Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 754: reward

In Frank Damico's eyebrows, there was an extra blood hole, and blood lingered.

Frank Damico's eyes widened and he looked dead.


Why didn't he listen to me finish talking?

The big dad put his gun away calmly.

"Get 1500 Fate Points."

"Get 300 Fate Points."

The former comes from Frank Damico, or the Damico Group, and the latter comes from the ‘big dad’ Damon McCredy.

Fate point: 3100

From the point of fate of four thousand, only nine hundred.

"He seemed to want to say something just now."

Fang Mu said.

"I know."

‘Big Dad’ nodded, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Higant, how could he not know?

If Frank Damico is the ‘handsman’ he went to jail, then his old boss is the black hand behind the scenes!

Without the help of his ‘old boss’, how could he be framed and imprisoned so easily?

Frank Damico just knew that he was going to die, and he wanted him to fight with Higant.

As a sergeant in charge of Hell's Kitchen, Higant has eaten both black and white. He has been in Hell's Kitchen for so many years, and his power is quite obvious.

If he can lure the 'big daddy' to fight hard with Higant, Higant is likely to kill the 'big dad' and indirectly avenge him.

Even if ‘big dad’ was not killed, he was lucky enough to kill Higgant.

Killing the real power sheriff of the United States, this blame is on your back. Do n’t think of a good life in the future!

These two results, no matter which one, are very happy for Frank Damico.

But what made him unexpected was that the ‘big dad’ did n’t give him a chance to speak at all, and he collapsed with a single shot.

"Do you need help?"

Fang Mu said with a smile.

The 'big dad' hesitated and shook his head.

"No need, I can solve this matter."


Without Frank Damico's provocation, he was originally the next target!

"Okay, don't forget our transaction. If you have anything to tell me directly, I don't want to be 'nowhere to return'." Fang Mu said jokingly.

‘Big dad’ squeezed a smile.

"Relax, I can't die yet. If you have anything, just call that phone."

"it is good."

Fang Mu nodded.

Judging from the three hundred points of fate just now, the fate of the ‘big dad’ had been changed. If he would be killed like this, then he would be fine.

And compared to Frank Damico, Higant is better than killing his identity besides being sensitive to identity.

No matter how strong Higant is, it is impossible for hundreds of people to protect themselves all the time?

If it was n’t for the sake of avoiding grass and snakes, ‘Big Dad’ had already killed Higant!

Since the ‘big dad’ was in jail, Higant was in close contact with Frank Damico.

Higant provided Frank Damico with an umbrella, and Frank Damico provided him with ‘living expenses’.

The two sides rely on each other.

If Higant died suddenly, with Frank Damico's caution, no one knew if he would just run to a mountain foot and hide.

"The police should be here soon, let's clean up the traces."

"I am in charge of the camera."

Fang Mu said.

"it is good."

Didn't even think about the 'big dad', nodded directly.

Immediately afterwards, he and ‘Super Kill Girl’ spread out to clean up some traces that might reveal their information.

Fang Mu walked quietly to Frank Damico, and stretched out a hand at the dead end of their sight.


A memory light sphere was absorbed silently by him.


Fangmu Shiran walked to Frank Damico's office.

Frank Damico ’s office was open, and he walked straight in.

Entered the door, he saw a concave wall.

There are several places above the wall.

Just look at the size of the position, we can see that these positions must have stored the light machine guns.

In addition to these positions, there are several rows of weapons.

Although these weapons are not killers like light machine guns, they are also submachine guns and rifles that have been specially modified to be powerful at first sight.

Fangmu glanced away, then looked away.

The power of these weapons is not small, but it has not much effect on him.

He is already an ordinary LV · 9, only one step away can break through to become an extraordinary level.

Once he breaks through to become a transcendent, the means available are greatly increased.

Modern guns are powerful, but they are not irreplaceable.

Fang Mu sat in Frank Damico's office chair and turned on the computer.

Press a few digits at random to unlock the computer password.

After some operations.


$ 130 million arrived!

"The money for the sixth-level puppets was collected!"

The corner of Fang Mu's mouth slightly tilted.

Not counting the energy core, the cost of the sixth-level puppet is about 100 million US dollars.

The remaining 30 million US dollars can be used to support the Red Tiger Hall, and the next round of expansion has begun.

Frank Damico's accumulation of more than ten years, naturally more than this one hundred million US dollars, but what he left is either some fixed assets or some ‘experimental goods’, which got hot.


'Super Kill Girl' came in.

Perhaps it was because Fang Mu had just saved the life of the ‘big dad’. Her attitude towards Fang Mu was much better, and her tone was no longer so rigid.

It's just that face ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is still high, very ... Ao Jiao.

"All right."

Fang Mu tapped a few times to delete all monitoring data and his own access records.

"Let's go."

He stood up and went out with ‘Super Kill Girl’.

Outside the office.

‘Big Dad’ was carrying a bucket of oil that he did not know where, and poured it on a mass of corpses.

"Are you going to burn them?"

Asked Fang Mu with some doubt.

Before ‘Big Dad’ spoke, ‘Super Killer’ explained.

"Accurately speaking, this building was burned."


"This is the headquarters of the Damico Group. It seems to be a serious wood company, but in fact, there are also many du products hidden here! We don't have time to find them a little bit and simply burn them all!"

The expression of ‘big dad’ said calmly.

The crime he was wrongfully imprisoned in the beginning was to sell du, and his hatred of du products is self-evident.


Fang Mu's expression paused.


A building of nearly 100 meters, you said it burned.

He can only shrug.

"You just like being happy."


'Big Dad' turned on the lighter and threw it on the body.


In a few breaths, the flame spread to the whole bar.

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