Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 761: Osborne Group

"I know, you continue to pay attention to observe, what news, report to me as soon as possible!"

"Yes! Son!"

The phone hung up.

Fang Mu looked at his skill bar.

Data Awareness LV · 4 (3100/4000)!

Destiny points: 0

He has added all fate points to the skill of data consciousness.

Compared with the original data consciousness body LV · 4, the speed of his deduction has been improved, from a six-level curse in three days to one in two and a half days.

"After all, it is not an upgrade. Even if you upgrade more than half of the level, the improvement you get is very limited."

Fang Mu sighed. According to his calculations, if the data consciousness is raised to LV · 5, he can develop the speed of the sixth-level spell.

Now he has invested more than three thousand fate points, more than three-quarters of the four thousand fate points required for the upgrade, but only increased the speed of half a day.

This may be the difference between quantitative and qualitative changes.

Even if he raised the data consciousness to LV · 4 (3999/4000), and the full level LV · 5 is only 1 point of fate, but the gap between the two sides is far greater than this number.

This promotion is not very ideal, but with this promotion, Fang Mu finally deduced the second sixth-level magic spell-Divine Power Curse.

Next, only the last three sixth-level spells are left.

According to his current speed, it takes about seven and a half days.

"It's still a little long."

Fang Mu's fingers gently tapped the armrest of the chair.

Aegis and others, if they are fast, they may initiate a second trial within three days. If they are slow, they will not exceed five days.

"The probability of the decisive battle between the two big iron men is just these days. If it happens before the temptation, it should be able to attract the attention of SHIELD or even most forces. The temptation may be delayed.

Tony Stark's identity is more subtle. If something happens to him, Nick Fury will definitely put his eyes on him for the first time.

Postpone the test of the Red Tiger Hall, which is very likely to happen.

Missed SHIELD Bureau, um, it should add a Hydra.

The temptations of Jin Bing, Shouhe Hui and the Black Dragon Gang are likely to be postponed.

The strange and powerful shadow creatures have seen them before.

If SHIELD and HYDRA are missing and they want to continue the trial, they must increase their investment.

This may cause losses, they may not be willing to bear.

Of course, these are not absolute.

If they were determined, they would have to test out the strength of Chihudian, then Fang Mu would be the same.

The only thing he can do is to upgrade the level of data consciousness as soon as possible.

"Nine hundred points of fate."

Fang Mu looked at the electronic clock on the table.

2010/10/13, 21:26.


Manhattan, New York.

Osborne Group Building.

A low-key luxury class car stopped at the door of Osborne Building.

Fang Mu walked out of the car with a pair of long legs.

Norman Osbourne, who was still a strong man and had a good health, greeted him with a smile.

"Eddie, you are finally here!"

"It's really embarrassing, it's so late, and I came to disturb you suddenly."

Fang Mu said apologetically.

"Do not disturb, do not disturb, I usually still work in the company at this time."

"Mr. Norman is really hardworking!"

"Where and where."

The two of them talked about each other's business and went inward together.

The Osborne Building is 462 meters high, with a total of 78 floors, covering an area of ​​3,000 square meters. Although it is a little worse than the Stark building not far away, it is also one of the landmarks of Manhattan.

In the elevator.

Norman Osborne said with a smile.

"Eddie, this is your first time to the Osborne Group. Can I take you to visit?"

"Okay, then trouble Mr. Norman."

Fang Mu also smiled and responded.

He wants to see what Norman Osborne is going to do.

It only takes ten days, even if he invites many times, after he arrived, he came out to meet him personally. This kind of specification ······

It ’s not that Fang Mu is not self-confident, but because of the poor status between the Osborne Group and the Morse Group. Norman Osbourne did so too much.

This urgent and solemn attitude all shows that Norman Osborne must have something to ask for.

The main business of the Osborne Group is the biochemical medical industry, but the military industry, information technology industry, etc. also have more in-depth research.

In fact, no world-class group can only be engaged in a single industry.

Like Stark Group, in addition to the military industry, its energy industry has also done a very good job, and it can be ranked at least in the top 30 in the world.

Why the Stark Group is so easy to transform into the energy industry is because of these foundations.

Is only relative to the Stark Group's top three military industry in the world, its energy industry is completely ignored by everyone, only to see its strong military industry part.

The same is true of the Osborne Group. Its military industry ranks in the top 30 in the world, and it can even get a lot of high-end military orders, with world-class research and development capabilities.

Compared with the Osborne Group's top five biochemical medical industry in the world, its military industry is somewhat bleak.

In view of the fact that a superhero with a big **** buttocks half a century ago is too famous ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The world's biochemical medical industry is extremely developed, and the competition is naturally particularly fierce.

Is as strong as the Osborne Group, and can only strive for the top five rankings in the world.

Sometimes, the Osborne Group's ranking will even fall out of the top five in the world.

From this we can see how fierce the competition is in the biochemical medical industry.

Inside the Osborne Group building.

50th floor and below are the external front-line work teams and logistics support team of Osborne Group.

51-70 floor, is the mid-bottom research institute of Osborne Group.

71-76 floor, is the high-end research institute of Osborne Group.

The 77th floor is a place where the company holds various large-scale meetings or business negotiations.

The 78th floor is Norman Osborne's office and private space.

Norman Osborne took Fang Mu and went directly to the 71st floor.

He said he wanted to take Fang Mu to take a good stroll, but it was impossible to take him all the way to the high-end research institute on the 76th floor from the low-end research institute on the 50th floor. That was a waste of time.

Among the six floors of the 71st to 76th floors, the high-end biochemical research institute occupies four floors, and the remaining two floors belong to high-tech weapon development and artificial intelligence research.

The 71st floor that Norman Osborne took Fang Mu to happened to be the development of high-tech weapons.

The speed of the elevator is very fast and stable.

Less than a minute.


The 71st floor is here.

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