rounds of bullets, pouring towards Fang Mu and ‘Super Kill Girl’.

The tongue of terror, like the flames from hell, radiates an extremely cruel glory.

The bottle was blown up and the glass fragments were scattered.

The table was cracked and wood chips spilled all over the floor.

The wall was cracked, leaving holes in black.

Under such an attack, even Fang Mu had to temporarily avoid the edge, stepped back a few steps, leaned against a wall, and hid.

He is now just a powerful mysterious mercenary, not a magician or a warrior.

Even if it is a magician and a warrior, unless it reaches level 6 or higher, it is impossible to resist such an attack.

Although the magician and warrior are strong, the power of modern thermal weapons is not blown.

In fact, even below the fifth order, that is, beyond the extraordinary, even the least powerful pistol can not resist.

Only when they reach the fifth level, with the energy protection, the magician and the warrior are qualified to resist the pistol.

But even so, the fifth-order energy shield can't block a few pistols.

As for the more powerful submachine guns and rifles, let alone.

Fang Mu has never looked down on modern civilization.

Although he has many means and cards, if a modern and civilized country really wants to deal with him, with his current strength, it is impossible to fight against it.

This is still on the premise of removing some black technology.

If you count the black technology of Marvel World, Fang Mu is now a ‘brother’ among ‘brothers’.

Why he has been opening the vest and hiding himself behind the scenes is the reason.

His current strength does not qualify for the wave.

If you create a super-six-level puppet, in the ordinary world, Fang Mu can not be afraid of most dangers.

Fang Mu gave a wink to the opposite 'super-killing girl' Minty, and the other party knew instantly.

Saw that she took out a black lacquer thing from behind and put it in her mouth to bite and throw.


Black paint was thrown into the middle of the bar.

"Not good! It's a smoke bomb!"

Someone shouted suddenly.


The gray smoke instantly enveloped the entire bar.

"Fak! I can't see anything!"

"I can't see it anymore!"

Many people shouted.

"Spicy chickens! You just played very well, right? It's my turn now!"

'Super Kill Girl' rushed out immediately.

Wearing infrared glasses, she can clearly observe the figure in the dense fog through the heat.

'Ultra Killing Woman' double-handed gun, domineeringly arched left and right.

boom! boom! boom!


Screamed echoed in the bar.

, Who was still in the upper hand of the Damico Group, became an object of suppression in an instant.



"Little bitch, you die!"

"Ah !!! I must kill you!"

Countless angry voices filled with gunshots.

They were furious, but they couldn't help it.

In the deep fog, they could not see the shadow of the enemy.

They tried to shoot at the place where the gunfire came, but they found nothing.

'Super Kill Girl' shot a different place, and did not give them any chance at all.

After a round of shooting.

On the side of the Damico Group, at least eight or nine people were killed.

"Super Kill Girl" Minty proudly picked her chin in the direction of Fang Mu while changing bombs.

Seems to be talking.

I see it, I am also very strong!

Infrared glasses?

What infrared glasses, I do n’t know! Slightly say vv8

"Super Killer" Minty looked serious.

I, super kill girl, kill the enemy with strength!

Fang Mu glanced at her.

Ha ha!

as long as you are happy.

In the thick fog.

Scared face jumped angrily, he shouted.

"Concealed! Find a place to hide! Wait for the **** dense fog to disperse ??????"


A bullet came.

Centered his eyebrows.

Leave him all the rest, all stopped abruptly.


‘Super Kill Girl’ had a stiff face.

Can all hit?

"Humph! It's just a coincidence!"

She wouldn't believe that Fang Mu could do this just by listening to the sound.

This is impossible!

Is absolutely impossible!


Reloading is complete.

"Super Kill Girl" Minty rushed out of the post and began the second round of killing the enemy by strength.

In a large area such as a bar, the effect of smoke bombs is actually not particularly good, although her smoke bombs are specially made and large in volume.

But as the smoke spreads, at this moment, the smoke has begun to fade.

Faintly, you can already see the shallow shadow.

"There! That little **** is there!"

"Quick! Kill her!"

"Fak! This little **** actually killed so many of our brothers, and I must not let her go!"

The remaining twenty people finally found the "Super Kill Girl", and they were so angry that they immediately pointed their guns at her.

'Super Kill Girl' has no fear.

"Come on! You spicy chickens! See if you killed me first, or I hit your dog head first!"

Between talking.

Her double guns were already attacked.

boom! boom! boom!

Under the blessing of flames, bullets flew out.

In the blink of an eye, two or three people fell into the pool of blood.

The group was preparing to fight back, and Fang Mu suddenly jumped out.

This timing is really good!

Everyone focused their attention on 'Super Kill Girl' ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ completely ignored him, no one noticed his appearance.

Fang Mu left 9 and right hand submachine gun, two shots.

boom! boom! boom!

Da! Da! Da!

Bullets, with the breath of death, rushed towards the group of unsuspecting people.

Every bullet hit their heads accurately.

Gun fighting lv? 5!

In Fangmu's hands, even the submachine gun also exerts the pistol's burst effect.

In just a moment of effort, six people fell.

The original group of more than 30 people instantly fell below 20.

And this number is still falling!

boom! boom!

Da! Da!

Four people fell again.

In the bar, there were only 15 people left.

"Fak! What the **** is going on?"

"Who is this guy? How could he be so powerful?"

"Shet! Can't let him shoot again! Kill him! Kill him quickly!"

Everyone panicked.

In such a blink of an eye, a half of them are gone.

If this continues, how will they do it?

No way!

Must get rid of this guy in the first time!

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