Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 753: ended

Snape and Lucius are both traitors.

However, Voldemort obviously hated Lucius more.

Under Voldemort's more firepower, Lucius apparently could not hold it!

Is at this time.

Snape suddenly threw the old wand in his hand in the direction of Dumbledore.

"Humph! Did you finally do this?"

Voldemort was already prepared. Once he waved his wand, he would strike the old wand in the air.


The power of thought!

Fang Mu shot!

He sent a thoughtful shock to Voldemort!


Voldemort took pain for a while, and the spell suddenly missed.

The old wand was successfully taken by Dumbledore.

"Voldemort gave it to me!"

In an instant.

He started with Voldemort.

Dumbledore was indeed cursed, this must be done in order to deceive Harry.

But with Fang Mu's reminder, Dumbledore's curse was much lighter than in the original.

Dumbledore in this state has no problem with briefly fighting Voldemort.

"Let's solve the giant snake first!"

Fang Mu shouted to Snape and Lucius.

Voldemort's giant snake Nagini is indeed very powerful. With its rapid, agile, strong body, and not fearing most of the magic attacks, it is rampant on the entire battlefield!

In a short time, Arthur Weasley was bitten by it, and Sirius Black was pumped away by its tail.

But with the arrival of Fang Mu and others, its ‘good days’ came to an end.

Snape and Lucius joined forces to control it within a certain range.

Then shot by Fang Mu, after seven consecutive blasts of mental power.

"Get 3000 Destiny Points!"

The spirit of Voldemort in Nagini was destroyed, and Nagini suddenly became much weaker. Even the magic resistance of Nagini fell by half.


Fang Mu remembered Shen Feng's shadowlessness, and cut off its head.

"Snape, you help Professor Dumbledore. Lucius, you join Professor McGonagall."

After all, Dumbledore was old, and at the same time, one hand was abandoned, and he still had a curse on him.

Even with the old wand in hand, he is still in danger.

But Snape's joining greatly eased his pressure.

And under the leadership of Professor McGonagall, the Phoenix Society dealt with the army of Death Eaters at this time, just like an adult hitting a child!

Voldemort's four top Death Eaters, two direct betrayal, a small Batty Crower was killed by Fang Mu early.

Was left with a Beratx, and was crippled in the beginning.

Such a lineup, how do you fight with Phoenix?

Some deadly Death Eaters have already looked for opportunities to escape.

Who can't escape, also surrendered immediately.

The Death Eaters are gone!

There is nothing to help here.

Let Lucius go to 'help' only because Fang Mu doesn't believe him yet.

Lucius certainly understands this, but he went obediently.

Because if he does n’t go, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flivi, who have been eyeing the other side, are probably pointing his wand at him!

Fang Mu was away from the battlefield and came to a remote corner.

"Come out, Harry!"

"How did you find me here?"

Harry carried his wand and came out.

"What's the point of saying this now?"

"Yeah, it doesn't make sense! You won! You won again! From the beginning to now, you have won all the time! I haven't won it once! Why? I clearly am the savior! Why do I always Not as good as you! I am not convinced! "

Harry shouted and raised his wand, but he hadn't waited for him to call out the spell.


Fangmu casts a wand without a stick.

Harry fell to the ground.

"Okay, go to sleep, just wake up."

The power of thought!

After nine times.

"Get 3000 Destiny Points."

"Harry, he ... Is he alright?"

I don't know when Ron came behind Fang Mu.

He was originally not allowed to participate, but he was really at ease and eventually ran out.

"It's okay."

Fang Mu shook his head.

"I just wiped out part of his soul."


Ron was stunned.

Is this okay?

Is there something wrong with my understanding? Or am I wrong?

"Haha! Just kidding, the Voldemort soul in his body has been wiped out by me. If there is no accident, he can recover after a good sleep. Well, the real recovery! He should become you The Harry I want to see! "



"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much! Fang!"

"Well, if you are free, take him back. Although most of the Death Eaters have been controlled by us, there are still some dangers."

"Oh oh, okay! I understand, I will leave now!"

Ron took Harry away with great gratitude.

The battle has come to an end.

The Phoenix Society won a great victory!

No one died.

Except for Arthur Weasley, who was bitten by Nagini, because he was poisoned by snakes and fell into a coma, the others were injured, but they were not heavy.

For Mr. Arthur Weasley's snake venom, Professor of Herbalism, and Ms. Splater, who is currently Dean of Hufflepuff.

This is not a problem!

And for the current Phoenix Society, there is only some finishing work left at www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and there are very few die-hard Death Eaters who are fighting hard to resist.

They must use their lives to be loyal to their master!

Among them, including Beratex with only one hand left.

"Come! Come and kill me!"

The crazy look of Beratx.


She was hit by Sirius Black's 'faintly' and fell directly to the ground.

Looked at his cousin, Sirius Black's face was full of complexity.

Black family, only him and this cousin!

"Let her spend her last days in Azkaban!"

Sirius Black sighed and said.

Although his cousin did a lot of bad things, he could n’t really kill her?

She is his cousin after all!

As Beratx fell, the last resistance of Death Eaters was like an avalanche, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

Looked at the Death Eaters who were no longer around, and everyone in the Phoenix Society looked at each other for a while, and they were a little unbelievable.


So simple?

Let them worry about the army of Death Eaters for so many years, so they were defeated by them?

They always feel like they are dreaming now.


Fang Mu went to the final battlefield.

"Voldemort, everything is over!"

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