Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 760: All the forces

"Dick's Grey Shadow Gang can just limit the Black Dragon Gang. You can also bury a nail in Hell's Kitchen for our SHIELD!"

Coulson thought.

Although the threat of the Black Dragon Gang seems to be much smaller than that of the Red Tiger Hall and the Golden Union Group, this does not mean that it can be relaxed.

As the most 'old' gangster in Hell's Kitchen, the depth of the black dragon gang is so deep that it is difficult for even SHIELD to fully understand.

For example, the destruction of the Damico Group.

It is not clear to SHIELD now whether this matter is the secret hand of the Black Dragon Gang.

If yes, the Black Dragon Gang's strength rating will at least rise to the level of Jinhe Group.

Such a force, SHIELD cannot let it go.

They are just now. Obviously there is no more energy on the black dragon gang, let the gray shadow gang to contain the black dragon gang, this is the best treatment.

"Now, the most important thing is the Red Tiger Hall!"

Colson looked serious.

Compared to the mysterious Chihu Temple, the Black Dragon Gang, or even the Golden Union Group and the Shouhehui, it is just a trivial matter.

"It has been ten days, and the Red Tiger Hall Lord is still in a hurry to stabilize his strength."

If you change to someone else and have a shadow mask, a treasure that can summon shadow creatures, you ca n’t help but unify the **** kitchen.

Colson hadn't noticed John's abnormality like a target because of the angle problem, but he knew Dick.

Dick was one of the first personal experience.

Relying on Dick's description, combined with SHIELD's analysis of John's character data, Coulson easily noticed the abnormality of the mask.

Further analyzed that John's ability to summon shadow creatures is likely to come from that strange mask!

After finding this, they named the mask specifically, called the shadow mask.

"Obviously, the Red Tiger Hall is planning to rule the **** kitchen completely!"

Colson's tone was heavy.

Chihu Temple did not blindly enterprising, but played steadily and steadily, and cultivated its own strength a little bit, until the other party's wings were full, then everything would be irreversible!

"Can't just let it go!"

The second trial is imperative!

Although they tried for the first time, they brought out a "shadow mask" like a big killer. The Western District offensive and defensive alliance jointly formed by multiple forces was easily defeated by the Red Tiger Hall.

But these do not mean that they stopped.

Those strange shadow creatures are indeed very powerful, and their immortal characteristics are even more difficult.


Such strength is not enough to make them retreat.

If John summoned hundreds of shadow creatures at first, they would absolutely say nothing and stay in the corner honestly.

Your child's Red Tiger Hall will grow as it wants!

But John only summoned more than twenty shadow creatures.

"The shadow mask may be powerful, but John is not that powerful."

Colson's eyes flickered.

His secret agent experience over the years has touched many magical objects.

Is John one of them?

Even the so-called Dawn Church, did it just accidentally acquire the special power of a certain or some magical object?

Until you really see the unmatched power of SHIELD, SHIELD will not stop the temptation of the Dawn Church.

"This second temptation, just put it on that mask!"

Without that mask, can John still summon shadow creatures?

If you can't ...

They got the mask, can they summon the shadow creature?

In addition to martial arts, the Red Tiger Hall has a coveted thing, a shadow mask!


"Chris Damico has contacted Dick and reached cooperation? Well, this is the matter, let's just let it develop. You don't have to worry about it."

Morse Group Building.

Office of the Chairman.

Fang Mu is answering the call with his mobile phone.

And the person who talked to him was naturally John the Red Tiger Hall.

When he attacked the building of the Damico Group, Chris Damico and Joe, who were hidden, did not escape his eyes.

For Chris Damico, the hero in "Haibian 1" and the villain in "Haibian 2", Fang Mu thought about killing him.

Although Chris Damico's level is very low, as the main character that runs through the two films, he will never have fewer destiny points.

Not to mention that after killing him, a thousand fate points are the least.

Plus the fate points obtained by Frank Damico and ‘Big Dad’, this is enough for Fang Mu to raise the data consciousness to the full level LV · 5.

But Fang Mu thought for a long time, but still chose to give up.

Chris Damico can kill at any time, but once he dies, the gray shadow gang without money support cannot be an opponent of the black dragon gang, and will be destroyed in minutes.

If the Grey Shadow Gang is destroyed, the Black Dragon Gang will completely liberate itself in the northern area of ​​Hell's Kitchen, and there will be no worries.

This is not what Fang Mu wants to see.

Red Tiger Hall wants to unify Hell's Kitchen, the Black Dragon Gang will be the most important part in the future.

For Chihudian, what restricts its development is not its own strength.

There is a square tree in the back, the strength of the Red Tiger Hall has never been a problem.

Unified Hell's Kitchen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's just a matter of time.

But unification is easy, and management is difficult.

Gangsters in Hell's Kitchen, that's real scum!

Even if Fang Mu lowered some standards according to the actual situation, it was difficult to recruit people.

According to Fang Mu's estimate, Chihudian screened the entire West District and eventually recruited 300 people, which is already the limit.

Such a number of people, the management of the Western District is reluctant, let alone manage the entire **** kitchen.

The number is insufficient.

Naturally, Fang Mu set his sights on the Black Dragon Gang and Jinjiang Group.

Has to say that these two forces have a long-term vision, and the forces under them are managed according to the ‘regularization’ model.

Fang Mu asked John to investigate again, and found that nearly half of the two forces met his admission criteria.

This is quite rare.

The Red Tiger Hall is now recruiting people in the Western District. Less than 15% of the people meet the standard.

Found this square, in order to maximize the preservation of the strength of the two forces, naturally we must think of some ways.

Grey Shadow Gang is the first method he thinks about.

Restrict the strength of the Black Dragon Gang and prevent it from unifying the North Zone completely. Waiting for the critical moment, the Red Tiger Hall will suddenly attack and win the whole Black Dragon Gang in one fell swoop!

"I understand, Son!"

John nodded heavily.

Immediately, he seemed to think of something, and even said again.

"Holy Son, after my observation, those people seem to be tempted ..."

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