Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 762: Solo

"Eddie, please."

"Mr. Norman, let's be together."

Fang Mu and Norman Osborne walked out of the elevator with a smile.


Said the two security guards outside the elevator door respectfully.


Norman Osborne responded lightly.

Walked out of the elevator and stood on a platform.

This platform is not big, about five meters long and about two meters wide, and three meters above the ground.

Is surrounded by glass on all four sides, so you can clearly see all around.

Beside the glass, it is a huge experiment place. Looking down from the platform, many people wearing research uniforms are busy.

A closer look at this large experimental site is also subdivided into multiple small laboratories. Each laboratory is conducting various experiments and research and development.

"Eddie, let's go down and see."

Norman said with a smile.

"it is good."

Fang Mu nodded.

The two went to the right.

There is a password door made of special glass. Norman Osborne put his palm up.

"Drip! Verified!"

The password door opens.

The two went down a circular staircase.

Norman Osborne introduced Fang Mu while introducing.

"Our Osborne weapon research is now mainly divided into two directions, one is the miniaturization and portability of high-power bombs, and the other is the development of electromagnetic weapons."

"Electromagnetic weapon research and development? This should already belong to the category of energy weapons?"

Fang Mu held the field properly.


Norman Osborne nodded, with pride in his expression.

"Our R & D team has excellent scientists. The research and development of electromagnetic weapons has entered a trial stage. Although it will take some time before it is actually developed, it is not invisible and untouchable!"

"Your R & D team is amazing!"

Fang Mu praised.

If there is no man next to the building, Mr. Tony, Shit, and SHIELD, then Hydra, and again, and the great Yi Wan of a bear country ...

Your research is quite good.


In this way, it is not unreasonable that Osborne's military industry ranks in the top 30 in the world.

There are too many black technologies in the Marvel world. On the surface, the energy weapons that have not yet been realized are actually a lot of people in the background.

Especially Hydra, it was actually mastered decades ago!

Norman Osbourne took a walk around Fang Mu. Perhaps it was seen that Fang Mu's interest was not particularly high. Most of them just introduced it roughly.

"These are just products that are still in the process of research and development, let's go to the finished product area to take a look."

"it is good."

Fang Mu naturally has no exception.

Norman Osbourne led Fang Mu to the finished product area of ​​weapon research and development.

Came here and looked at the hundreds of finished weapons in front of him. To be honest, Fang Mu was quite surprised.

Here, there is only one piece for each finished product.

In other words, the Osborne Group has developed at least thousands of weapons in these years.

Fang Mu looked closely and found that many of them are not available on the market.

"It should be specially used by the military."

The Osborne Group has a relationship and cooperation with the military. Although this is mainly the cooperation in biochemical medical technology, it is still very easy to win some orders for weapons.

Norman Osborne picked out some representative weapons and introduced their design concepts and various innovations.

"······ we Osborne Group and the Group of Hanmer very different, with our weapons are only part of Osborne's features, you see this ??????"

Hammer Group :? ? ?

Justin Hammer: ······

How can it be said that it is plagiarism in the weapons world? That is a reference!

Ignoring the Hanmer Group who lay down the gun, watching Norman Osborne introduce the weapons developed by him like a few treasures, it can be seen that he is not a capitalist who does not understand anything, but has real knowledge and deep research of.

It's a pity that Fang Mu doesn't feel very cold about these.

Indeed, as Norman Osborne said, these weapons have their own unique characteristics of Osborne, and some weapon designs can even give Fang Mu a bright feeling in front of him.

But that's all.

For him, these weapons are not particularly useful.

His Morse Group did not intend to take the path of the military industry.

Military weapons manufactured by the military industry have always had only two sales channels.

One is the military of various countries, and the other is terrorists of various countries.

The former needs a relationship, the latter needs a way, and not everyone can play.

Arms and weapons, the water is deep.

It is true that if Fang Mu works in person, he can do it regardless of the relationship or the way, but it takes a lot of time.

He himself has other ways to make money, and has already formulated relevant plans, why waste time and insert into the intricate military industry?


Fang Mu suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

"what is this?"

He pointed his finger at an object stored in a round glass counter.

It is an item similar to a skateboard. It is made of metal. It is slightly wider, longer, and thicker than a normal skateboard. It has no wheels, and the whole body shimmers with a metallic luster.

Norman Osbourne turned to look.

"This thing is a solo aircraft."

Sure enough!

This is what he imagined!

Green Devils Skateboard!

Fang Mu's heart is clear ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but his face is interested.

"Single aircraft? Can you tell me something?"

"of course!"

Norman Osborne smiled. He could naturally see that Fang Mu didn't seem to be very interested in those weapons before. Rarely encountered an interested one. He naturally had to introduce it.

"This aircraft uses some magnetic levitation technology and small propulsion technology. As long as you wear special shoes, you can let people fly freely in the sky, whether it is straight, rolling, or even flying backwards. Do it easily! "

It can be seen that Norman Osborne is quite proud of this flying skateboard.

Fang Mu praised it very cooperatively.

"It looks great! Has this aircraft been mass-produced?"


Norman Osborne froze, coughing twice, and said.

"Although this aircraft is very good and the technology is quite mature, it is a bit difficult to operate. It requires relatively high physique for operators. The average person, even a special soldier in the army, can hardly operate it to fight. Plus it The cost is relatively high, one piece needs at least millions of dollars, so ...


Frankly speaking, it's just a bastard. It was returned by the military!

Fang Mu seconds understand, then immediately shift the topic.

"Can you open it for me to see?"

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