Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 759: Let's call the police!

"Black Dragon Gang !!"

North District of Hell's Kitchen.

An abandoned building.

A voice of extreme resentment echoed inside.

"I Chris Damico swears that you will be completely wiped out! Let you all be buried with my dad!"

Chris Damico's face was fierce, and his eyes were filled with hatred.

His dad, Frank Damico, what a kind and kind person, the Black Dragon Gang actually killed him mercilessly!

Heaven can't bear it!


God and man are angry!

The Black Dragon Gang this group of fierce and fierce people should go to the eighteenth level of hell!

"Uncle Joe, let's call the police! Is Sergeant Higant not a friend of my father? We let the police wipe out the Black Dragon Gang!"


Joe's mouth twitched.

Call the police?

You're afraid it's not a misunderstanding of Damico Group.

We are pure gangsters!

Even if the matter is found to be done by the Black Dragon Gang, this kind of thing will be handled as a gang fight.

After so many years of development, Hell's Kitchen has already established its own independent system between the police and the gang.

Gangsters fight this kind of thing, as long as they don't hurt ordinary people, the possibility of police management is very small.

Sheriff Higant?

Ha ha!

If Joe's expectations are not bad, he now estimates that he is trying to find ways to "stop"!

How can you control them!

After dealing with him for more than ten years, he still doesn't know Higant's person?

"This, Chris ..."

Qiao Zhizhi Wuwu.

Knowing what's going on, it's another story.

Just when he was thinking about how to tell Chris Damico tactfully, ‘This does n’t work, why do you wake me up’, the phone rang suddenly.

"Chris, wait, I'll answer the phone first."

Joe was relieved, took out his phone, and pressed the answer button.

"Hello ... it's me ... what? ... I'll get it!"

Joe's face hung up heavily.

"Chris, Sergeant Higant is dead?"

"What? How could he die suddenly? He hasn't avenged my dad yet!"

Chris Damico was shocked first, then said anxiously.

It doesn't matter if you die, avenge my dad before dying!

"Uh, Chris, this matter is very complicated. It is said that Higant was assassinated with a sniper rifle."

"Assassination? Who dares to assassinate a sheriff?"

Chris Damico was surprised.

Although Frank Damico didn't let him get in touch with the family's business prematurely, he didn't understand anything at all.

The ‘good citizens’ in Hell ’s Kitchen are indeed very ‘free’ in their acting style, and they are anxious to urge them to kill even the police.

But the sheriff responsible for the security of the entire **** kitchen ...

Sheriff Higant sat in this position for more than ten years.

Even if you kill the police, kill the sheriff, it is simply against the entire police system!

Who is so despondent?

"It is said that before Higant was killed, people had contacted the Black Dragon Gang. It seemed to be that they had evidence of the Black Dragon Gang's destruction of the Damico Group and were prepared to bring them to justice."

Joe said, frowning slightly.

Higant had evidence of the Black Dragon Gang's destruction of the Damico Group, which he believed. But it is unbelievable that Higant is going to bring the Black Dragon Gang to justice.

If you say that Higgant is going to use this evidence to threaten the Black Dragon Gang, he is believed by 100,000.

Bring the Black Dragon Gang to justice?

Ha ha!

All policemen in Manhattan may not be able to do it!

He took a deep breath.

"According to current external legends, the head of the Black Dragon Gang, Frode, felt threatened, so he specially sent someone to assassinate Higant."

Although he felt suspicious about this matter, he still told Chris Damico one by one.

At the end.

He added another sentence.

"Chris, Higgant is dead. We want to call the police. I'm afraid it's unlikely."


The most important thing is the last sentence ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As a gangster group, after it was destroyed, he went to the police for help. If it was spread, how could he still be in the **** kitchen?

"Damn it! This Higgant did not die sooner or later, why did he die at this time!"

Chris Damico kicked the gravel on the ground resentfully.

Joe glanced at Chris Damico and said.

"Chris, this is actually a good thing. If the police found that this was done by the Black Dragon Gang, then they would be miserable!"


Chris Damico's eyes lit up.

"Can you wipe out the entire Black Dragon Gang?"

"Uh, this may be a bit difficult. The Black Dragon Gang is so strong that the police shouldn't be able to destroy them."

Joe said softly.

"These policemen are really waste!"

Chris Damico scolded.

"Chris, although the police cannot destroy the Black Dragon Gang, we can deal with them in another way!"

"any solution?"

"Grey Shadow Gang!"


in the dark.

An unknown place.

Coulson was quietly making a phone call.

"Secretary, Dick has contacted Chris Damico, the son of the Damico Group, and received a lot of financial support from him. He, probably, has already had a disgust!

Opposite the phone.

Nick Fury was silent for a moment.

When Dick officially took over the Grey Shadow Gang and became the Grey Shadow Gang's leader, he expected this result.

The reason why Dick had promised to be a piece of SHIELD in the first place, besides being afraid of the strength of SHIELD, the main reason came from SHIELD's support to him.

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