Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 751: God can't save you!

"Blink away! Let me come!"

When everyone was panicking and trying to change the muzzle.


A voice sounded.

"Is the boss!"

"The boss is here!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

The owner who heard the voice, the panic expression subsided, and his face was instantly filled with joy.


Their boss appeared!

They are very clear about the strength of their boss.

Thought back then, they were behind Frank Damico, one shot at a time, and hit the current site, making the Damico Group one of the top forces in Hell's Kitchen.

For Frank Damico, they all had strong confidence.

As long as Frank Damico takes action, what are these intruders worth?

Minutes to you in minutes!

The crowd spread out like a tide.

The frightened Frank Damico appeared with a light machine gun in his hands.

Modern firearms, from small to large, are pistols, submachine guns, rifles, light machine guns, sniper guns and heavy machine guns.

If the pistol is equivalent to the fifth order, the submachine gun and the rifle are equivalent to the sixth order, then the light machine gun, sniper gun, and heavy machine gun are equivalent to the seventh order.

Of course, this division is relatively general and very inaccurate, and it only represents an attack.

The 7th-order strongman is not just an attack.

Defense, speed, reaction, maneuverability, flexibility, etc., the seventh-order strong have too many things.

Facing a 7th-order strongman, ordinary people don't need to hold a light machine gun, even if they are driving a tank with a heavy machine gun, they will be easily exploded!

It's a pity.

Frank Damico is not an ordinary ordinary person, he is an ordinary person whose character level is as high as ordinary LV · 9.

Fang Mu is not now a seventh-order strongman. He is an ordinary person whose character level is only ordinary LV · 9.

"go to hell!"

Frank Damico grinned cruelly and pulled the trigger.

The horrible tongue of fire, sprayed out instantly!

The bullet turned into a residual image, and the brutal shock came!


Fang Mu scolded and withdrew immediately.



The bullet passed through his original position and instantly smashed a wine cabinet, flying wood chips and scattered glass fragments.

"You can't escape!"

Frank Damico held a light machine gun in both hands and ran after him.

If it is not a sniper rifle, the light machine gun can be said to be the pinnacle of single-person weapons in modern firearms!

Heavy machine guns are too heavy for ordinary people to pick up.

Normally, it is installed on tanks and armored vehicles and used to fight airplanes and tanks.

The individual lethality of the sniper rifle is amazing. Some special sniper rifles are even more terrible than heavy machine guns!

However, the sniper rifle is mainly used for long-range attack and is not suitable for the current scene.

Now, light machine guns are the most suitable and powerful single-person firearms!

嘭! Boom! Boom!

The dreaded bullets poured out.

One wall was at right angles and was directly hit by small holes.

Blinked, and the small pit became a big pit.

Looking from a distance, this wall is at right angles, as if bitten by something.


Frank Damico scolded.

Was escaped by him!

"Then kill you first!"

He immediately turned his muzzle and aimed at "Super Kill Girl".

He doesn't care about people because the other party seems to be a little girl. He doesn't know how many people die in his hands.

As long as he is his enemy, he will never show mercy!


'Super Kill Girl' face changed.

The horror of light machine guns, even Fang Mu dared not touch its edge, let alone her.

It's just that her current position is a little awkward, and it just happened to be stuck at a node, and she can't go back or go.

The corridor on the side of the square wood is naturally the best place to evade, and it can go back and forth.

But it was too far away from her.

She really wants to run there forcibly, and 90% will be killed by Frank Damico!

Before the black muzzle was turned around, ‘Super Kill Girl’ made the decision as quickly as possible.

Saw her roll in place, hiding behind a post.

Bullet came after.

嘭! Boom! Boom!

The pillars were punched out of holes, and the gravel splashed out.

The pillar made of solid stone, like a foam in front of the light machine gun, was easily smashed.


'Super Kill Girl' put his head on both hands, squatted on the ground, tightened his body as much as possible, minimized his area, and reduced the possibility of being hit.

But this is just a permanent cure.

Frank Damico's posture is to interrupt the entire column!

By that time, it was useless for her to hide.

Fang Mu wants to support him, first rescue the 'Super Kill Girl'.

But as soon as he popped his head, a dozen guns were pointed at him, dozens or hundreds of bullets flew out, and he beat him back.

The remaining fifteen people of the Damico Group saw their bosses being so powerful. As soon as they appeared, the enemies they committed in the future hit the Tibet and hide their morale.

Seeing that one of them is about to be killed, how could they let Fang Mu out of trouble?

"Hahaha! Dare to invade our Damico Group, you simply don't know how to write dead words!"

"Dare to kill so many of us, I tell you these two bastards! You are dead!"

"It's dead! God can't save you!"

The thick fog of the smoke bomb has dispersed, and the core backbone of a group named Damico is ugly and murderous.

Since the establishment of the Damico Group, when have they been bullied in this way?

Now some people dare to blatantly hit their headquarters ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is really boring!

"Kill them!"

"Crush them into minced meat!"

"Never let them go easily!"

They shouted angrily.

Under the cooperation of Frank Damico and more than ten core backbones, Fang Mu and the "Super Kill Girl" could not move for a while, and were completely suppressed.

Fang Mu is better. Hiding on a wall of the corridor. Although he can't show his head, there will be no danger to his life for the time being.

The situation of 'Super Kill Girl' is in danger.

Under the horrible firepower of the light machine gun, the post she had hidden had been penetrated by one fifth.

With this trend, it won't take long for her to have no place for her.

For such progress, Frank Damico still seems to be dissatisfied.

"You guys, go to my office and take out the remaining light machine guns!"

"Yes! Boss!"

Several people left the battlefield.

Didn't take long.

They returned with a few light machine guns.

"Get rid of that little **** first!"

Frank Damico gave the order.


Several light machine guns were aimed at the post where "Super Kill Girl" was located at the same time.

"Big dad, if you don't come out again, your daughter will be gone!"

Fang Mu said to the headset.

"I have come!"

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