Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 757: Sheriff

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Is he ready to strike us?"

Frood's face sank slightly.

If Xi Gante really wants to start against the Black Dragon, it is definitely a big trouble!

"That's not true."

Parker hesitated and said.

"He seems to want us to ask for money!"

"Ask for money?"

Flod froze.

"Don't he never accept our money?"

"Indeed, he never accepted our money before. But, Flode, times are different."

Parker said with a smile.

Before Higant didn't want their money, one came because they belonged to a gang, and the money was not easy to get; the second came because they gave less money.

Well, it is mainly the second reason.

I have to say that those who do ‘business’ make a lot of money!

Although the Black Dragon gang made a lot of money, they spent more money.

Every year, in order to consolidate its own territory, the Black Dragon Gang does not know how much it will cost.

Damico Group has only one headquarters and a few strongholds. While the consumption is low, the profits are scary, and the money can be given naturally.

Compared with the Damico Group, the money given by the Black Dragon was naturally not seen by Higant.

But now, the Damico Group is gone, and their black dragon gang has completely unified the entire northern area of ​​Hell's Kitchen.

"Yeah, times are different."

Flod took the cat and bowed his head softly.

"Since he wants it, give it to him."


"Boss, the Heilonggang agreed there, but they only agreed to 60%."

"Liucheng? Enough. You have done a good job on this matter. I will give you a credit!"

"Thank you boss!"

The phone hung up.

Higant opened the door and drove away from the police station.

On the car.

"Although the Black Dragon Gang unified the North District of Hell's Kitchen, it is still a bit worse than the Damico Group, and 60% is almost their limit. Continued oppression will only have a counter-effect."

Can be a sergeant for more than ten years in the place of Hell's Kitchen, Higant naturally knows what can be done and what can't be done.

Do n’t look at him now, he seems to kill in black and white, but he also knows that if he really pushes these gangsters, they really dare to do anything!

"The Black Dragon Gang can only take so much. Next, it will be the Red Tiger Hall."

Today's Hell's Kitchen, there are forces with names, surnames, and money. Only the Black Dragon Gang, Red Tiger Hall, Jinhe Group, and Shouhehui are left.

Hand meeting has always been mysterious and extremely cautious, and even Higgant has no contact information for them.

Because of the recent human trafficking incident, even if there was, Higant did not dare to have any relationship with them.

Jinjin Group ······

It is said that someone has a relationship with a member of parliament, but he can't look down on it, nor can it be his turn.

The rest, only the ‘shallow foundation’ of the Red Tiger Hall.

A force that has just been established and is less than a month away. Isn't it "shallow foundation"?

As for the rumors, they said that their strength is very strong, even stronger than the Black Dragon Gang!

Ha ha!

He is the sheriff in charge of Hell's Kitchen!

Anxious him, the murderer of the Damico Group has not yet found out!

Why did the Black Dragon Gang give money so happily?

In addition to wanting to get in touch with him, the most important reason is that they want to use the money to calm down people, so that they don't involve the Damico Group.

This is the rule of the gang and the rule of the **** kitchen.

Anyone who thinks that Higant is accumulating money in his capacity as a sergeant is wrong.

He relied on the identity of the ‘sergeant’, and then used the rules of Hell ’s Kitchen to collect money reasonably!

For example, if he received Frank Damico's money, he could no longer catch his people.

He received money from the Black Dragon Gang, and the Damico Group was destroyed and had nothing to do with the Black Dragon Gang.

If you do n’t do anything after receiving the money, the ‘good citizens’ of Hell ’s Kitchen who speaks about the rules and civilization will never mind sending a few bullets to Higant.


If a gang does not give money, Higant can also do things ‘justly and brightly’!

"For the remaining 40%, the Red Tiger Hall can definitely fill up!"

Higant's mouth was smiling.

Holding the big killer "Damiko Group was destroyed" in his hand, he didn't worry that the Red Tiger Hall would not give money.

He is doing things in accordance with the rules of Hell's Kitchen. Why does Chihudian not give money?

His eyes flashed.

"Maybe I can get more!"

The black dragon gang gave 60%, is it appropriate for you to give 40% to the Red Tiger Hall?

"Frank is so good, and he is helping me even if he dies! Amen! May you rest in heaven!"


Frank Damico will only go to hell?

How can it be!

Frank Damico is such a good person!

He cares about his family and loves his children. During his busy schedule, he never forgets to accompany his children to the movies.

He is also concerned about the physical and mental health of the police. He is worried that these "one-minded" police officers will not be able to eat enough or wear warm clothes, and will regularly sponsor them.

In addition, he also cared about the civilians in Hell's Kitchen and deliberately opened a timber company to provide hundreds of jobs for civilians in Hell's Kitchen at a salary that fully met the accommodations in Hell's Kitchen.

Such a good man, how could he possibly go to hell?

He will definitely go to heaven!

Higant firmly believed in this.

Although he does not know if there is any heaven in this world.


Should there be?

Higant was driving, and he was very happy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although the Damico Group was gone, his "good friend" Frank Damico was also dead, but in such a short time, To solve the problem of 'sponsorship' in the future, this is certainly a happy thing.

The only thing that makes him a little unhappy is that he has yet to find a clue that ‘Damiko Group was destroyed’.

The other party did too clean!

All surveillance cameras in the company, even the nearby cameras along the road, were either killed or the video was cleared.

In the scene, except for hundreds of corpses, all the clues were completely cleaned by the fire.

"Forget it, if the Red Tiger Hall is sensible, then this matter is treated as a fire."

Higant didn't mean to delve into this matter, it didn't make sense.

As long as he can rely on this matter to recover his losses, it is enough.

In other urban areas, where hundreds of people die, it is naturally impossible for a simple fire to cover up the past.

But here is Hell's Kitchen.

And he is a sheriff who has been in the **** kitchen for more than ten years.

The only bad thing is that he needs to provide a lot of sponsorship for his boss.


The car stopped.

Higant has returned to his house.

Turn off the engine and get off.

Higant walked to his home.


A bullet came.

Directly hit his head.

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