Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 756: Borrow

Hell's kitchen.

North District.

Black Dragon Gang.

"Haven't found a clue yet?"

Flode? Claude rubbed his temple, he felt a headache.

"not yet."

Parker shook his head. He glanced at Flode Crowder and said with a deep meaning.

"Even if there were clues, it was burnt by that fire."

"A hundred-meter building, it is said that it burns and burns, waste!"

Flode? Claude sighed. It was a pity that he originally wanted to turn this building into a Claude building.

Damico Group, the last enemy of the North Zone, was destroyed. He was supposed to be happy, but he was not very happy at the moment.

"What happened to Higant?"

The Damico Group was destroyed, hundreds of people were killed, and the Damico Group was burned directly.

And their black dragon gang, rightfully became the biggest suspect.

Early this morning, Higant directly asked people to come to the door and asked them to ask for an explanation.

Higant has been in Hell's kitchen for more than ten years. He eats both black and white. His energy in Hell's kitchen is so great that even Flode Claude dare not easily offend.

This kind of policeman who doesn't speak the law can start to disgust you even if he can't get rid of you!

It would be okay if they did it, but Flode Claude knew that it had nothing to do with them at all, and they completely blamed them.

Killed the Damico Group, and it seemed that they benefited a lot from the Black Dragon Gang.

From now on, their black dragon gang will completely unify the northern district of Hell's Kitchen and become the only master in the northern district!

But this kind of income is more inclined to a reputation and reputation, which are all ‘virtual’ income.

The actual gains they receive are actually very small.

Damico Group basically does not occupy a lot of land, and the ‘business’ they do, the Heilonggang does not have a corresponding supply channel for goods.

Even if they beat the Damico Group, they would hardly get any real income.

More importantly, the strength of the Damico Group itself is still very strong. Even if their black dragon gang is sent out, it is indispensable to beat the Damico Group.

Small gains and large losses.

Flode? Claude just thought about it, and left it behind.

Not at all!

But this kind of thing, he is right to think and do so.

But others do n’t think so!

After only one night, their black dragon gang wiped out the sound of the Damico group and spread it throughout the **** kitchen.

The one-to-one version, if it were not for the Black Dragon to help the people determine that they really did not go out last night, they all believed it!

Even so, the black dragon gang looked strange at Claude Crowder today.

Although they did not dispatch, but it is difficult to say that their boss did not shoot!

The Claude family has ruled the Black Dragon Gang for so many years, is it strange to hide the power a bit?

This is perfectly normal!

Even Parker knocked on the side and asked again today, wondering if this matter had anything to do with him.

Parker felt that he was quite trusted, but he did not think that Flode? Claude would tell him all the cards.

Flode? Claude was very helpless at the beginning.

This kind of thing, poor interpretation, may cause a series of troubles.

But soon, his attitude towards it changed.

Damico Group was destroyed, and it was probably destroyed by the hidden forces of his boss.

This possible result has made all the Black Dragon gangs more awesome to him, while also greatly enhancing the cohesion and self-confidence of the Black Dragon gangs.

Before this.

The three major forces of Hell's Kitchen, Jin and occupy the southeast two districts, Chihu Dian occupy the west district, and the Black Dragon Gang occupy the north district.

Jin and because they monopolize the two regions, the sphere of influence is the largest. Among the three major forces, it is the most confident and the most proud.

Although the Red Tiger Hall, like the Black Dragon Gang, occupies only one zone, but has a record of easily defeating the Western District's offensive and defensive alliance, their self-confidence is no worse than Jinhe Group.

Only their black dragon gang.

Although the strength shown is not bad, but in the face of Jin and Group and Chihu Temple, you can see a clear gap.

Apart from the fact that the time is “long”, their black dragon gang actually has no place to blow, which makes many black dragon gangs very disturbed.

Flode? Claude even found out that there was a phenomenon of unstable people inside the Black Dragon Gang!

Lays down the entire North District, and the gang will still be unstable?

This sounds like a joke.

But the fact is that these are actually happening.

Flode? Claude gave up against the Damico Group, there are some reasons for this.

The strength of the Damico Group itself is similar to that of the Western District Offensive and Defending Alliance. The Red Tiger Hall can easily defeat the Western District Offensive and Defending Alliance.

And their black dragon gang, if they want to destroy the Damico group without losing too much, then it will inevitably consume a lot of time and energy.

The inner part of the Black Dragon Gang was already unpopular because its own strength was not as good as the Jinhe Group and the Red Tiger Hall. If they were allowed to discover this again, would n’t they want to change jobs?

By now, individuals can see that the three major forces, Jin Bing Group, Red Tiger Hall and Black Dragon Gang, will have a battle in the future!

Followed by a gang that obviously had no future and no future, and was very likely to be kicked out of the first round in the final battle ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ That might as well be another one as soon as possible.

If you do it well, maybe you can get a high-level team among the other two forces!

Under such circumstances, Flode Claude did not dare to fight against the Damico Group at all, and could only sink his heart and make a look like "Tao Guang Yang Mu".

Tried to rely on time to slowly heal the instability within the gang.

It's just how useful this practice is, nobody knows.

This is the most unpredictable thing.

Flode? Claude was already prepared, and there must be a lot of people in his gang who would like to vote for ‘Ming Lord’.

But at this time, there was news that the Damico Group was wiped out overnight.

And the arrow of the news also directly pointed to the Black Dragon Gang, or he Flode Claude.

You said, what should he do?

Of course, choose silence!

Admits it directly, and indeed can greatly boost the confidence of the Black Dragon Gang.

Once I found out any clues behind, I found that it had nothing to do with their black dragon gang. Slaps were still second. More importantly, Frode estimated that the heart of the black dragon gang would really be gone.

Not to mention the denial.

Do not say if other people believe it or not, if they really believe it, Frode will be crazy.

Only silence.

Neither admits nor denies.

Only by doing this, can he maximize the power of this incident.


Parker's face was a little strange.

Lord of the fate of the heavens

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