Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 752: Big dad's little toy!



A strange engine sound rang in everyone's ears, and even overwhelmed the fierce gunfire.

"How is this going?"

Frank Damico was puzzled.

But on the 28th floor, why is there such a sudden sound?

He turned to look at the source of the sound.

Outside the window.

A figure in armor, suspended in the sky.

Is not Iron Man.

Is the ‘big dad’.

His armor has only simple lift-off and flight capabilities. Said to be armor, it is more similar to a single-handed aircraft.

Slow speed and poor maneuverability.

Is very different from Iron Man's big toy.

But compared with ordinary individual aircraft, it has one more function.


On it, two small Gatling guns were installed!

‘Big Dad’ smiled at Frank Damico with a ‘kind’ smile.

"go to hell!"

He pulled the trigger.



Countless bullets sprayed out as the machine gun rotated.

Frank Damico's face changed greatly.

"Shet! Hurry away!"

Said, he rushed to the side as soon as possible.

The bullet hit.

The sturdy glass just broke for less than a second.

Some people who couldn't escape, there were more holes in the body instantly, and blood grunted and fell to the ground.

They opened their eyes wide and never looked back.


They clearly will win, why is there such a thing?

Almost instantly, six people were killed.

In addition to Frank Damico, the core backbone of the Damico Group is only nine.

From more than thirty people, suddenly reduced to nine people.

Even if they escaped this life-and-death crisis, they almost lost the capital that made a comeback in Hell's Kitchen.

If it was the former Hell's Kitchen, they can also build a small or even medium-sized forces, but now the Hell's Kitchen has no longer the survival soil for small and medium-sized forces.

The current Hell's Kitchen, even counting the hands together and the gray shadow gang, only five major forces remain, and even the weakest gray shadow gang has more than a hundred people.

There are only nine core backbones of the Damico Group. What qualifications are there to continue to gain a foothold in Hell's Kitchen?

"Damn shit! I must kill you!"

This is the hard work of him for more than ten years!

That's it!

Frank Damico's eyes were flushed, and he wanted to rush out immediately, killing the **** shit!

But in the end, he forcibly resisted.

Go out now, just die.

He has to wait for the opportunity.

That nondescript aircraft, the lethality is indeed terrible, but he can see at a glance that that thing can't hold many bullets at all!

As long as this round of attack is sustained, the result will be completely reversed.

By that time, he must break the other party!

But Frank Damico did n’t expect that the opponent ’s bullets were not many, but they wanted to survive this round of attacks, but it was not so easy.

The bullet of the Gatling gun came out.

A leather sofa was directly pierced.

The two lying on the back of the sofa lay on the ground forever.

‘Big Dad’ then aimed at the back of the bar, and just three people hid inside.

This bar uses solid mahogany wood, but in front of the Gatling gun, everything is false.

After a few shots, the bar was smashed directly, revealing a huge hole.

The man hiding behind the bar was terrified, and he crawled to the other side to hide.

As soon as the ‘big dad’ turns his body, he will be chased by victory.

But this ‘little toy’ on his body is not as well controlled as he imagined, especially when he is still shooting, the recoil is extremely great.

When he turned the muzzle, he accidentally missed it so ‘a little bit’.

"Daddy! Can you aim a little bit!"

'Super Kill Girl' hurriedly hid aside and said with dissatisfaction.

Just a few shots ago, almost shot her.

"Cough! Error, this thing is not easy to control."

The look of ‘big dad’ was a little awkward. He stopped quickly, stabilized his body, readjusted his muzzle, and aimed at the bar.

This time, he became smoother and smoother.

Unfortunately, he still failed to kill the three people behind the bar as expected.

His bullet was over.

As Frank Damico thought, this is a big killer, but it is a very short killer.

Two Gatling guns give it an extremely powerful attacking ability.

But at the same time, the two Gatling guns also occupied a large amount of its small load.

With his own weight, the ‘big dad’ tried hard to transform, and he loaded a hundred and sixty rounds.

One hundred and sixty rounds of bullets, it looks like a lot.

Can fall on two Gatling guns, and within a minute, the bullets are finished.

This is also the reason why ‘Big Dad’ used to hold this ‘Big Killer’ until the end.

Final Results.

This ‘big toy’ of ‘big dad’ killed a total of eight core members of the Damico Group, plus saved his daughter ’s life.

This result is not bad, but it is far from the expectations of the ‘big dad’.

He originally wanted to rely on this ‘little toy’ to directly end Frank Damico ’s life and avenge his wife.

But I didn't expect that Frank Damico was too cautious ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When he discovered the anomaly, he hid directly behind a wall, making him want to attack without any target.

"Big Dad" can only aim at other people to expand the results.

Was just the beginning of his life. In order to chase Frank Damico, he consumed a lot of bullets. Later, when the bullets were not enough, this result was not ideal.

"Alright! Then let me hand you out!"

The ‘big dad’ was indifferent, and while Frank Damico and others had not yet reacted, he manipulated his ‘little toy’ and flew into the building as soon as possible.

He was not far from the building, just a breathing room, and fell into the building.

The moment he landed, when he pressed the button on his waist and broke his hand, the 'small toy' on his body fell off.

Although this 'small toy' is far less than Tony Stark's 'big toy', it is simple, and it is extremely easy to wear or untie.

‘Big Dad’ wiped his waist with his hands, then flicked handsomely, and two long special pistols appeared in his hands.

"Frank! Today is your end!"

His indifferent voice echoed in the bar.

"Want to kill me? I will kill you first!"

Frank Damico carried the light machine gun in his hands and rushed straight out, aiming at the ‘big dad’ with a shot.

at the same time.

The last eight backbones of the Damico Group also rushed out.

"Kill! Kill them!"

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